Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
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Undergraduate Education in Newark
College of Nursing
Liberal Arts Colleges
Admission to the Liberal Arts Colleges
Newark College of Arts and Sciences
University College–Newark
Academic Programs and Courses
Availablity of Courses, Majors, and Minor Programs
Course Notation Information
Academic Foundations 003
African-American and African Studies 014
Allied Health Technologies 045
American Studies 050
Ancient and Medieval Civilizations 060
Anthropology 070
Arabic 074
Archaeology 075
Art (Art 080, B.F.A. Visual Arts 081, Art History 082, Arts Management 084)
Biological Sciences
Central and Eastern European Studies (CEES) 149
Chemistry 160
Clinical Laboratory Sciences 191
Computer Science 198
Criminal Justice 202
Earth and Environmental Sciences (Geology 460)
Economics 220
Urban Education 300
English (350 and 352)
Environmental Sciences 375
French 420
Geoscience Engineering 465
Greek 490
Hebraic Studies 500
History (History 510, American 512)
Honors 525
Human-Computer Interaction 531
International Affairs
Italian 560
Journalism and Media Studies 570
Korean 574
Latin 580
Legal Studies
Linguistics 615
Mathematics (Mathematics 640, Statistics 960)
Medical Technology 660
Music (Music 700, Music Performance 701)
Philosophy 730
Physics 750
Political Science 790
Portuguese and Lusophone World Studies 810
Psychology 830
Major Requirements
Minor Requirements
Puerto Rican Studies 836
Religious Studies 840
Slavic 861
Social Work 910
Sociology 920
Spanish 940
Speech 950
Theater Arts, Television and Media Arts (Theater Arts 965, Speech 950)
Urban Studies 975
Women's Studies 988
Administration and Faculty
Consortium with New Jersey Institute of Technology
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-Newark
General Information
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  Newark Undergraduate Catalog 2006-2008 Liberal Arts Colleges Academic Programs and Courses Psychology 830 Courses  


21&62:830:101 Principles of Psychology (3) Scientific study of human behavior, including historical foundations, methodology, physiological basis of behavior, sensation and perception, and cognition.   21&62:830:101 and 102 may be taken in either order.
21&62:830:102 Principles of Psychology (3) Scientific study of human behavior, including development, personality, social influences, abnormal behavior, and therapy.   21&62:830:101 and 102 may be taken in either order.
21&62:830:103 Cognitive Science I (3) Introduction to the new discipline emerging from the interaction of psychology, artificial intelligence, linguistics, philosophy, neuroscience, and evolutionary biology. Examines a variety of approaches to the study of how humans and other intelligent systems represent, understand, perceive, and use language, as well as learn and plan purposeful actions. Foundational topics in philosophy, evolution, neuroscience, and computation.
21&62:830:104Cognitive Science II (3) See 21&62:830:103. In Cognitive Science II, learning and connectionism, action, cognitive development, cognitive neuroscience, and language are covered.  
21&62:830:301Statistical Methods for the Cognitive and Behavioral Sciences (4) Basic statistical methods in the psychological sciences, starting with basic probability, descriptive statistics, and inferential statistics. Methods are put in the context of basic experimental research in the cognitive and behavioral sciences. Includes such methods as z-tests, t-tests, ANOVA, regression, and correlation. Prerequisites: 21&62:640:113 or equivalent and 21&62:830:101,102.
21&62:830:302Experimental Methods for the Cognitive and Behavioral Sciences (4) Basic methods and paradigms in the cognitive and behavioral sciences. Research from areas of psychology in psychophysics, learning, memory, and perception are used to illustrate basic paradigms used in the cognitive and behavioral sciences. Students conduct experiments, analyze data, and write reports in standard psychology formats. Prerequisite: 21&62:830:301.
21&62:830:304Cognitive Processes (3) Introduces the study of human cognition. Topics include perception, attention, memory, knowledge representation, language, problem solving, thinking, and reasoning. How is the world represented and what are the processes underlying those representations? Considers the real-world implications of laboratory findings. Prerequisites: 21&62:830:101,102.
21&62:830:308Critical Thinking in Psychology (3) Scientific method in the context of popular ideas about psychology. Examination of the best scientific evidence concerning ESP, astrology, hypnosis, and other claims of paranormal powers. Analysis of controversial topics at the intersection of psychology and public policy, such as child rearing and the nature/nurture debate.
21&62:830:323Developmental Psychology (3) Child behavior and development; motor abilities, language, intelligence, social and emotional behavior and attitudes; prevention of maladjustment; relevant research findings; practical questions of child care and child rearing. Prerequisite: 21&62:830:102 or permission of instructor.
