Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
About This Catalog
About the University
Undergraduate Education in Newark
College of Nursing
Liberal Arts Colleges
Admission to the Liberal Arts Colleges
Newark College of Arts and Sciences
University College–Newark
Academic Programs and Courses
Availablity of Courses, Majors, and Minor Programs
Course Notation Information
Academic Foundations 003
African American and African Studies 014
Allied Health Technologies 045
American Studies 050
Ancient and Medieval Civilizations 060
Anthropology 070
Arabic 074
Archaeology 075
Art (Art 080, B.F.A. Visual Arts 081, Art History 082, Arts Management 084)
Biological Sciences
Central and Eastern European Studies (CEES) 149
Chemistry 160
Clinical Laboratory Sciences 191
Computer Science 198
Criminal Justice 202
Earth and Environmental Sciences (Geology 460)
Economics 220
Urban Education 300
English (350, 352, and 355)
Environmental Sciences 375
French 420
Geoscience Engineering 465
Greek 490
Hebraic Studies 500
History (History 510, American 512)
Honors 525
International Affairs
Italian 560
Journalism and Media Studies 570
Korean 574
Latin 580
Legal Studies
Linguistics 615
Mathematics (Mathematics 640, Statistics 960)
Major Requirements: Mathematics (NCAS)
Major Requirements: Applied Mathematics
Minor Requirements: Mathematics
Teacher Certification
Courses (Mathematics 640)
Courses (Statistics 960)
Medical Technology 660
Music (Music 700, Music Performance 701)
Philosophy 730
Physics 750
Political Science 790
Portuguese and Lusophone World Studies 810
Psychology 830
Puerto Rican Studies 836
Religious Studies 840
Slavic 861
Social Work 910
Sociology 920
Spanish 940
Speech 950
Theater Arts, Television and Media Arts (Theater Arts 965, Speech 950)
Urban Studies 975
Women's Studies 988
Administration and Faculty
Consortium with New Jersey Institute of Technology
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-Newark
School of Criminal Justice
School of Public Affairs and Administration
General Information
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  Newark Undergraduate Catalog 2008-2010 Liberal Arts Colleges Academic Programs and Courses Mathematics (Mathematics 640, Statistics 960) Courses (Mathematics 640)  

Courses (Mathematics 640)

21&62:640:037 Study Skills for Mathematics Development (N2) Prerequisite: 21&62:300:102 or placement by examination. Corequisite: 21&62:640:112.
21&62:640:103 Mathematics for the Liberal Arts (3) Fundamental ideas of mathematics, selected from graph theory, game theory, mathematical logic, number theory, geometry, probability, and statistics.
Prerequisite: 21&62:300:102 or placement by examination. Successful completion of this course with a grade of C or better fulfills the mathematics proficiency requirement. Credit not given for 21&62:640:103 after receiving credit for any other mathematics course. Intended for students in a liberal arts major who do not plan to enroll in additional courses in mathematics.
21&62:640:112 College Algebra Intensive (3) Covers the same material as 21&62:640:113, but meets for three 80-minute sessions each week. Intended for students who need extra class time and individualized attention. Prerequisite: 21&62:300:102 or placement by examination. Corequisite: 21&62:640:037. Credit is not given for both 21&62:640:112 and 113. Successful completion of this course with a grade of C or better fulfills the mathematics proficiency requirement.
21&62:640:113 College Algebra (3) Functions and operations of functions; operations on polynomials, fractions; solution of linear and quadratic equations and inequalities; graphing of linear and quadratic functions; solution of word problems. Prerequisite: 21&62:300:102 or placement by examination. Successful completion of this course with a grade of C or better fulfills the mathematics proficiency requirement.
21&62:640:114 Precalculus (3) Algebraic, rational, trigonometric, logarithmic, and exponential functions; functions and inverse functions; solutions of nonlinear inequalities; advanced factoring techniques. Prerequisite: 21&62:640:112 or 113, or placement by examination. Intended for students who plan to enroll in additional courses in mathematics.
