Members of the Faculty
Michael Gusmano, Associate Professor of Health Systems and Policy;
Ph.D., Maryland (College Park)
Comparative health care systems; politics of health care; health care reform
and Medicaid; bioethics
Irina Grafova, Assistant Professor of
Health Systems and Policy; Ph.D., Michigan Economics of health behaviors and their
impact on health and economic status
Rizie Kumar, Instructor of Health Systems and Policy; M.A.,
Georgetown Program development; data preparation; statistical analysis
Thomas Mackie, Assistant Professor of Health Systems and Policy;
Ph.D., Brandeis; M.P.H., Boston University School of Public Health Organizational theory; social policy; community and asset-based
public health program development and implementation Alan Monheit, Chair and Professor of Health
Systems and Policy; Ph.D., M.A., CUNY (Queens College) Health insurance and employment; private and public insurance;
health care use and expenditures; the uninsured population; socioeconomic
status and health
Jeannette Rogowski, University Professor of Health Systems and
Policy; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology Health economics
Bernadette West, Associate Professor of
Health Systems and Policy, Associate Dean for Community Health; Ph.D., Rutgers; M.A., American Community health assessment; violence;
disability; health planning and policy analysis
Associate Members of the Faculty
Joel Cantor, Professor of Health Systems and Policy; primary at Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy; Sc.D., Johns Hopkins State health policy; access to care; health services research
Stephen Crystal, Professor of Health Systems and Policy; primary at
School of Social Work; Ph.D., Harvard Aging and chronic illness focusing on gerontological policy
Richard Marlink, Professor of Health Systems and Policy; primary at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School; M.D., New Mexico Global Health; HIV/AIDS
Pizzi, Professor of Health Systems and Policy; primary at Ernest Mario
School of Pharmacy; Pharm.D., M.P.H., Rutgers Applied
health economic and outcomes analyses of drugs and other health care
interventions, with focus on treatments for older populations
Ramesh Raghavan, Professor of Health Systems and Policy; primary at School of Social Work; Ph.D., California (Los Angeles); M.D., Kasturba Medical College (India)
Mental health; adolescent and child health; prescription medication use and abuse; public financing of medical care
Shirley Smoyak, Professor Emerita of Health
Systems and Policy; primary at School of Nursing; Ph.D., M.Phil., M.S.,
Rutgers Legal and clinical determinants of
discharge readiness; barriers to community placement of psychiatric patients
Nancy Wolff, Associate Professor of Health System and Policy; primary at Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy; Ph.D.,
Iowa State Organization, financing, distribution, and costs of mental health
Adjunct Members of the Faculty
Ethan Ellis, Adjunct Associate Professor of Health Systems and
Policy; M.A.,
New York Developmental disabilities related research and service activity
Andrew Greene, Adjunct Associate Professor of Health Systems and
Policy and CEO, Robert Wood Johnson Health Network; M.H.C.A., Trinity Hospital and ambulatory care organization and financing
Susan Hammerman, Adjunct Assistant Professor; Ph.D., Rutgers; M.A., Iowa Developmental disabilities
David A. Henry, Adjunct
Instructor of Health Systems and Policy and Health Officer, Monmouth County
Regional Health Commission; M.P.H., UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Public health practice standards
Terry Konn, Adjunct Instructor of Health Systems and Policy and Assistant Professor, Brookdale Community
College; Ph.D., Rutgers Health finance and budgeting
Donald W. Light, Adjunct Professor of Health Systems and Policy;
Professor, Rowan; Ph.D., Brandeis Comparative health care economic and organization policy; global,
institutional, and organizations ethics; pharmaceuticals and society; health
care management; integrated service systemsNicole K. Martin, Adjunct Instructor of Health Systems and Policy;
J.D., Rutgers; M.P.H., New York Regulatory analysis of complex health issues
Mark A. Merlin, Adjunct Associate Professor of Health Systems and
Policy and Attending Emergency Medicine Physician, Newark Beth Israel Medical
Center; D.O., Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Emergency medicine and emergency preparedness
Andrew Miller, Adjunct Associate
Professor of Health Systems and Policy and Medical Director, Healthcare Quality Strategies, Inc.; M.D., Columbia; M.P.H., Harvard Measurement of health care quality;
health care quality improvement
Marcia M. Sass, Adjunct Associate
Professor of Health Systems and Policy; Sc.D., Johns Hopkins Public health policy, practice, and
research methods
David Wright, Adjunct Instructor of Health Systems and Policy and Project Director, Rutgers School of Public Health; Ph.D., Regent; M.S., Central
Michigan Organization leadership; health services administration
Leah Z. Ziskin, Adjunct Associate Professor of Health Systems and
Policy; M.D., Temple; M.S., Thomas Jefferson (Philadelphia) Community public health