21&62:830:327Cognitive Development (3) Development of human capacities, with emphasis on the growth patterns of perception and thought. Prerequisites: 21&62:830:101,102 and 304 or 323.
21&62:830:330Psychology of Learning (3)Explores the key principles and research involved in learning. Learning can be seen as an adaptive strategy to deal with variations in the environment. Learning processes are thus ubiquitous in the human and animal worlds, influencing a host of behavioral and cognitive skills. The course examines behaviorist, cognitive, and neuroscientific approaches to the problem of learning and seeks to integrate these perspectives into a coherent, unified, theoretical framework.Prerequisite: 21&62:830:101.
21&62:830:335Social Psychology (3) Psychological study of the individual's social interaction; theories of interaction and the empirical research employed in the investigation of topics such as attitude formation and change, group structure and process, motivation, learning, and perception in a social context. Prerequisites: 21&62:830:101,102.
21&62:830:346Psychology of Language (3) Research investigations of language behavior as an aspect of intellectual functioning; comparative study of human and animal communication; biological and neurological determinants of language; innate versus acquired mechanisms; information theory; encoding and decoding phonological skills; language models and theories evaluated, including mathematical models, learning theorists (e.g., Skinner, Osgood), and the transformational linguistics of Chomsky. Prerequisites: 21&62:830:101,102 and either 304 or 372.
21&62:830:354The Psychology of Adulthood and Aging (3) Psychological, biological, and cultural aspects of the life cycle from young adulthood to the later years; becoming a person and becoming partners; experimenting with lifestyles; deciding about children and how to relate to them; middle years--changes, crises, new opportunities; retirement and leisure compared with the work ethic; facts and fallacies about old age; death and how we deal with it. Prerequisite: 21&62:830:102. Recommended: 21&62:830:323.
21&62:830:356Family Processes (3)Explores the many day-to-day and larger issues that families experience, such as births, deaths, graduations, unemployment, and divorce. It investigates how families experience these challenges and the strategies they use to cope with them. It also asks how families cope with chronic difficulties such as alcohol or drug addiction and mental health problems. What factors cause some families to recover and grow stronger in the face of challenge while other families flounder and even break apart?Prerequisite: 21&62:830:102.
21&62:830:358Introduction to Clinical Psychology (3) Prerequisites: 21&62:830:102.
21&62:830:363Abnormal Psychology (3) Psychopathologies, their probable causes, and usual behavioral manifestations; theories of pathology and research techniques employed in the investigation of abnormality. Prerequisite: 21&62:830:102.
21&62:830:369,370Fieldwork in Psychology (3,3) Fieldwork at accredited agencies under the supervision of a departmental faculty member and an agency supervisor. Consult the advisers to determine the number of hours required for participation at an agency; advisers have a current listing of accredited agencies participating in this program. Prerequisites: 21&62:830:101,102, junior or senior standing, and permission of instructor.
21&62:830:371Psychology of Personality (3) Major theoretical and experimental contributions to the understanding of normal personality and its development; relative adequacy of different theories in dealing with specific empirical data. Prerequisite: 21&62:830:102.
21&62:830:372Perception (3) Classical problems of perception--the constancies, form perception and the illusions, the perception of movement, neutral color, direction, and orientation; important theoretical issues of perception. Prerequisite: 21&62:830:101.
21&62:830:373Psychology of Women (3) Psychological roles of women in the human situation, traditional and contemporary; functions fulfilled by, and problems inherent in, the subordination of Eve to Adam; wider social-psychological implications of the new feminism; novels, films, and journalistic, social-philosophic, psychoanalytic, and anthropolitical materials. Prerequisites: 21&62:830:102 and either 323 or 354.
21&62:830:378Advanced Abnormal Psychology (3) Current theory and research in abnormal psychology; psychological and biochemical theories of psychopathology; examination of methods and findings of relevant experimental data. Prerequisites: 21&62:830:363 and permission of instructor.
21&62:830:407Parental Behavior in Mammals (3) Evolution of the biological and psychological bases of parental care among mammals. Relationship between mode of reproduction and patterns of parental care and how these patterns are adapted to the ecological niche of the species. Evolution of mechanisms between parents and offspring. Prerequisites: 21&62:830:101,102.
21&62:830:410Perceptual Development (3) Classical and current empirical and theoretical approaches to the development of perceptual capacities. Development of the ability to perceive surfaces, color, patterns, motion, depth, and objects with a focus on how studies of perceptual development inform understanding of mature visual systems and vice versa. Prerequisites: 21&62:830:101,102, and either 323 or 372.
