The Ph.D. program faculty in the School of Communication and Information (SC&I) is a body that makes key administrative and curriculum decisions related to this program, which is offered jointly through the Graduate School-New Brunswick. The program faculty meets at least once every semester, and students are invited to attend and speak (but not as voting members) unless the director declares a meeting open to voting members only (e.g., when conducting annual reviews of students).
Full, associate, affiliate, and adjunct members of the Ph.D. faculty
- Full-time tenure-track faculty members in SC&I who have passed their third-year review are typically considered full members of the Ph.D. faculty.
- Tenure-track faculty in their first three years of service, as well as nontenure-track SC&I faculty, are generally associate members.
- Tenured or tenure-track faculty from other programs at Rutgers as well as retired or emeritus SC&I faculty who are still participating in the program may be affiliate members.
- Adjunct members of the program include individuals from outside Rutgers University as well as nontenure-track Rutgers faculty outside of SC&I
Full, associate, affiliate, and adjunct members of the graduate faculty may serve as a member of a student's dissertation committee. Only full members may chair a dissertation committee. Full and associate (but not adjunct or affiliate) members have voting rights in this program.
Ph.D. Program Faculty
For a current list of all faculty members in the Ph.D. program, see the Ph.D. Student and Faculty Handbook.