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School of Communication, Information and Library Studies
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  School of Communication and Information 2013–2015 Master of Library and Information Science Program Courses  


Courses marked with an asterisk (*) are lead courses. Courses marked with a double asterisk (**) are central courses. Courses marked with a caret (^) are offered online as well as on campus.

^ 17:610:501 Introduction to Library and Information Professions (0) A brief orientation to the Rutgers M.L.I.S. program, the information professions, basic concepts and vocabulary, and the literature of the field. Required of all students at the beginning of the first semester of study. Students will gain an overview of the scope and organization of the information professions as well the concepts and problems that define librarianship and information science as fields of study. Required of all entering students.
^ 17:610:502 Colloquium in Library and Information Studies (0) A series of lectures with discussions, featuring guest speakers, that highlight current and recurring issues and introduce students to leaders in the field.  Students will gain awareness of important issues in professional practice, especially as they relate to ethical and policy issues.
Required of all students during a fall or spring semester late in their program of study. Students must attend at least three offerings. No credit given.
^ 17:610:503 ePortfolio Capstone (0) A capstone course where students reflect upon and assess their previously documented learning experiences and coursework through the completion of an eportfolio showcasing their academic accomplishments. Students will also build a professional eportfolio focusing on career goals and objectives. Prerequisite: 17:610:501. Pre- or co-requisite: 17:610:502.
*^  17:610:510 Human Information Behavior (3)  
Behavior vis-ą-vis information as it bears on problems in library and information services and forms a theoretical and professional base for such services. Diverse contexts of information behavior; processes of information seeking, searching, using, and valuing. Assessment of studies of human information behavior in terms of relevance to library and information services.
** 17:610:511 Research Methods (3)
Methods of assessing individual and organizational information needs, with emphasis on quantitative social science research techniques. Includes evaluative methods as an essential component of planning; critiques of published research; computer laboratory sessions for statistical data analysis.
^ 17:610:512 Interface Design (3) Basic principles for designing the user interface in information systems, with special reference to computerized systems. Major topics include: relationships between users' models of information systems and the conceptual models presented to them; human cognitive capabilities; evaluation. Prerequisite: 17:610:550.
^ 17:610:514 Learning Theory, Media, and the Curriculum (3) Focuses on the structure and design of school library media programs by examining learning theories, information literacy, standards, and current trends. Integration of information literacy across the curriculum and inquiry learning emphasized. Prerequisite: 17:610:510.
17:610:515 Traditions in Oral Narration (3) The tradition of oral narration as a medium of cultural communication; appraisal of literatures suitable for oral presentation; techniques for introducing literature through story hours, creative dramatics, and multimedia; the use of new media and electronic technologies for presentation to audiences at a distance. Prerequisite: 17:610:547.
17:610:516 Children's and Youth Services (3) Design, planning, implementation, and management of programs and services based on cognitive and developmental abilities. Emphasis on research and evaluation. Study of information services for, and advocacy on behalf of, young people. Prerequisite: 17:610:547 or 548, or permission of instructor.
17:610:517 Planning Outreach Services (3) Language, ethnicity, culture, disability, and other conditions that can hamper access to appropriate library/information services; methods for studying communities in these categories and developing relevant programs and resources. Students write grant proposals to implement needs-based information services for target groups in specific settings.
** 17:610:518 Designing User-Centered Information Services and Systems (3) The global information society requires new approaches to work, citizenship, education, and the problems of daily living. The rapidly changing information environment calls for restructuring information services and professions in major ways. This course examines theoretical and practical frameworks for a user-centered approach to information services that respond to a community of practice. Emphasis on designing services and systems that support the active process of learning from information for adding value to an enterprise. Pre- or corequisite: 17:610:510.
17:610:519 Information Literacy, Learning, and Teaching (3) Development of effective instruction in the use of information resources and technologies in all types of library settings. Special attention paid to adult learning theory and to the integration of information-seeking behavior with instructional design. Students develop and practice instruction in cooperation with librarians and library users in various settings. Pre- or corequisites: 17:610:530 and 540.
