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School of Communication, Information and Library Studies
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  School of Communication and Information 2013–2015 Undergraduate Programs Undergraduate Programs of Study Information Technology and Informatics  

Information Technology and Informatics

The information technology and informatics (ITI) major is a 39-credit program offered by the Department of Library and Information Science. This major emphasizes the evaluation, implementation, use, and management of information technologies for a wide range of organizations and corporations, as well as the social and organizational aspects of information and communication technologies. The major unites theories drawn from the humanities and social sciences with practical computer-based competencies. This combination prepares students to work in a diverse and highly competitive marketplace that demands individuals who understand the social, economic, and organizational impacts of technology locally and globally. The course of study combines rigorous thinking, problem solving, and technology skills in a program that is based on sound research and current technology applications.

Currently, New Jersey's growth industries--technology, pharmaceuticals, logistics, and finance--are either driven or heavily supported by information technology. Graduates of the major in information technology and informatics seek positions in government, health care, industry, education, finance, and other organizations where their technology skills and understanding of organizational and social informatics make them valuable employees. A representative sample of jobs includes database designers and managers, information designers and developers, web analysts and designers, electronic commerce developers, information technology analysts and information technology associates, instructional technology designers, information technology project managers, coordinators, consultants, project team leaders, and technical writers.

Upon successful completion of the major, students will be able to demonstrate these learning goals of the ITI program:
  • Understanding approaches for the evaluation, implementation, use, and management of information technologies for a wide range of organizations and corporations, as well as the social and organizational aspects of information and communication technologies. A focus is on the importance of logical thinking and the need for highly developed technical skills founded in understanding contexts, principles, and processes of programming.
  • Recognizing and applying the central concepts of management and organizational theory as they apply to the technological marketplace and organizational settings, and how information technology infrastructures and systems support corporate and organizational goals.
  • Understanding people as the users of technology, and the social, cultural, philosophical, ethical, legal, public policy, and economic issues relating to information technologies.
  • Proficiency in the analysis of problems and opportunities to which information technologies might be applied and the development of appropriate solutions including design and use of coding languages.
  • Ability to apply information technology and management theories and concepts to social, professional, and civic life.
Career Opportunities

The ITI major prepares students to work in a diverse and highly competitive technological marketplace that demands individuals who understand the social, economic, and organizational impacts of technology locally, nationally and globally. Graduates work in these and other positions:

  • Information Designers and Developers
  • Database Managers and Designers
  • IT Managers
  • Instructional Technology Designers
  • Information Technology Analysts
  • IT Project Managers
  • Web Analysts
  • Producers and Designers
  • IT Support Coordinators
  • Network Administrators
Admission to the Major

The Department of Library and Information Science seeks a highly motivated and diverse student body. Admission to the information technology and informatics major is highly competitive and meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee acceptance. Minimum requirements for admission include
  • completion of at least 15 credits at Rutgers, or 15 transfer credits, with a grade-point average of 2.0 or better;
  • a grade of C or better in the required prerequisite course 04:189:103 Information Technology and Informatics (or an equivalent transfer course);
  • a grade of C or better in Expository Writing or an equivalent course or placement; and
  • completion of the application including a personal statement. 
The admissions committee considers the following criteria when reviewing student essays: (a) evidence of your interest in the major, (b) your future plans and their relationship to the major, (c) your strength as a writer, and (d) any other qualities that make you a strong candidate for admission to the ITI major. Applications are available on the school's website at: Students may be admitted for the fall, spring, and summer semesters; check the website for the application deadlines each semester. Students are strongly encouraged to consult the school's website for up-to-date information regarding admissions procedures.

Major Requirements

After completing 04:189:103 and being admitted to the major, ITI students must complete three sets of requirements: 

SC&I Interdisciplinary Requirement (3 credits)
   04:189:101  Introduction to Communication and Information Processes (3) OR
   04:189:102  Introduction to Media Systems and Processes (3)

Core Courses (12 credits)
ITI students must complete four required courses in the major:

  1. 04:547:200  Social Informatics (3)
  2. 04:547:201  Introduction to Computer Concepts (3)
  3. 04:547:202  Object-Oriented Programming (3)
  4. 04:547:210  Management of Technological Organizations (3)

Elective Courses (21 credits)
ITI students must select seven elective courses from the course listing for the ITI major.

Several specializations and areas of focus are available within the information technology and informatics program, including game production and innovation. Please check the website for current offerings and course options.

Students must earn a grade of C or better in 04:547 courses in order for those courses to count toward the major.

Internships and Other Educational Opportunities

The ITI program encourages students to complete a 3-credit internship which includes both work experience and an academic component. The program offers an independent study option to students who want to investigate a particular topic more fully under the supervision of a faculty member. High achieving students who qualify may apply to participate in a senior thesis, a two-course, two-semester opportunity to conduct a research project.

Course Transfers

A maximum of 6 transfer credits may be counted toward the information technology and informatics major. Only courses with a grade of C or higher will be accepted for transfer.

Courses that students have taken at other New Jersey colleges, which are articulated through the NJ Transfer system and recorded on a student's transcript with an ITI course number, will be counted towards the major. However, such courses do count as transfer courses to the major and therefore a maximum of 6 credits may be applied to the major.

Students who wish to have a course they have taken elsewhere at Rutgers or externally at another university considered as one of their required or elective courses in the ITI major must submit a request for transfer equivalency in writing to the SC&I Office of Student Services. To submit such a request, the letter of petition must include a copy of the full syllabus of the course, a copy of the student's transcript showing the grade achieved, note which ITI course it is requested to replace, and the reasons for consideration. The courses are evaluated in terms of their very close match of content and skills to the ITI course, the level of the course, and the grade achieved, which should typically be a B or better. Students will be notified in writing of the outcome of the petition.

For additional information, contact RU-info at 732-445-info (4636) or
Comments and corrections to: Campus Information Services.

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