Business School: Undergraduate-Newark
students pursuing the Real Estate concentration will take three courses (9 credits) - two core requirements and one elective. The concentration is open to all students, with the exception of students following the Finance Real Estate major track.
for Real Estate Concentration (6 credits):
29:390:480 Real Estate
Finance (3)
29:390:450 Real Estate Law
Electives (3 credits):*
Students must
select one of the following courses as electives:
29:851:430 Market Analysis and Valuation in Real Estate (3)
29:851:432 Development (3)
29:851:460 Property Management and Real Estate Investment Management (3)
29:390:476 Real Estate Capital Markets (3)
21:220:353 Urban and Regional Economics (3)
*Please note that all electives have Real Estate Law and Real Estate Finance as prerequisites - both courses must be taken before the elective course. This concentration cannot be completed in one semester.