*^ 17:610:520 Organizing Information (3) Introduction to the options and methods for describing and organizing messages, texts, and documents of all types (audio, visual, linguistic, graphic, multimedia) for retrieval. Classification; indexing languages, vocabulary management, and thesauri systems; human and machine techniques; and rationales for decisions about the organization of materials in various contexts. Students apply theory by designing and evaluating an information retrieval (IR) database.
**^  17:610:522 Cataloging and Classification (3) Introduction to the theories, systems, and practices of cataloging and classification. The course emphasizes the functions of library catalogs identified in Functional Requirements of Bibliographic Records (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions), as well as the use of Resource Description and Access, Library of Congress Subject Headings, and the MARC21 (MAchine Readable Cataloging) encoding format in the creation and maintenance of such catalogs. It likewise covers the use of the Dewey Decimal Classification and the Library of Congress Classification as vehicles for access to information and in the organization of library collections. Due attention is given to the history of cataloging and classification and to the impact of the past on current practice and emerging developments.
^ 17:610:524 Metadata for the Information Professional (3) Detailed examination of issues and problems relating to the creation and application of metadata in various information environments. Major metadata schemes, encoding standards, and container architecture are examined with emphasis on functions, syntax, semantics, quality, and evaluation. Additional topics for examination include resource identifiers, controlled vocabularies, and metadata project management. Prerequisite: 17:610:520 or 522, or permission of instructor.
*^  17:610:530 Principles of Searching (3)
Principles of and practices associated with searching a variety of information resources based on professional services for information users and interactions between people-information-technology. Structure and vocabulary of resources relevant to searching. Information retrieval (IR) models, including Boolean (exact match), ranking (best match), and interactive models; web search engines; and web resources. Interactive processes in information seeking and searching; mediation and interviewing process to model users. Search strategies and tactics for effective searching. Presentation and evaluation of search results. Ethics in searching. Includes laboratory exercises and assignments using a variety of resources from vendors, such as DIALOG and LEXIS/NEXIS, the web, and digital libraries.
17:610:532 Collection Development and Management (3) Overview of creation, production, and distribution of materials. Emphasis on community analysis, collection development planning, criteria and methods for selection, collection evaluation, and collection management procedures and techniques.
17:610:533 Manuscripts and Archives (3) Introduction to theory and practice of manuscript and archival administration. Focus on accepted methodology and current issues relating to the collection, organization, preservation, and use of historical materials. Prerequisite: 17:610:520.
17:610:534 Records Management (3)
Examination of the document life cycle of the records of organizations; generation and control; filing, storage, and retrieval systems using various technologies; protection and disposition; and retention regulations and practices. Discussion of how records management concepts and contexts differ from archives and library organization and retrieval systems.
Prerequisites: 17:610:520 and 550.
17:610:535 Competitive Intelligence (3) Competitive and strategic intelligence can support various corporate and organizational objectives and functions. Systematic programs for gathering, analyzing, and disseminating information for decision making. Special attention to the information audit; to tailored selection and analysis of information for given user groups; and to assessment of quality and value of information services. Pre- or corequisite: 17:610:530.
**^  17:610:540 Reference Sources and Services (3) Focuses on the full range of information resources studied and used in applied contexts, placing emphasis on access to information through reference tools and the uses of information by learners. Important considerations are an analysis of strategies for searching and evaluating these works and comparisons between printed and electronic media. Emphasis placed on research tools, communication, information services, policy development, and evaluation. Pre- or corequisite: 17:610:530.
17:610:541 Government Information Resources (3) Introduction to the nature and use of federal, state, local, and international government information resources. Problems relating to the acquisition, bibliographic organization, and reference use of public documents. Major emphasis on information resources of the U.S. federal government. Prerequisite: 17:610:540 or permission of instructor.