21&62:640:119 Basic Calculus (3) Intuitive approach to calculus, with emphasis on applications, differential and integral calculus, and multivariable calculus. Prerequisite: 21&62:640:112 or 113, or placement by examination. Credit not given for both 21&62:640:119 and 135. Intended for students majoring in information systems, business, social science, or the liberal arts.
21&62:640:135 Calculus I (4) Introduction to analytic geometry; inequalities, functions, limits, continuity, differentiation of algebraic functions, applications; introduction to definite and indefinite integration; and calculus of exponential and logarithmic functions. Prerequisite: 21&62:640:114 or placement by examination. Credit not given for both 21&62:640:119 and 135.
21&62:640:136 Calculus II (4) Applications of integrals, calculus of trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions, techniques of integration, indeterminate forms, infinite series and Taylor's series, and polar coordinates. Prerequisite: 21&62:640:135 or 155 (4 credits). Students who took 21&62:640:135 or 155 for 3 credits, prior to spring 2000, should arrange with the department to complete the missing credits before taking Calculus II.
21&62:640:155-156 Honors Calculus (4,4) Covers material selected from 21&62:640:135, 136 in greater depth with emphasis on mathematical rigor. Prerequisite: Invitation by department based on placement examination. Open to all majors.
21&62:640:219 Basic Linear Algebra (3) Solving linear systems and Gauss-Jordan elimination; matrix algebra, determinants; vectors, affine transformations in the plane; applications to linear programming, economics, and computer graphics; eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Prerequisite: 21&62:640:119 or 135 or 155, or permission of instructor. Credit not given for both 21&62:640:219 and 350. Intended for students majoring in business, social science, information systems, or the liberal arts. Mathematics majors and minors cannot get credit for 21&62:640:219.
21&62:640:235 Calculus III (4) Introduction to vectors in the plane, solid analytic geometry, and vectors in three dimensions; partial differentiation; multiple integrals; applications. Prerequisite: 21&62:640:136 or 156 (4 credits). Students who took 21&62:640:136 or 156 for 3 credits, prior to fall 2000, should arrange with the department to complete the missing credits before taking Calculus III.
21&62:640:237 Discrete Structures (3) Sets, relations, functions, graphs, trees, formal expressions, mathematical induction, and some algebraic structures; applications to probability and computer science; and enumerative problems in combinatorial analysis. Prerequisite: 21&62:640:119 or 135 or 155.
21&62:640:238 Foundations of Modern Mathematics (3) Basic concepts on which modern mathematics is founded; language and logical structure of mathematics; elementary set theory, including set operations, relations, and mappings; the structure of the real number system and elements of real analysis. Proof techniques are stressed. Prerequisite: 21&62:640:136 or 156, or permission of instructor.
21&62:640:311-312 Advanced Calculus I,II (3,3) The calculus of functions of one or more real variables; transformations and implicit functions; line and surface integrals. Prerequisites: 21&62:640:235, 238, and 350, or permission of instructor.
21&62:640:314 Elementary Differential Equations (3) Ordinary differential equations, including solution by series and their applications; emphasis on linear equations. Prerequisite: 21&62:640:136 or 156.
21&62:640:327 Probability and Statistics (3) Modern probability, statistics, and statistical inference; discrete and continuous distributions of random variables, statistical inference, hypothesis testing, linear regression, and correlation. Prerequisite: 21&62:640:119 or 135 or 155, or permission of instructor.
21&62:640:350 Linear Algebra (3) Row reduction, solving linear systems; vector spaces, subspaces, bases; linear transformations, images and kernels; eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and diagonalization of matrices; applications to differential equations, computer graphics, and numerical calculation. Prerequisite: 21&62:640:136 or 156, or permission of instructor. Credit not given for both 21&62:640:219 and 350.
