Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
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Undergraduate Education in Newark
College of Nursing
Liberal Arts Colleges
Admission to the Liberal Arts Colleges
Newark College of Arts and Sciences
University College–Newark
Academic Programs and Courses
Availablity of Courses, Majors, and Minor Programs
Course Notation Information
Academic Foundations 003
African American and African Studies 014
Allied Health Technologies 045
American Studies 050
Ancient and Medieval Civilizations 060
Anthropology 070
Arabic 074
Archaeology 075
Art (Art 080, B.F.A. Visual Arts 081, Art History 082, Arts Management 084)
Biological Sciences
Central and Eastern European Studies (CEES) 149
Chemistry 160
Clinical Laboratory Sciences 191
Computer Science 198
Criminal Justice 202
Earth and Environmental Sciences (Geology 460)
Economics 220
Urban Education 300
English (350, 352, and 355)
Environmental Sciences 375
French 420
Geoscience Engineering 465
Greek 490
Hebraic Studies 500
History (History 510, American 512)
Major Requirements
Minor in History
Minor in Asian Studies
Teacher Certification
Courses (History 510)
Courses (American History 512)
History Courses (New Jersey Institute of Technology)
Honors 525
International Affairs
Italian 560
Journalism and Media Studies 570
Korean 574
Latin 580
Legal Studies
Linguistics 615
Mathematics (Mathematics 640, Statistics 960)
Medical Technology 660
Music (Music 700, Music Performance 701)
Philosophy 730
Physics 750
Political Science 790
Portuguese and Lusophone World Studies 810
Psychology 830
Puerto Rican Studies 836
Religious Studies 840
Slavic 861
Social Work 910
Sociology 920
Spanish 940
Speech 950
Theater Arts, Television and Media Arts (Theater Arts 965, Speech 950)
Urban Studies 975
Women's Studies 988
Administration and Faculty
Consortium with New Jersey Institute of Technology
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-Newark
School of Criminal Justice
School of Public Affairs and Administration
General Information
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  Newark Undergraduate Catalog 2008-2010 Liberal Arts Colleges Academic Programs and Courses History (History 510, American 512) Courses (History 510)  

Courses (History 510)

21&62:510:201,202 History of Western Civilization (3,3) The main developments in the history of ideas and institutions from earliest times to the present; consideration of historical material serves as a point of departure for discussion of present-day problems.
21&62:510:207 History of Colonial Latin America (3)

Survey of the encounter between indigenous and Iberian peoples in Latin America, from conquest and colonization to the wars of independence. Among the topics considered are the moral implications of the encounter, the histories of race and ethnicity, the development of colonial economic and political institutions, and the eventual breakdown of imperial order.

21&62:510:208 History of Modern Latin America (3)

Survey of the history of the nations of Latin America from the wars of independence to the present. Among the topics considered are the nature and consequences of the independence movements, the creation of new political and economic institutions, the development of postcolonial relationships between formerly colonized peoples and their former colonizers, and the implications of the past since independence for the problems of contemporary Latin America.

