Students may be dismissed from the college if their cumulative
grade-point average drops below 2.0. Degrees are not awarded to
candidates whose average grades for their entire work taken at the
university in candidacy for their degrees are less than 2.0.
The scholastic standing of all students is computed at the end of each
term. The records of all students who are deficient, that is, whose
cumulative grade-point averages are less than 2.0, are referred to the
Committee on Scholastic Standing. This committee reviews the work of
all deficient students at the close of each term and may take any of
the following actions.
Warn Students. All
students whose grade-point average for a term`s work is less than 2.0
are warned, and participation in extracurricular activities may be
Place Students on Probation. All
students whose cumu- lative grade-point average is less than 2.0 are
ordinarily placed on probation. Probationary status ordinarily implies
that students will be dropped at the end of the term of probation
unless their work shows marked improvement.
Specify Terms or Courses of Action. The
committee may specify on what terms students may continue their
regis-tration in the college, or what steps they must take toward the
end of achieving a satisfactory academic record. It may, for example,
require that students attend the Summer Session, that they maintain a
specified quality of work, that they complete a certain amount of work
within a limited time, or that they include specified courses or repeat
certain work, even if such work already was passed.
Dismiss Students. The
committee may direct that students be dropped from the rolls of the
college. Normally, the committee drops students if their cumulative
grade-point average drops below the following levels:
1.400 after one year of attendance
1.700 after two years of attendance
1.900 after three years of attendance
Note: Since University College-Camden students are predominately
part-time students, the cumulative grade-point average is based on the
total number of credits, not years in attendance.
Transfer students are dropped if they do not achieve the following cumulative grade-point average:
1.400 with 22 degree credits
1.700 with 57 degree credits
1.900 with 89 degree credits