Members of the Faculty
Neal R. Boyd, Professor
of Health Education and Behavioral Science; Ed.D., Tennessee;
M.S.P.H., Alabama
Tobacco control; cancer prevention and control; computer-generated,
tailored-print communications
Patrick R. Clifford, Interim Chair and Professor of Health Education and Behavioral
Science and Associate Dean for Research; Ph.D., Texas School of Public Health
(Houston); M.A., CUNY (Hunter College)
Alcohol treatment outcomes research; research assessment reactivity effects;
longer-term functioning post-alcohol use disorders (AUD) treatment
Christine Davis, Assistant Professor of Health Education
and Behavioral Science; Ph.D., Rutgers Behavioral risk factors for cancer and CVD; obesity prevention;
psychosocial influences on behavior; health behavior theory
Stacy Davis, Instructor of Health
Education and Behavioral Science; Ph.D., Temple; M.P.H., UMDNJ Community-based participatory research; health disparities; health promotion and education and control; informal decision making and risk communication
Cristine Delnevo, Vice Dean and Professor of Health Education and Behavioral
Science, Director, Center for Tobacco Studies; Ph.D.,
Temple; M.P.H., UMDNJ Tobacco control; survey research methods; behavioral epidemiology;
clinical preventive services
Mary Hrywna, RBHS Instructor of Health Education and Behavioral
Science; M.P.H., North Carolina (Chapel Hill) Tobacco control; cancer prevention and control; women's health
Marin Kurti, RBHS Instructor of Health Education and Behavioral Science; M.A., John Jay College of Criminal Justice Crime and public health; tobacco control
Jane Lewis, Associate Professor of Health Education and Behavioral
Science; Dr.P.H., Texas; M.A., Missouri Cancer prevention and control; tobacco control; risk perception
and communication; qualitative research; health communication; social
Laura Liang, Associate
Dean for Academic Affairs and Assistant Professor of Health Education and Behavioral Science; Dr.P.H., M.P.H., Rutgers School of Public Health Community outreach and education Donna Richardson, RBHS Instructor of Health
Education and Behavioral Science; M.S.W., Rutgers Effectiveness of behavioral treatments for
tobacco dependence; development of treatment services for women for patients
with major mental illness
Mitchel A. Rosen, Assistant Professor of Health Education and
Behavioral Science and Director, Office of Public Health Practice; Ph.D., Rutgers; M.S.P.H., Massachusetts Development of training programs in occupational safety and health
and emergency preparedness; creating educational opportunities for practicing
public health professionals; assessing training needs of populations to develop
educational programs to meet their needs
Olivia Wackowski, Assistant Professor of
Health Education and Behavioral Science; Ph.D., M.P.H., UMDNJ-School of Public Health Tobacco control
Louise B. Weidner Assistant Professor of Health Education and Behavioral Science; Ph.D., Utah; M.S.P.H., Utah School of Medicine International health evaluation of health programs among nontraditional populations research design statistics
Associate Members of the Faculty
Diane R. Brown, (Retired) Professor Emeritus of Health Education and Behavioral Science Ph.D., Maryland Health disparities in minority populations; mental health aging; community-based interventions
Elliot J. Coups, Associate Professor of Health Education
and Behavioral Science; primary at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School; Ph.D., Rutgers Cancer survivorship; cancer behavioral
risk factors; cancer-related health promotion; cancer screening
Nurgul Fitzgerald, Assistant Professor
of Health Education and Behavioral Science; primary at School of Environmental and Biological Sciences; Ph.D., Connecticut Prevention of Type II diabetes and
related cardiovascular conditions among minority populations
Audrey R. Gotsch, (Retired) Founding Dean Emeritus and Professor Emeritus of Health Education and Behavioral
Science; Dr.P.H., Columbia; M.P.H., Michigan
Attitudes and practices of consumers and health professionals regarding health
risks; evaluating the training needs of special target groups; environmental
health science education
Kathryn Greene, Professor of Health Education and Behavioral Science; primary at Rutgers School of Communication and Information; Ph.D., Georgia Role of communication in preventing and maintaining health wellness
Ann Marie Hill, Instructor of Health Education and Behavioral
Science; primary at Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy; M.B.A., Monmouth Public health and health administration; cancer research
Shawna Hudson, Associate Professor of Health Education and
Behavioral Science; primary at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School; Ph.D., Rutgers Cancer health disparities; cancer survivorship; cultural
competency; health communication
Sharon L. Manne, Professor of Health Education and Behavioral
Science; primary at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School; Ph.D.,
Arizona Cancer prevention and control; behavioral/psychosocial oncology
Katie Devine Recuay, Assistant Professor of Health Education and Behavioral Science; primary at Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey-Population Sciences, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School; Ph.D., Georgia; M.P.H., Rochester Cancer prevention and control
Jerod Stapleton, Assistant
Professor of Health Education and Behavioral Science; primary at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School;
Ph.D., Pennsylvania State Skin cancer prevention programs;
cancer-related risk and protective behaviors; social and cultural influences on
behavior; adolescents and young adults; health behavior theory
Marc L. Steinberg, Associate Professor of Health Education and
Behavioral Science, primary at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School; Ph.D., South Florida Tobacco dependence in mental health settings; tobacco dependence in mental health settings
Michael B. Steinberg, Associate
Professor of Health
Education and Behavioral Science; primary at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School; M.D., UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School;
M.P.H., UMDNJ-School of Public Health Tobacco dependence treatment; clinical preventive services; cancer
early detection and prevention; physician prevention practices.
Jill M. Williams, Professor of Health Education and Behavioral
Science; primary at
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School; M.D., UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Tobacco dependence treatment; addiction
Rula M. Wilson, Associate Professor of Health Education and
Behavioral Science; primary at School of Nursing; Ph.D., Columbia; M.S.N.,
Georgetown Cancer and health disparities; public health related clinical and
health care issues; domestic violence.
Itzhak Yanovitzky, Associate Professor of Health Education and Behavioral Science; primary at Rutgers School of Communication and Information; Ph.D., Pennsylvania Health communication; behavioral change; program evaluation
Adjunct Members of the Faculty
Rajita Bhavaraju, Adjunct Instructor of Health Education and Behavioral Science; M.P.H., Ph.D., Rutgers School of Public Health Tuberculosis
Heather Jordan, Adjunct Instructor of Health Education and Behavioral Science; M.P.H., George Washington School of Public Health and Health Services Tobacco control; maternal/child health
Joetta Khan, Adjunct Instructor of Health Education and Behavioral Science; M.P.H., New York Medical College; Ph.D., Rutgers School of Public Health Nutrition