21:510:255 Ancient Greek Civilization (3) This interdisciplinary course studies the cultural heritage of the ancient Greek world through its literature, art, and archaeology. The course also includes a brief historical survey of the period in question, as well as sections devoted to particular historical topics (like democracy, intellectual development, colonization, and movement from city to nation-statehood). Readings from ancient sources in translation include Homer, Sophocles, Aeschylus, Euripides, Aristophanes, Plato, and Aristotle.
21:510:256 Roman Civilization (3) Examines the Roman world through an interdisciplinary study of its history, literature, and art and archaeology. Topics covered will include: imperialism, patron-client relationships, Roman law, blood sport, and the evolution of Rome from pagan to Christian civilization. Readings from ancient sources in translation include Roman comedy, Virgil, Seneca, and samples of early Christian writings.
21&62:510:263,264 History of Africa (3,3) Political, religious, economic, and social development of the peoples of Africa south of the Sahara from about 500 AD to the present.
21&62:510:286 The Ancient Near East (3) General survey of the history of the ancient Near East from the first appearance of civilization in the fertile crescent to the unification of the Near East in the Persian Empire. Covers the political, social, economic, religious, cultural, and intellectual development of the primary civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt, as well as the later city-states and empires.
21&62:510:287,288 History of Islamic Civilization (3,3) The history, culture, and institutions of the Islamic world, from the age of the prophet Muhammad to the present. First semester: evolution of classical Islamic civilization in its Near and Middle Eastern heartland. Second semester: the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal empires; Islam in central, east, and southeast Asia; traditional Islamic society; and the problems of colonialism, imperialism, and modernization.
21&62:510:297,298 Far Eastern History (3,3) Major developments in Far Eastern history, particularly in China and Japan, from early times to the present; cultural, economic, and political aspects and contemporary problems.
21&62:510:302 Film and History (3) Examines the relationship between movies and history, focusing mainly on feature films. The course seeks less to list the films' inaccuracies than to identify and analyze how and why they mythologize the past. By learning to spot films' ideologies, assumptions, strategies, and visions of the past, one can identify the historical evolution of modern societies' dominant mythologies, values, and beliefs.
21&62:510:305 Ancient Sport: Olympians to Gladiators (3) Ancient forms of athletic contest and competition are examined. Includes Greek games held during the Olympic festival and other occasions; chariot racing and circus contests in Greece and Rome; and Roman blood sport (including animal fights and gladiatorial contests). Examines both the archaeological and literary evidence for such events, as well as the impact such competitions have had on our modern perceptions of sport and athletic competition.
21&62:510:306 The Greek and Roman Cities (3) Provides an urban history of ancient Greek and Roman cities from the earliest period to late antiquity.  Emphasis will fall upon Athens and Rome. The course will focus on the archaeological remains; ancient concepts of community and town organization; classical architecture within the context of topographical limitations of the city; religious architecture; the impact of the ancient urban experience; and the practicalities of ancient urban centers (sanitation, water supply, policing, defense, and traffic). Prerequisites: 21&62:510:201,202, or permission of instructor.
21&62:510:307 History of India and South Asia up to 1750 (3)

Introduction to the history of the Indian subcontinent from prehistoric times to the Europeans colonial conquest. Focus on diverse political, socioeconomic, and cultural developments across South Asia, especially religious philosophies, social, gender, and legal structures. Texts and readings will draw upon recent secondary research as well as historical and literary primary source materials.

21&62:510:308 History of India and South Asia since 1750 (3)

Introduction to the history of the Indian subcontinent since 1750. Focus on the diverse political, socioeconomic, and cultural developments in the ancient and medieval history of the region, which comprises today the countries of India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.

