Newark College of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-Newark, University College-Newark; School of Public Affairs and Administration; and School of Criminal Justice students may add courses through the ninth calendar day of the semester on WebReg. Dates for add/drop are listed on the Rutgers University–Newark Office of the Registrar's website. Any changes to this policy will be reflected on this webpage as well.
Students may drop courses without penalty only through the eighth calendar day of the semester.
From the ninth calendar day until the end of the ninth week of instruction of the semester, a student may withdraw from a course on WebReg or in person at the Office of the Registrar and receive a W (withdrawal) grade. For each course dropped after the eighth calendar day of the semester, the university charges tuition for the course, and the course appears on the student's academic record.
Students seeking to withdraw entirely from the university for a semester must see their academic dean. See this catalog page.
No course may be dropped after the ninth week of the semester. A student who stops attending a course and fails to give written notice to the registrar receives a failing grade in that course. No refund is granted for a course dropped after the eighth calendar day of the semester.