Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare (3)
Introduction to the history, values, and ethical and theoretical foundations of social work and social welfare. Exploration of fields of practice through agency visits, volunteer experiences, and special presentations.
Human Behavior and the Social Environment (3)
Study of the individual across the life cycle, from a biopsychosocial/spiritual perspective. Awareness and assessment of human development, motivation, and behavior discussed.
Prerequisite: 21&62:830:102.
Social Work Practice Laboratory (3)
Provides experiences to actualize the theoretical concepts discussed in 21&62:910:346; must be arranged with the director of field instruction in the semester prior to taking course.
Corequisite: 21&62:910:346.
Prisoners and Their Families (3)
Examines issues facing prisoners, their children, families, and communities. The United States is the primary focus but international issues and developments are also related. Exposure to local and regional agencies that serve this population.
Social Welfare Policies through the 1930s (3)
Examines the early history of American social welfare and social work through the interplay of values, tradition, politics, economics, and social changes that affected the American response to social needs and social problems up to the New Deal.
Contemporary Social Welfare Policies (3)
American social welfare policies and programs from the New Deal to the present. Analysis of the impact of changing social conditions on
contemporary policies and programs and their impact on members of
society. Alternative responses to social need and directions for future
social policy explored.
Prerequisites: 21&62:350:101-102.
Children and Families (3)
Examines theoretical and ideological context of child welfare policies, services, and practices in the United States and internationally. Explores public policies, programs, needed intervention skills, and the impact and dynamics of specific issues on the welfare of children and families. Exposure to local and regional agencies that serve this population.
Prerequisites: 21&62:910:322 or a developmental or child psychology course; junior standing.
The Elderly in Society: An Ecological Perspective (3)
Demographics, life cycle, diversity, physical, social, and economic needs explored. Policy issues, professional skills needed, interventional skills, and how needs are addressed by the social service community. Exposure to local and regional agencies that serve the elderly.
Human Diversity (3)
Personal, social, and institutional structures of oppression and privilege explored. Diversity and social justice issues related to immigration, community, economic influences, race, sex, belief system, class and gender differences analyzed. Immigration, community, organizational structures, economic influences, social justice issues, and their impact analyzed.
Prerequisite: 21&62:920:201.
Social Work Theory and Methods I (3)
First of a three-semester, upper-level sequence. Examines theoretical foundations and builds upon generalist and strength perspectives. Focus on personal and professional values, self-awareness, intervention, and practice skills, with emphasis on assessment, communication, and relationship development.
Prerequisites: 21&62:910:220 and either 322 or 345. Corequisite: 21&62:910:324.
Issues in Social Work (3,3)
In-depth exploration of a selected topic in social work.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Service Learning Internship (1)
Forty hours of community service within designated agencies to enhance understanding of the social welfare community; placement arranged by the university in conjunction with the student.
Corequisite: 21&62:910:220.
Social Work Theory and Methods II (3)
Builds upon theoretical foundation and generalist practice. Focus on cultural competency, practice skills, and professional development; related to planning, group work, evaluation, and termination.
Prerequisite: 21&62:910:346. Corequisites: 21&62:910:413, 471.
Social Work Theory and Methods III (3)
on macrolevel theory and practice, program development, and policy and
research. Understanding organizational functioning, advocacy, and social
and economic justice.
Prerequisite: 21&62:910:411. Corequisites: 21&62:910:414, 472.
Social Work Senior Field Seminar I (2)
Forum to assist students in conceptualizing application of academic knowledge to the field experience. Potential incongruities in learning experiences and expectations addressed. Analyze and synthesize application of social work theories and methods content, with emphasis on micro and mezzo levels of practice.
Corequisites: 21&62:910:411 and 471.
Social Work Senior Field Seminar II (2)
Forum to assist students in conceptualizing application of academic knowledge to the field experience. Potential incongruities in learning experiences and expectations addressed. Analyze and synthesize application of social work theories and methods content, with emphasis on macrolevel practice.
Prerequisite: 21&62:910:413. Corequisites: 21:910:412 and 472.
Independent Study in Social Work (BA,BA)
Independent research or project under faculty supervision.
Prerequisites: Permission of department chair; social work major/minor.
Senior Field Practice in Social Work (4,4)
Field experience in a social service agency under supervision of the agency and department. Placement must be arranged in the semester prior to the internship through the department.
Prerequisite: 21&62:910:346. Corequisites: 21&62:910:411, 412; and 413, 414.
Advanced Practicum in Social Work (BA,BA)
Develop skills and expand knowledge in a specific social work method or field of practice under the professional guidance that accompanies all forms of field instruction. Placement must be arranged in semester prior to practicum through the department.
Prerequisites: 21:910:471-472; permission of instructor.