21&62:640:353 Theory of Equations (3) Algebraic equations, including methods of solving equations; introductory theory of solvability; tranformations; algebraic invariants; the fundamental theorem of algebra. Prerequisite: 21&62:640:350.
21&62:640:397,398 Mathematics Teaching Apprenticeship (3,3) Practice in the teaching of mathematics supervised by members of the faculty.
21&62:640:403 Introductory Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable (3) Analytic functions, Cauchy's integral theorem, contour integration, residues, series, and conformal mapping. Prerequisite: 21&62:640:311 or permission of instructor.
21&62:640:410 Vector Analysis (3) Vector algebra and vector calculus, including line and surface integrals and the theorems of Green, Gauss, and Stokes; applications to physics and geometry. Pre- or corequisite: 21&62:640:235 or permission of instructor.
21&62:640:423 Elementary Partial Differential Equations (3) Partial differential equations of science and engineering. Topics include initial and boundary value problems for parabolic, hyperbolic, and elliptic second-order equations. Stress on separation of variables, special functions, transform methods, and numerical techniques. Prerequisite: 21&62:640:314.
21&62:640:424 Operations Research (3) Major topics and techniques in operations research; topics chosen from transportation problems, scheduling problems, linear programming, dynamic programming, mathematical inventory theory, and game theory. Prerequisite: 21&62:640:235 or permission of instructor.
21&62:640:432 Introductory Differential Geometry (3) Differential geometry; curves in Euclidean 3-space; regular surfaces in space; parametrization of surfaces; first fundamental form for surfaces; Gauss map and second fundamental form; intrinsic geometry of surfaces; intrinsic geometry of manifolds. Prerequisites: 21&62:640:235, 238.
21&62:640:433 Projective Geometry (3) Projective and affine curves; polynomial rings; ideals; Hilbert's basis theorem; the nullstellungsatz; local rings; singularities. Prerequisite: 21&62:640:238.
21&62:640:435-436 Geometry I,II (3,3) Axiomatic systems, finite geometries, Euclidean geometry, and non-Euclidean geometry. Prerequisites: 21&62:640:235, 350.
21&62:640:441-442 Topology I,II (3,3) General topological spaces and continuous mappings; linear point set theory and plane point set theory; separation, connectedness, and compactness; localization; topological products and Tychonoff's theorem; metric spaces and isometrics. Prerequisite: 21&62:640:238 or permission of instructor.
21&62:640:451-452 Abstract Algebra I,II (3,3) Elementary set theory; fundamental structures of algebra, including semigroups, groups, rings, and fields; homomorphisms and isomorphisms; factor group, rings of residue classes, and other factor structures. Prerequisites: 21&62:640:238, 350, or permission of instructor.
21&62:640:456 Theory of Numbers (3) Divisibility of integers; the series of primes; number-theoretic functions; continued fractions; congruences; diophantine equations; quadratic residues; the Pell equation. Prerequisite: 21&62:640:238 or permission of instructor.
21&62:640:473 Numerical Analysis (3) Error analysis; interpolation theory; numerical solution of equations; polynomial approximations; numerical differentiation and integration; solution of differential equations. Prerequisites: 21&62:198:101 and 21&62:640:136 or 156.
21&62:640:475,476 Applied Mathematics I,II (3,3) Fourier series and integrals; boundary value problems; matrices; finite differences; special functions; numerical methods. Prerequisite: 21&62:640:314 or permission of instructor.
21&62:640:477 Fundamental Mathematical Probability (3) Fundamentals of probability theory for discrete and continuous distributions; random variables and probability distributions; Bayes's theorem; the Bernoulli and Poisson distributions; central limit theorem; strong law of large numbers. Prerequisite: 21&62:640:136 or 156 or permission of instructor.
21&62:640:491,492 Mathematics Seminar (3,3) Selected topics in mathematics; individual study stressed. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Students may enroll multiple times.
21&62:640:493,494 Individual Studies in Mathematics (3,3) Individual studies of selected topics in mathematics. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Students may enroll multiple times.
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