The several elements of the usual course of study may be listed, although such a listing does not necessarily indicate the expected sequence of events. Students are encouraged to initiate the dissertation research as soon as the necessary competence is ensured; thus, "course work" and "dissertation research" may be undertaken during the same time period. The main elements are:
1. Acceptance into the program by the Graduate School-Newark
2. Satisfactory performance on the qualifying examination, core area examination, prospectus defense, and admission to candidacy
3. A total of 48 credits in course work and another 24 credits in dissertation research. Required courses (12 credits) are taught at an advanced level; thus, students with no previous exposure in an area are advised to take an overview course before enrolling in the required courses. Students needing to take an overview course should consult with the graduate program director or the associate dean of academic and student services.
Required Courses and Credits
Research Methods and Statistics:
27:202:543 Intermediate Statistics (3)
27:202:640 Advanced Research Methods (3)
Crime and Criminology:
27:202:511 Theories of Crime and Criminality (3)
Law and Criminal Justice:
27:202:521 Law in the Criminal Justice System (3)
Required Course Work: 12 credits
Additional Course Work: 36 credits
Dissertation Research: 26:202:701,702,703,704
Dissertation Research in Criminal Justice: 24 credits
Minimum Credit Requirement =72
The additional course work is to be distributed among the university's offerings. Only graduate-level courses may be included. No more than 18 credits may be earned at institutions other than Rutgers. Students wishing to take credits within other academic units at Rutgers should seek the permission and guidance of the graduate program director or the associate dean of academic and student services.
Most of this work is expected to be taken in the School of Criminal Justice, augmented and enriched through the graduate offerings in other units of the university.
In the term in which the qualifying examination is completed, the Core Area Committee is responsible for working with the student to establish a core area plan of subsequent course work to be completed. This plan is filed with the Ph.D. Committee. After the student has successfully completed the core area examination and formed a dissertation committee, that committee is responsible for evaluating the dissertation plan and determining any additional requirements.
4. Acceptance and defense of the dissertation plan and approval of the course of study
5. Completion of the approved course of study, meeting scholarship requirements
6. Total credit requirement: 72 credits
7. Approval of the dissertation
8. Successful final examination and dissertation defense