17:610:542 Information Resources in Science and Technology (3) Generation, communication, use, bibliographic structure, and resources of scientific and technical information for managing collections and providing reference and information retrieval (IR) services. Special attention to the fields of biology, medicine, chemistry, physics, mathematics, engineering, agriculture, and the environment. Prerequisite: 17:610:540 or permission of instructor.
17:610:543 Information Resources in Business and Economics (3) Generation and dissemination of business and economic information, with emphasis on the societal implications of communication and use of this information by private and public agencies. Students gain familiarity with both print and electronic resources. Prerequisite: 17:610:540 or permission of instructor.
17:610:544 Information Resources in the Humanities (3) Study of print and electronic reference sources and research centers and organizations that produce information in the humanities. Special attention to interdisciplinary areas and problems in searching across fields. Prerequisite: 17:610:540 or permission of instructor.
17:610:545 Information Resources in the Health Sciences (3) Bibliographic structures and resources used to provide collections and services in medical, dental, pharmaceutical, nursing, and other health fields. Emphasis on audiovisual materials, electronic searching, and networks in medical and dental schools, hospitals, and special libraries. Prerequisite: 17:610:540 or permission of instructor.
17:610:546 Information Resources in Law (3) An introduction to legal materials, focusing on federal and New Jersey research.
Prerequisite: 17:610:540 or permission of instructor.
^ 17:610:547 Materials for Children (3) Examination and evaluation of both print and nonprint materials for children, birth to age 12. Emphasis on literary and artistic interpretations of picture books and other visual media, including the World Wide Web.
^ 17:610:548 Materials for Young Adults (3) Evaluation and selection of materials based on literary criteria and the biological, sociocultural, psychological, and developmental characteristics of young adults; guidance in their use. Emphasis on gender-fair and multicultural materials and the attitudes, interests, problems, and opportunities of young adults in contemporary society.
17:610:549 Information Resources in the Social Sciences (3) Study of print and electronic reference sources and research centers and organizations that produce information in the social sciences. Special attention to interdisciplinary areas and problems in searching across fields. Prerequisite: 17:610:540 or permission of instructor.
*^ 17:610:550 Information Technology for Libraries and Information Agencies (3)
This course introduces computing concepts and basic information processing/management skills for knowledge workers through practice. Common data/information processing/management tools/skills covered include: text editors/word processors/HTML for text and webpages; database management systems for factual data; and spreadsheet software for numeric data. For the networked information environment, focus is placed on web technology: how the internet works, client/server architecture for various internet services, and practical skills on construction of websites to organize information resources. Other issues related to information technology, such as data and system security, etc., are also discussed.
**^  17:610:551 Information Retrieval (3) Theory, design, use, and evaluation of information retrieval (IR) systems. Design principles for IR systems and their implementation, characteristics of operational and experimental retrieval systems, and evaluation of information retrieval systems. Prerequisites: 17:610:510 and 550.
** 17:610:552 Understanding Library Systems and Software Applications (3) Covers the evaluation, selection, application, integration, and management of information systems supporting library and information services. Includes systems and software for content management, circulation, acquisition, cataloging, access, and digital library networks. Prerequisite: 17:610:550.
**^  17:610:553 Digital Libraries (3) Fundamental issues, problems, and approaches to digital libraries, reflecting differing efforts and thinking in a number of fields and enterprises. Variety of digital library collections; organization, access, and use of digital libraries. Technical infrastructure; socioeconomic issues; integration of information resources; relation to traditional libraries. Current projects and initiatives. Prerequisite: 17:610:550.
^ 17:610:554 Information Visualization and Presentation (3) Design of presentations using texts, graphics, images, and sounds. User interpretation, navigation, and interaction with visualizations. Visualization in information retrieval and interfaces in library and information processes. Effective display and presentation of information using various formats, both print and electronic. Prerequisite: 17:610:550.
