^ 17:610:501
Introduction to Library and Information Professions (0)*
A brief orientation to the Rutgers M.L.I.S. program, the information professions, basic concepts and vocabulary, and the literature of the
field. Required of all students at the beginning of the first semester of study.
Required of all entering students. Presented in the form of a packet of readings and a brief orientation at the beginning of a student's first semester. No credit given.
^ 17:610:502
Colloquium in Library and Information Studies (0)*
A series of lectures with discussions, featuring guest speakers, that highlight
current and recurring issues and introduce students to leaders in the
Required of all students during a fall or spring semester late in their program of study. Students must attend at least three offerings. No credit given.
^ 17:610:503
ePortfolio Capstone (0)*
A capstone class where students reflect upon and assess their previously documented learning experiences and coursework through the completion of an eportfolio showcasing their academic accomplishments. Students will also build a professional eportfolio focusing on career goals and objectives.
Prerequisite: 17:610:501. Pre- or co-requisite: 17:610:502.
Individual Study I,II (3,3)
Prior to registering, students write a proposal for
the study,
specifying rationale and outcome, and seek the approval of a faculty
member who will supervise the investigation. Usually pursued near the
end of the student's program of study.
May be pursued by a student interested in a specialized topic or type of library/information practice not covered in the curriculum.
Field Experience (3)
Requires a minimum of 150 hours of supervised
professional work in a
library or other information organization, attendance at meetings with
the faculty adviser and other students, keeping a journal, and a brief
summary paper. Placement is based on the student's background and
career objectives.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of at least 15 credits of coursework. Arrangements must be made with the faculty adviser early in the preceding semester.
Special Topics (BA)
Special Topics are new courses developed in
response to emerging areas of interest, and courses in traditional
areas given occasionally as student demand dictates. Special Topics
numbers may also be used for students enrolled in WISE Consortium
courses. Rutgers School of Communication and Information is a member of the WISE Consortium, a collaboration of accredited universities who
offer online master's programs in library and information science.
Students at Rutgers may be able to register for one or two online
courses at another university through WISE, with permission of an
adviser. WISE courses count as transfer credits to the M.L.I.S.
program; note that a maximum of 6 transfer credits in total may be
counted toward an M.L.I.S. degree.
Matriculation Continued (0)*
Registration is required in 610:800 for all students who wish to maintain their place in the M.L.I.S. program but who will not be registering for courses in a given semester.
Prerequisite: Permission required of the director of the program.