21&62:510:311 Latin America and the United States (3) The historical relationship between Latin America and the United States, including political, social, economic, and cultural ties. Examines those ties from both Latin American and U.S. perspectives and shows how hemispheric relations affect not only governments but also national, regional, and local communities. Topics include U.S. imperialism in the late 19th century; Latin American and U.S. images of their neighbors; the effects of the cold war on hemispheric politics; and the history of Latin American immigration to the United States.
21&62:510:312 Democracy and Rebellion in Modern Latin America (3) History of democracy, rebellion, and citizenship in Latin America from the early 19th century to the present. Topics include the transformation of colonial societies into liberal republican democracies, new citizens' relationships to new states, and the effects of changes in those states on the terms of citizenship over two centuries. Focuses on the meaning of democracy and the ways in which it sometimes breaks down, either peacefully or in armed rebellion. Concludes with a look at the recent trend toward democratization.
21&62:510:317 History of the Caribbean (3) Caribbean history from the colonial period to the present; the development of a sugar economy; the competition among foreign powers for control; 19th-century struggles for independence; and contemporary social upheavals.
21:510:319 Ancient Greek History (3) The origins and development of the Greek civilization as it developed in Southern Europe, North Africa, and Asia. Special attention will be paid to the development of Greek political systems, especially Athenian democracy; social, cultural, and intellectual developments of the Greek world (slavery, sexuality, and the emergence of philosophy and science); Spartan society and militarism; treatment of non-Greek people; and the conquests and achievements of Alexander the Great. Readings from ancient sources in translation include Hesiod, Herodotus, Thucydides, Aristotle, Plato, and Plutarch.
21:510:320 Roman History (3) The origins and history of the Roman people from their emergence in the early Iron Age down to the beginnings of the Byzantine empire. Special attention will be paid to the political and military history of the Romans; social and cultural aspects of Roman society (slavery, sexuality, imperialism, absorption of non-Roman people, and blood sports); the emergence of Christianity; and the conquest and romanization of Europe and the Mediterranean world. Readings from ancient sources include Livy, Plutarch, Suetonius, Tacitus, and Ammianus Marcellinus.
21&62:510:325 History of Mexico and Central America (3) Historical development of Mexico and Central America from the pre-Columbian civilizations to the present. Contemporary issues affecting the region.
21&62:510:327,328 Civilization of the Middle Ages (3,3) Western Europe from the barbarian invasions to the close of the 13th century; the structure of society and its economic organization. Readings provide a basis for the study of feudalism, agrarian life, and the rise of the towns; religious developments and conflicts; church-state relationships; the Crusades; the rise of  feudal monarchies; and cultural achievements.
21&62:510:329,330 Slavs, Byzantium, and the Near East (3,3) History and civilization of the later East Roman/Byzantine Empire; the Islamic lands of the Eastern Mediterranean; and Slavic Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages.
21&62:510:331,332 British History (3,3) British history from the Roman occupation to the present;,emphasis on the interrelationship between constitutional and social developments. First semester: medieval England and the Tudor-Stuart period. Second semester: changes in politics and society resulting from the Industrial Revolution.
21&62:510:337 The History of Iran (3) History of Iran from ancient times to the present; the forces that have shaped modern Iran.
21&62:510:338 The Ottoman Empire (3) History of the Ottoman state from its origins as a Ghazi state (13th century) to its collapse in the 20th century; the Ottoman impact, politically and culturally, on the peoples of eastern Europe.
21&62:510:340 Women in European History (3) Changes in women's economic, social, and legal positions from classical times to the present; women and the family; women and the Industrial Revolution; witchcraft; women in politics, war, and revolution; women under socialism and fascism; women and sexuality; and the development of the modern feminist movement.
21&62:510:343,344 Early Modern Europe (3,3) Europe from the beginning of the modern period through the scientific revolution in the 1600s, addressing political, cultural, intellectual, social, economic, and religious history. First semester: topics include the Renaissance, the Age of Exploration, new intellectual outlooks, the formation of national states and monarchies; and the lives and mentalities of peasants, artisans, and the poor. Second semester: Protestant Reformation, Catholic Counter-Reformation, Wars of Religion, Absolutism, and the scientific revolution.
21&62:510:348 Eighteenth-Century Europe (3) The political, diplomatic, economic, social, cultural, and intellectual history of Europe from ca. 1700 to 1815. Topics include absolutist monarchies and their opponents; war and national competition in Europe and the colonial empires; the lives of peasants, artisans, and women; the ideas and social foundations of the Enlightenment; and the origins, nature, and consequences of the French Revolution and Napoleonic wars.
