Individuals who do not wish to matriculate or work toward a degree may enroll in selected courses for two semesters. These applicants should complete the online application at and select University College–Newark when offered to select colleges on the application. Nonmatriculating students should submit the same credentials as required for matriculating students. Bachelor degree holders must submit all college transcripts but are exempt from the high school transcript requirement.
If the student is a graduate of the Newark College of Arts and Sciences or University College–Newark, an application with the admissions office is not required. Rather, students should contact the dean of student affairs at 973-353-5800, or visit the office located in Hill Hall for a reentry form.
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, also encourages senior citizens to audit courses on a noncredit, space-available basis. New Jersey residents, aged 62 and older, may attend classes free of charge under this program. Those interested in attending should contact the Office of the Dean of Faculty at 973-353-5213.