^ 17:610:555 Multimedia Production (3) A laboratory course in the design and production of multimedia resources for libraries, media centers, information systems, and other informational applications. Examines and critiques current uses of new media and provides skills in user-centered multimedia design. Prerequisite: 17:610:550.
17:610:556 Preservation of Library and Archival Materials (3) The physical nature of materials and the causes of deterioration. Techniques for promoting longevity; environmental control; storage and handling practices; and reformatting. Disaster planning and recovery. Digital preservation. Visits to conservation studios and archives. Pre- or corequisite: 17:610:520 or 580.
17:610:557 Database Design and Management (3) Relational, object-oriented, and other database systems as tools for management decision making, for inclusion on the web, and other purposes. Custom designing versus off-the-shelf applications. Prerequisite: 17:610:550.
^ 17:610:558 Digital Library Technology (3) Organizational, technical, and logistical issues concerning the design and implementation of electronic collections, documents, and services. Students learn in the context of building their own prototype digital library. Pre- or corequisite: 17:610:553.
*^ 17:610:570 Management of Libraries and Information Centers (3) An introduction to the current state of management theory, ethics, and practice focusing on leadership and the management of organizational change. Organizational culture explored as an underpinning for the principal roles and functions of managers, including developing information policy and managing new information technologies, information and decision support systems, finances, and human resources conducive to the creation of a multicultural workforce for a multicultural society.
** 17:610:571 Leadership in Theory and Practice (3) Leadership theory, principles, and practice, particularly emphasizing: feminist theory as it relates to a feminized profession; communication and diversity in organizations and in a global society; and recurring professional and leadership issues within the local, national, and international structure of the library and information professions.
17:610:572 Evaluation of Library and Information Services and Systems (3) Methods of assessing performance and value, with emphasis on evaluating each system or service in its context. Specification of criteria, measures, measuring instruments, and methods of evaluation related to a variety of library services and to information retrieval (IR) systems.
17:610:573 Financial Management for Library and Information Organizations (3) Introduction to fiscal management as a strategic planning process resulting in the selection of accounting systems and the development and control of budgets. Emphasis on the creation of a financial plan based on an assessment of fiscal status, an environmental scan, market survey, and the selection and implementation of a budget format. Special attention given to capturing alternative sources of funding, preparation of grant proposals, and determination of appropriate investment strategies.
** 17:610:574 Knowledge Management in Organizations (3) Critical approach to theories and applications of knowledge management in corporations and organizations, with special attention to multinationals. Knowledge as a resource and asset. Role of special librarians/information specialists as knowledge brokers. Knowledge repositories and transfer of technology. Applications of information technologies to knowledge management.
^ 17:610:575 Management of School Library Media Programs (3) Students conduct a case study of a school library media center, with emphasis on how it responds to the nature of the community and the mission of the district and the school. The facility, the collection, staffing, and funding are analyzed. A long-range improvement plan is produced. Prerequisite: 17:610:514. Corequisite: 17:610:592.
17:610:576 Supervision in the Media Center (3) Application of general principles and theories of supervision to current problems in school library media center administration. Techniques and competencies needed to function as a supervisor in schools and in school districts. THIS COURSE DOES NOT APPLY TO M.L.I.S. DEGREE; IT MAY BE APPLIED TO THE POST-MASTERS N.J. STATE CERTIFICATE IN SUPERVISION for those with both teaching certification and school library media certification.
Prerequisite: 17:610:575.
17:610:578 Interpersonal Communication for the Information Professional (3) Provides an overview of interpersonal communication theory with in-depth analysis of practical application in library and information science settings. Topics include strategies for understanding and improving interpersonal interactions (with clients, colleagues, support personnel, and administrators); professional-client interactions; dealing with problematic situations; the role of nonverbal communication; and intercultural communication.
* 17:610:580 Knowledge Structures and the Information Professions (3) Introduction to the production, dissemination, and consumption of knowledge in society, related to roles of information professionals and the functions of libraries and other information institutions. Differences among disciplines in how knowledge is recorded and transmitted. Global issues and trends in society that have affected scholarly communication and the public's access to information.