21&62:830:411Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience (3) Evidence from cognitive psychology, neuropsychology, behavioral neuroscience, and brain imaging used to investigate brain systems and mental representations underlying sensation and perception, movement, memory, and language. Brain anatomy, neurophysiology, and relation of brain and cognitive states to our experience of the world. Prerequisites: 21&62:830:101,102, 301,302, 304; 484.
21&62:830:417Theories of Interpersonal and Social Conflict (3) Major theoretical perspectives of interpersonal and social conflict and the application of these perspectives to describe and understand personal conflicts and those in the world at large. Design research to explore and evaluate hypotheses derived from one or more of these perspectives. Prerequisite: 21&62:830:102.
21&62:830:419Animal Behavior Laboratory (3) Provides firsthand experience in all phases of behavioral research; ethical treatment of animals, experimental design, observational techniques, analysis and presentation of results, methodological and theoretical issues. Prerequisites: 21&62:830:101,102.
21&62:830:421Learning and Object Recognition (3) Learning of skills and patterns of behavior as well as restrictions and limitations; recognition of objects in familiar and unfamiliar situations; historical and modern research perspectives. Prerequisites: 21&62:830:101,102, 372.
21&62:830:422Laboratory in Social Psychology (3) An introduction to nonexperimental methods in psychological research including observations, interviews, the use of psychological tests, and available data. Students gain practical experience in designing a survey, administering a questionnaire, entering the data, and analyzing it using SPSS, a computer program widely used in clinical, educational, and social research. Prerequisites: 21&62:830:301,302, or permission of instructor.
21&62:830:423History and Modern Viewpoints in Psychology (3) Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing in the major and 21&62:830:101,102.
21&62:830:424Health Psychology (3) Psychological influences on health, illness, and the improvement of the health care system. Impact of judgments, attitudes, and beliefs on health; emotions and emotional control on health and coping; effects of gender, culture, and individual differences; interpersonal and organizational conflict in health care settings; patient-practitioner interaction; management of chronic illness. Prerequisite: 21&62:830:102.
21&62:830:434Attachment Theory (3) Effects of early childhood rearing on subsequent cognitive abilities, interpersonal and romantic relationships, coping styles, separation, loss, and mourning. Attachment theory examined from psychological, psychoanalytic, evolutionary, and ethological perspectives. Prerequisite: 21&62:830:102.
21&62:830:440Animal Cognition (3) Cognitive capacities of animals, including perception and attention, recognition and learning, concept formation and categorization, intentionality and communication. Continuity of mental states across human and nonhuman species, evolution of cognitive capacities and the animal language controversy. Attention to historical, philosophical, and methodological aspects. Prerequisite: 21&62:830:101.
21&62:830:481Comparative Psychology (3) Comparative study of animal behavior; organization of behavior, and the relations among structure, physiology, and behavior at representative levels in the animal kingdom; comparative ontogeny of behavior and the question of learned and unlearned components; the evolution of behavior in the formation of species. Prerequisites: 21&62:830:101,102.
21&62:830:484Physiological Psychology (3) Physiological basis of behavior; basic structure and function of the nervous system; physiological basis of motivation and emotions; relations between hormones and behavior; physiological aspects of perception and learning; organization of the cerebral cortex; psychosomatics. Prerequisite: 21&62:830:102.
21&62:830:486Neurophysiology and Behavior (3) Structure and function of the mammalian nervous system; neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, and neuropharmacology; functions of the spinal cord, autonomic nervous system, limbic system, higher brain mechanisms, reproductive behavior, pain modulation, sensorimotor and viscero-somatic integration. Prerequisites: 21&62:830:101,102, 484.
21&62:830:491,492Research in Psychology (BA,BA) Design and execution of an original research project under supervision; project may be a psychological experiment, an attitude survey, or a library study; learning how to do research by means of firsthand experience. Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing and permission of instructor.
21&62:830:493,494Individual Study in Psychology (BA,BA) Exploration of contemporary and classical problems in psychology through planned readings and discussions with a faculty member; emphasis on going beyond textbooks and learning to think about psychological issues in depth. Choice of participating in either a seminar class or reading independently and preparing a written report. Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing and permission of instructor.
21&62:830:496The Emotional Brain (3) What are emotions? Neural substrates examined from neurobiological perspectives. Individual and social functions of emotions, emotional intelligence. Prerequisites: 21&62:830:101,102.
21&62:830:498Neuroendocrinology and Behavior (3) Neuroendocrine control of courtship, mating, and maternal behavior; pregnancy, parturition, sexual differentiation, stress, cellular basis of immune action on the nervous system, and neuroendocrine role of steroids, neuropeptides, monoamines, and amino acids. Prerequisites: 21&62:830:101,102, 484.
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