A student`s academic rank is determined by the cumulative
grade-point average. This weighted average is computed by multiplying
the numerical value of the grade received in each course taken for
credit, and to be included in the average, by the number of credits the
course is worth to obtain the grade points earned in that course. The
grade points earned in all such courses are then added together and the
sum divided by the total credits of those courses.
Grade (Numerical Equivalent) x Credits = Grade Points
Total Grade Points / Total Credits = Cumulative Grade-Point Average
Students who have transferred from other colleges receive advanced
standing for courses taken, as determined by evaluation; however,
non-Rutgers grades are not recorded on the academic records, nor are
such grades calculated in the cumulative grade-point average. The
cumulative grade-point average appearing on the academic record is a
reflection of the scholastic performance of the student only while
enrolled in the Rutgers system and is the basis for the determination
of academic standing and any academic honors or penalties.