The School of Criminal Justice is located in Newark, the largest
city in the state of New Jersey. Founded in 1666, Newark continues to be
a commercial and industrial center, located approximately 20 minutes
from midtown Manhattan.
The School of Criminal Justice shares the Center for Law and
Justice at 123 Washington Street at Rutgers University-Newark with
Rutgers Law School and the Chancellor's office. This facility provides
state-of-the-art classrooms and libraries for both the criminal justice
and law collections and incorporates cutting-edge computer and
multimedia technology. The building opened in 1999.
In 1968, the state legislature authorized and directed Rutgers, The
State University of New Jersey, to establish a School of Criminal
Justice. The act states:
The legislature finds there is a need in New Jersey for academic
contributions to the administration of criminal justice through
teaching, research, and leadership, including the training of
administrators and those requiring scientific background in this field,
by study and searching inquiries into crime causation, juvenile
delinquency, law enforcement procedure, criminal rehabilitation, and
judicial doctrine relating to the trial of criminal cases, which dictate
establishment of a school of criminal justice.
Thus, in authorizing the school, emphasis was given by the
legislature to needs in three areas: instruction, research, and
leadership. Similarly, the planning committee for the school, in its
report to the president of the university, recommended equally weighted
essential objectives of research, teaching, promotion, and outreach. The
committee reported these objectives as both urgent and appropriate:
1. Address research into all aspects of the criminal justice
system, both to increase our knowledge in general and to provide data on
which to base institutional change.
2. Produce qualified teachers/scholars of criminal justice studies
to staff training and educational programs created throughout the state
to focus on criminal justice.
3. Train a pool of highly educated personnel available for
planning, policy determination, and administrative positions within the
criminal justice system.
4. Engage students through both academic studies and outreach programs in the criminal justice system.
5. Upgrade, educationally and professionally, practitioners now working within the criminal justice system.
6. Provide opportunities for improved training and education of entry-level personnel.
In addressing instructional needs, the committee emphasized the
education of qualified teachers/scholars in this field, as well as the
education of personnel for planning, policy determination, and
management of criminal justice. The committee recommended that the
instructional staff of the school concentrate on graduate education for
practitioners within the criminal justice system, or for other
individuals interested in focusing on criminal justice concerns, with
such instruction leading toward graduate degrees. It emphasized the need
for a broad perspective on the interactions of the elements comprising
the criminal justice system and stressed an integrative approach in the
improvement of the functioning of the criminal justice system.
In 1995, the school assumed responsibility for undergraduate instruction in criminal justice at Rutgers-Newark. Compatible
with the graduate program, the undergraduate program's emphasis is on
providing undergraduates with a broad educational foundation focused on
issues of crime, deviance, law, and justice. These students, too, are
exposed to research, community outreach, and criminal justice reform as
part of their instructional program.