general, faculty and students are strongly discouraged from granting or
requesting incompletes in a course; they should only be given when
circumstances beyond the control of the student necessitate additional
time for completion of assignments. When such a grade is given, the
incomplete work may be made up, and a change of grade may be authorized
by the instructor, within any period agreed to by the instructor and
the student up to two additional semesters beyond the original course
registration, excluding summer session. Incomplete grades generated in
a summer session must be completed by the end of the following summer
Any student who has more than one incomplete will be
allowed one semester to reduce the number to one (or none), after which
he or she will not be allowed to register for additional courses until
these are completed or "abandoned." ("Abandoned" refers to a situation
in which the student has agreed that the course may no longer be
completed and the program has agreed to allow the student to continue
with permanent incompletes on his or her record.)