Terry L. Richartz, M.S., Registrar, Camden Campus
W. Stanley Edens, M.P.P., Associate Registrar and Director of Veterans` Affairs
Betzaida Feliciano-Berrios, B.A., Assistant Registrar
Office of the Registrar
311 North Fifth Street
Camden, New Jersey 08102-1405
Office: 856/225-6053
Veterans` Affairs: 856/225-6045
Fax: 856/225-6453
Touchtone Registration: 856/225-1999
Web Site: http://registrar.rutgers.edu
Web Registration Site: http://webreg.rutgers.edu
Web Schedule Site: http://scheduling.rutgers.edu
Formal admission to the Camden College of Arts and Sciences, University
College-Camden, or the School of Business-Camden and payment of tuition
and fees are prerequisites to registration. All students, by virtue of
registering, agree to comply with the regulations of the university and
of the undergraduate colleges.
Registration consists of three essential steps:
1. course selection with the aid of faculty advisement or the advising office staff
2. entry of the selected program through Rutgers Touchtone Telephone
Registration System (RTTRS) or http: //webreg.rutgers.edu by students
with system access, or at the registrar`s office for all other students
3. submission of the term bill to the bursar along with payment of tuition and fees for the approved program
It is important to note that the registration process is completed only
after the student presents his or her term bill to the bursar along
with payment or appropriate verification of financial assistance in
accordance with the billing instructions.
It is the
responsibility of the student to acquire, complete, and return
registration and term bill information, including payment of tuition
and fees, on time. Most registration notices are mailed to the
student`s campus mailbox in the Campus Center. When information is
mailed, the student`s last address of record in the registrar`s office
is used, but the university cannot and does not assume responsibility
if the student fails to receive this information. Those who do not
register within the time allotted are charged the late registration fee
of $50. For further information, see the Tuition and Fees chapter.
Students seeking to return, having voluntarily separated themselves
from the college, should refer to the Admissions chapter. Applications
must be filed before August 1 for September reenrollment and before
December 1 for January reenrollment.