21&62:510:351,352 History of France (3,3) First semester: survey of French history from the late middle ages through the French Revolution. Second semester: French history from 1815 to the present. Emphasizes ideas, politics, culture, and the development of national cohesion and identity.
21&62:510:353,354 Modern China (3,3) Evolution of the Chinese nation from the Opium War to the establishment of the People's Republic; problems arising out of rebellion, reform, and revolution discussed in connection with modernization and acculturation.
21&62:510:355 Traditional China: Institutions and Society (3) Chinese history from the Shang to the Ming dynasties (1766 BC-1643 AD); patterns of social change and social mobility; feudalism; dynastic cycles; modernization; and Oriental despotism.
21&62:510:356 History of the People's Republic of China (3) The revolutionary experience of the Chinese people; the efforts of the Chinese communists to modernize the nation; and the processes and problems of adapting to a communist system.
21&62:510:357 Nineteenth-Century Europe (3) Covers the period from ca. 1815 to 1914. Topics include nationalism; the Industrial Revolution; revolutions of 1830 and 1848; formation of Italy and Germany; rise of working class movements; Marxism; imperialism; Darwinism and social Darwinism; relations between church and state; women's movements; trends in culture and daily life.
21&62:510:358 Twentieth-Century Europe (3) Europe since 1914. Topics include origins, nature, and consequences of World War I and the Russian Revolution; interwar culture and society; the Great Depression; Fascism and Nazism; the Spanish Civil War; the origins, nature, and consequences of World War II; the Holocaust; the Marshall Plan and the cold war; origins and development of the European Union; East European communism; West European welfare states and consumerism; women's movements; postwar culture and leisure; youth movements of the 1960s; fall of communism.
21&62:510:361 The Modern Middle East (3) Introduction to the modern Near and Middle East. Review of the formation of classical Islamic civilization in the region. Political, economic, social, and ethnic problems resulting from Western influences and the dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire. Modern Iranian development and the creation of Israel.
21&62:510:362 Capitalism and Socialism (3) The history of Western economic systems and ideologies from the origins of capitalism in early modern Europe through the rise of socialism in the 19th century and social democracy in the 20th. Topics include the agricultural and industrial revolutions; liberal ideologies and policies of the 19th century; Marxism and socialist thought; the Soviet model; the Great Depression; growth of the welfare state after World War II; and the problem of underdevelopment.
21&62:510:365 Islam, Africa, and the Contemporary World (3) Islam's historical and contemporary impact on African societies, life, and lore. The effects on African worldviews; religious practices (including ancestral veneration, magic, sorcery, and other paranormal phenomena); social dynamics (birth, marriage, death, and property inheritance); and political thought and practice. How African members of the world community of Islam relate to global trends.
21&62:510:366 History of Russia and the Soviet Union (3,3) First semester: Russian politics and civilization from the founding of Kiev to 1864. Second semester: the history of Russia from 1865 to the present time, with the emphasis on Soviet affairs.
21&62:510:369 Modern Eastern Europe (3) Political, social, and cultural developments in Eastern Europe in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries; 20th century; World War I; the revolutions; the successor states and their relations with the U.S.S.R.
21&62:510:374,375 History of Spain (3) The history of Spain from the middle ages to the present. First semester: Muslim conquest; interactions among Muslims, Christians, and Jews; Christian reconquest; formation of a Spanish state; advent of overseas empire; role of the Church. Second semester: Enlightenment reforms; Napoleonic wars and popular revolt; Basque and Catalan movements; economic development and modernization; rise of anarchism and socialism; Spanish Civil War; Franco regime; democracy since 1975.
21&62:510:377 Portugal and Its Empire (3) The history of Portugal and its overseas empire from the 14th century to the present, examining the country's politics, economics, and culture, as well as its global expansion and relations with colonies, particularly Brazil.
21&62:510:378 Colonialism to 1825 (3) European colonialism from the 15th century through the early 19th century, emphasizing the empires of Portugal, Spain, Britain, and France in the Americas and Asia. Topics include motives for colonial expansion; justifications for conquest and rule; reasons for European power; colonial economies; methods of controlling colonies; slavery and abolitionism; mutual perceptions of colonizer and colonized; opposition to colonialism; independence in British, Spanish, and Portuguese America.
21&62:510:379 Colonialism and Decolonization (3) The final century of colonialism, focusing on imperialist thought and justifications for empire, mutual perceptions of colonizers and colonized, and the growth of anti-imperialism.
21&62:510:385,386 A History of Southern Africa (3,3) History of southern Africa from 1000 AD to the present; precolonial African societies; European colonization; European impact; industrial development; the Zulu and Boer Wars; the evolution of apartheid; the African nationalist movements.
21&62:510:390 Gender and Caste in South Asian History (3)

