The program in mathematical sciences allows specialization in pure mathematics, industrial/applied mathematics, mathematical computer science, or teaching in mathematical sciences. The pure mathematics track is a broad approach, suitable for, among others, high school teachers seeking advanced study. The industrial/applied mathematics track is for individuals seeking to develop professional careers in industry. It is a blend of advanced mathematical methods, computational techniques, and their scientific applications. The mathematical computer science track offers broad yet rigorous training in diverse areas where mathematics provides powerful applications in computer science, such as combinatorial optimization, encryption, signal processing, and parallel supercomputing. The teaching track is suitable for students interested in teaching math in a high school or two-year college. It is similar to the pure track, but it includes a course on teaching methods.
The program, in its design, offers most courses in the evening to suit those students whose outside obligations limit their hours of attendance or the number of courses they are able to complete each semester. Most courses are taught only once every two years. Graduates of any track will be prepared to enter a doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) program.