Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
School of Communication, Information and Library Studies
Message from the Dean
About the University
About the School
Academic and Research Units
Department of Communication
Department of Journalism and Media Studies
Department of Library and Information Science
Centers and Institutes
Academic Policies and Procedures
Undergraduate Programs
Master of Communication and Information Studies Program
Master of Library and Information Science Program
Ph.D. Program in Communication, Information, and Library Studies
Professional Development Studies
Faculty and Administration
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  School of Communication and Information 2013–2015 About the School Academic and Research Units Centers and Institutes  

Centers and Institutes

Center for Communication and Health Issues
CHI is a consortium of educators, counselors, and students with a mission to conduct research on communication and health issues affecting college students and to design, implement, and evaluate campus and community-based education, intervention, and prevention programs. It was founded in 1997 by communication professors Linda C. Lederman and Lea P. Stewart, health educators Richard Powell and Fern Goodhart, and substance abuse counselor Lisa Laitman, as an ongoing collaboration.

Center for International Scholarship in School Libraries (
The Center for International Scholarship (CISSL) is dedicated to research, scholarship, education, and consultancy for school library professionals. It focuses on how learning in an information-age school is enabled and demonstrated by school library programs, and how inquiry-based learning and teaching processes can contribute to educational success and workplace readiness for learners. CISSL's director is Professor Carol Kuhlthau; Professor Ross Todd is director of research.

Center for Organizational Development and Leadership (
The Center for Organizational Development and Leadership (ODL) serves as a resource to the university community in support of efforts to create a more service-oriented culture. Emphasis is placed on relationship building and "teaching in all we do" -- inside and outside of the classroom. Education and instruction, consultation and facilitation, and research and development in organizational leadership are core focal areas.

Knowledge Institute (
The Knowledge Institute is dedicated to primary and applied research to advance the understanding of knowledge management in the areas of knowledge generation, knowledge sharing, knowledge use, and the management of knowledge objects. The study of knowledge creation and sharing is an interdisciplinary endeavor that involves communication and information skills and tools and is practiced by professionals in communication, information, library science, and media.

LAIR Laboratory (
The Rutgers LAIR is a laboratory for advanced information research which is home to a number of research projects directed by members of the library and information science faculty at Rutgers. The projects range over many areas, but are all broadly related to the issues of digitally storing, organizing, and retrieving information, in order to serve diverse communities of users. The LAIR is also home to the Alexandria Project Laboratory (APLab), which from time to time conducts studies of library economics. Another resident activity is the Rutgers Distributed Laboratory for Digital Libraries (RDLDL), the predecessor to the LAIR. LAIR is active in sponsoring and organizing workshops on a variety of activities.

SALTS Lab - Laboratory for the Study of Applied Language Technology and Society (
SALTS, the Laboratory for the Study of Applied Language Technology and Society at the School of Communication and Information, Rutgers University, brings together researchers interested in developing and/or using next-generation natural language processing technology that supports communication across cultural and social boundaries in areas such as digital libraries, education, public health, humanities, linguistics, and communication.

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