** 17:610:581 Social Informatics (3) Technological innovation, computerization, and electronic information are associated with dilemmas, value conflicts, and choices surrounding the scholarly, personal, and professional use of information. Addresses social relationships, technological utopianism, societal control, vulnerability of information systems, and ethical responsibilities.
** 17:610:582 Information Policy (3) The economic, social, and political forces affecting the introduction and implementation of current information legislation and policy, set within the theoretical context of frame refection. Emphasis on national and global policy in the design of evolving electronic infrastructures. Particular attention given to issues of access, including universal service, intellectual freedom, intellectual property rights, privacy, security, advocacy, equity, and the role of library and information professionals and organizations in policy formulation.
17:610:583 Social History of Children's Literature (3) Historical overview of literary content, illustration, social values, and publishing of children's literature, primarily in England and the United States. Consideration of scholarship and resources in the field. Prerequisite: 17:610:547 or permission of instructor.
17:610:584 Intellectual Freedom in Libraries (3) Examines the historical and legal background of intellectual freedom in libraries as well as current trends and topics. The course discusses the many challenges to the concept and practice of intellectual freedom from technological to political to legal. Students learn how to articulate, promote, and defend intellectual freedom policies as a key component of professional practice in all types of library and information services.
17:610:585 Reading Interests of Adults (3)
Examination and evaluation of materials for adult library users, with special attention to fiction genres. Use of materials in programming. Emphasis on popular culture and adult literacy.
17:610:586 The History of Books, Documents, and Records in Print and Electronic Environments
The course will examine the production and circulation of knowledge in light of changing technologies, institutions, and textual forms. An overview and comparison of textual transmission in oral, manuscript, print, and electronic communication environments will include regulatory frameworks and the history of "intellectual property" (from attribution and authorship to participatory ownership of creation). It will examine the current scholarship relevant for understanding books, documents, and record manifestations comparatively. The focus on the book trades, web spheres, and sociotechnical systems such as digital libraries will prompt questions about the nature of texts (print, nonprint, and digital), their reception, associated literacy practices, and communities and institutional contexts. The course will present a critique of the technological revolution perspective.
17:610:587 Understanding, Designing, and Building Social Media (3) What makes social media--such as Facebook, Flickr, Twitter, and MySpace--work? The goal of this project-based course is to merge social science, information science, computer science, and engineering approaches to explore the social and technological forces driving social media services (including, for example, technological adoption, interaction design, social networks, computational and information aspects of social media, and communication and motivation theories).
17:610:588 Social Media Research Seminar (3) This seminar-format course will guide students in conducting a research project in a topic of interest that involves social media. Social media refers to an emerging set of platforms (including, but not limited to Facebook, Flickr, and Twitter) in which users display content in a public or semipublic manner. Increasingly, these platforms significantly impact individuals, organizations, and our society at large. In this course, students will produce a paper of publishable quality while gaining a deep understanding of interdisciplinary research in the field of social media.
17:610:591,593 Individual Study I,II (3,3) Prior to registering, students write a proposal for the study, specifying rationale and outcome, and seek the approval of a faculty member who will supervise the investigation. Usually pursued near the end of the student's program of study. May be pursued by a student interested in a specialized topic or type of library/information practice not covered in the curriculum.
17:610:592 Field Experience (3) Requires a minimum of 150 hours of supervised professional work in a library or other information organization, attendance at meetings with the faculty adviser and other students, keeping a journal, and a brief summary paper. Placement is based on the student's background and career objectives. Prerequisite: Successful completion of at least 15 credits of coursework. Arrangements must be made with the faculty adviser early in the preceding semester.
