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Graduate School New Brunswick
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Rutgers Advanced Institute for Critical Caribbean Studies
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Rutgers Advanced Institute for Critical Caribbean Studies

Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  Graduate School-New Brunswick 2017 Research Centers and Institutes Rutgers Advanced Institute for Critical Caribbean Studies  
Graduate School-New Brunswick

Lucy Stone Hall, Rm A268, Second Floor

Livingston Campus

54 Joyce Kilmer Drive

Piscataway, NJ  08854

Rutgers Advanced Institute for Critical Caribbean Studies aims to foster multidisciplinary research about the Caribbean to allow a better understanding of the region and its people from a variety of perspectives. Affiliates conduct research on such diverse areas as diaspora and transnational studies; migration and immigration; literary, visual, sound, and performance studies; cultural studies; black aesthetics; critical race theory; gender and sexuality studies; psychoanalysis; black Marxism; black internationalism; subaltern studies; critical feminist discourses; colonial and postcolonial studies; decoloniality; development and political economy; political theory; critical epistemology; intellectual history; history of New World slavery; social movements and revolution; 18th-century studies; the urban Atlantic; contemporary urbanization; environmental studies; insularity; and the archipelagic Americas.

A variety of methodologies and techniques are employed by affiliates to conduct their research, including qualitative, quantitative, mixed, and participatory methods. The initiative is an outgrowth of the Caribbean Studies Hiring Initiative, which encourages and supports the hiring of scholars specializing in the Caribbean across the linguistic areas of the region and from a variety of disciplinary perspectives in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. With seven appointments across the History, Comparative Literature, English, Anthropology, Geography, Women and Gender Studies, Latino and Caribbean Studies, and Africana Studies departments since 2008, the hiring initiative has already been very robust. Dispersed across different departments, there is now a critical mass of faculty interested in coming together to constitute a transdisciplinary field of study in Caribbean studies at Rutgers.

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