A major in sociology provides the student with a basic understanding of the causes and consequences of the ways people behave in relation to one another. It is a pertinent field of study for anyone whose work focuses on human social behavior, whether that work is in sales, politics, law, management, instruction, advertising, journalism, research, criminal justice, or social welfare.
The requirements for the major include:
1. 38 credits in sociology 920. Courses in anthropology can also be applied as electives toward the sociology major. Courses in other social science departments may apply as electives at the discretion of the sociology department. Students must consult with an adviser when declaring the sociology major.
2. All majors are required to successfully pass (with a grade of C or better):
21:920:201 Introduction to Sociology (3)
21:920:301-302 Social Research I,II (4, 4)
21:920:409 Classical Sociological Theory (3)
21:920:415 Contemporary Sociological Theory (3)
3. Research methodology sequence: Students who wish to major in sociology must take a research methodology sequence. This requirement can be met through the Social Research Methods in Sociology courses (Soc 301 and 302), or Research Methods in Criminal Justice (CJ 301 and 302), or Statistical Methods in Psychology (Psych 301 and 302).
4. Elective courses: Majors must complete 21 elective credits (typically seven courses at 3 credits per course). Five elective courses (15 credits) must be earned with a grade of C or better in courses taken in either sociology or anthropology. Two courses (6 credits) from other disciplines may be counted toward the major with the explicit permission of the student's adviser.
5. Students who double-major in sociology and another discipline must successfully complete the required courses for the major and are required to get approval from a sociology adviser before applying courses from another major toward the sociology major. Students who specifically double-major in sociology and criminal justice, political science, psychology, or social work must successfully pass at least four sociology or anthropology elective courses in addition to the required courses in order to receive credit toward the sociology major. Note: where it is required of both majors, double-majors are only required to take the research methodology sequence (301-302) once to satisfy the requirements of both majors.
Candidates for graduate school are advised to take a foreign language and/or advanced courses in mathematics/statistics.