17:610:596,597,598,599 Special Topics (BA) Special Topics are new courses developed in response to emerging areas of interest, and courses in traditional areas given occasionally as student demand dictates. Special Topics numbers may also be used for students enrolled in WISE Consortium courses. Rutgers School of Communication and Information is a member of the WISE Consortium, a collaboration of accredited universities who offer online master's programs in library and information science. Students at Rutgers may be able to register for one or two online courses at another university through WISE, with permission of an adviser. WISE courses count as transfer credits to the M.L.I.S. program; note that a maximum of 6 transfer credits in total may be counted toward an M.L.I.S. degree.
17:610:800 Matriculation Continued (0) * Students who must interrupt their studies may, with the approval of the program director, register for Matriculation Continued (leave of absence). There is no tuition for this registration, although a student fee is charged. Students who do not register for Matriculation Continued will be charged a reactivation fee upon their approved return to the program. (Note that international students on temporary visas who interrupt their studies must in most cases leave the United States during such periods.) Matriculation Continued is available only to students not enrolled in any coursework and not using faculty time or university facilities except to complete previous coursework from classes with incomplete or temporary grades. M.L.I.S. students may enroll in Matriculation Continued for a maximum of two consecutive semesters. Students are still expected to complete the M.L.I.S. program within three years; a request to extend the time for the degree would have to be done separately. All M.L.I.S. students who are engaged in the completion of degree requirements are expected to  register for at least 6 credits per semester or 12 credits per year, including summer, in order to meet the three-year limit for the degree.
^ 17:611:520 Theory and Foundations of Education for the School Library Media Specialist (3) An introduction to the historical foundations and major theories and philosophies in education. The focus is on the role of the school library media specialist as a teacher in the media center and the professional community of the school. Students will explore and apply learning and child development theories; develop strategies for communication with students, parents, faculty and staff, administration, and other professionals; and explore legal issues connected to the role of library media specialist. A major component of the class will be to support each student in developing a personal philosophy of education.
Prerequisites: Permission to enroll in this course will be granted to students who are seeking certification as a school library media specialist or associate school library media specialist, as evidenced by current or previous enrollment in appropriate coursework; experience using email and basic World Wide Web searching techniques, your own reliable internet account, and the hardware and software required for an online course. This course does not apply to the M.L.I.S. degree. It may used toward fulfillment of N.J. state requirements for education coursework for School Library Media and Associate School Library Media certification.  Students must confirm with an adviser that this courses are appropriate for their situation before enrolling.
^ 17:611:521 Curriculum Design/Integration and Teaching Methodologies for the School Library Media Specialist (3) This course is an introduction to teaching strategies and learning models used in the classroom and library media center. Students will focus on new trends in educational research and identify current trends in instruction. Emphasis will be placed on the planning and construction of lesson plans and units of study based on principles of curriculum design for the instruction and integration of New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards and Information Literacy Standards for Student Learning.
Prerequisites: Permission to enroll in this course will be granted to students who are seeking certification as a school library media specialist or associate school library media specialist, as evidenced by current or previous enrollment in appropriate coursework; experience using email and basic World Wide Web searching techniques, your own reliable internet account, and the hardware and software required for an online course. May require observations to be completed in a school setting. This course does not apply to the M.L.I.S. degree. It may used toward fulfillment of N.J. state requirements for education coursework for School Library Media and Associate School Library Media certification.  Students must confirm with an adviser that this courses are appropriate for their situation before enrolling.
^ 17:611:522 Student Learning Development and Behavior Management for the School Library Media Specialist (3) An introduction to the characteristics and learning styles of learners, techniques for classroom management, and rules and expectations in the school library and classroom. Prerequisites: Permission to enroll in this course will be granted to students who are seeking certification as a school library media specialist or associate school library media specialist, as evidenced by current or previous enrollment in appropriate coursework; experience using email and basic World Wide Web searching techniques, your own reliable internet account, and the hardware and software required for an online course. May require observations to be completed in a school setting. This course does not apply to the M.L.I.S. degree. It may used toward fulfillment of N.J. state requirements for education coursework for School Library Media and Associate School Library Media certification.  Students must confirm with an adviser that this courses are appropriate for their situation before enrolling.
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