Introduction to themes of gender and social structure in the history of the Indian subcontinent. Focus on conceptions of gender, gender relations, and the experiences of women in particular. Introduction to the concept of caste as a social system, its changing practice through the ages, and its importance in politics and culture.

21&62:510:391,392 The History of Germany (3,3) Germany from the 18th century to the present. First semester: the rise of Prussia, the impact of the French Revolution and the Empire, the growth of nationalism and liberalism, the Revolution of 1848, and unification. Second semester: internal developments, foreign policy, and intellectual movements after 1871; examines Germany in the First World War, the Weimar Republic, the rise of Nazism, the drive for European domination in the Second World War, and the postwar era.
21&62:510:394 The Peoples and Cultures of Central Asia (3) Introduction to the history and cultures of the Iranian, Turkic, Mongolian, and Tungus-Manchu peoples of the Eurasian steppes and inner Asian borderlands of China from earliest times to the 17th century; the cultural significance of this region as the recipient of Chinese, Indian, Muslim, and Eastern Christian cultural and religious influences.
21&62:510:399 Tudor-Stuart England (3) Selected topics in British history from the accession of Henry VII through the Revolution of 1688; cultural, economic, political, and social issues; developments in the transition from medieval to early modern England; and background of the empire.
21&62:510:401 Topics in European History (3) Prerequisites: 21&62:510:201,202, or permission of instructor.
21&62:510:403 Topics in Social History (3) Prerequisites: 21&62:510:201,202, or permission of instructor.
21&62:510:404 Topics in Intellectual History (3) Prerequisites: 21&62:510:201,202, or permission of instructor.
21&62:510:405 Topics in Ancient History (3) Prerequisites: 21&62:510:201,202, or permission of instructor.
21&62:510:406 Topics in Medieval Civilization (3) Prerequisites: 21&62:510:201,202, or permission of instructor.
21&62:510:431,432 Topics in Africa in the 19th and 20th Centuries (3,3) Prerequisites: 21&62:510:201,202 or 263,264, or permission of instructor.
21&62:510:433 Topics in Islamic History (3) Prerequisites: 21&62:510:201,202, or permission of instructor.
21&62:510:435 Topics in Medieval and Early Modern History (3) Prerequisites: 21&62:510:201,202, or permission of instructor.
21&62:510:441,442 Topics in Latin American and Caribbean History (3,3) Prerequisites: 21&62:510:201,202, or permission of instructor.
21&62:510:449,450 Topics in Asian, Chinese, and Far Eastern History (3,3) Prerequisites: 21&62:510:201,202, or permission of instructor.
21&62:510:451,452 Topics in the History of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union (3,3) Prerequisites: 21&62:510:201,202, or permission of instructor.
21&62:510:458 Topics in Women's History (3) Prerequisites: 21&62:510:201,202, or permission of instructor.
21&62:510:461 Topics in Comparative History (3) Prerequisites: 21&62:510:201,202, or permission of instructor.
21&62:510:462 Topics in Transnational History (3) Prerequisites: 21&62:510:201,202, or permission of instructor.
21&62:510:479,480 Readings in Non-American History (3,3) Designed for the history major who desires to undertake extensive reading in a particular historical area, selected in close consultation with a member of the department. Limited to students whose grade-point average within the department is 2.0 or higher. Only one reading course may be taken per semester, and no more than 9 credits in reading courses may be applied toward the history major. Prerequisites: Written permission of department chair and instructor.
21&62:510:489 Seminar-Readings (3)
21&62:510:490 Seminar-Research (3)
21&62:510:491,492 Honors Program in Non-American History (3,3) Research and writing for candidates for honors in history.
62:510:497 Honors Project-History (3) An individual research project. Open only to honors students. Prerequisite: Permission of program adviser.
21&62:510:499 Individual Study in Historical Research (BA) Historical research on a more systematic level than is normally possible in lecture courses. Prerequisites: Permission of department chair and instructor. Restricted to history majors in their senior year.
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