Elementary French (3,3)
Beginning course designed to develop the basic skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing; study of basic grammar and vocabulary. Students are required to do supplementary work in the language laboratory.
Intended for students with little or no previous knowledge of French. Both semesters must be completed to receive credit.
Intermediate French (3,3)
Practice in speaking, reading, and writing French; review of grammar; readings from representative authors and contemporary French texts.
Prerequisites: 21&62:420:101-102 or equivalent as determined by placement examination.
Conversation and Composition (3)
Grammar review through oral and written usage. Oral exposés; compositions; language laboratory for conversation, grammar, and pronunciation reinforcement.
Composition and Conversation (3)
Intensive practice in oral and written French.
Prerequisite: 21&62:420:203 or permission of instructor.
Introduction to French Literature (3,3)
Readings in French literature chosen to illustrate various literary forms and periods. Conducted as far as is practical in French.
Prerequisite: 21&62:420:132 or equivalent. 21&62:420:205 and 206 are prerequisites to advanced courses in French literature.
Contemporary France (3)
Interdisciplinary study of contemporary France and the French: political, social, and economic concerns; technological innovations; the arts and their function in society; the continuity of tradition and the challenge of change.
Taught in English. Not open to French majors or minors.
Advanced Grammar (3)
Special stress on unusual points of grammar and syntax.
Prerequisites: 21&62:420:203, 204. For prospective teachers and others who wish to acquire more fluency in spoken and written French.
Advanced Grammar (3)
Conversation practice and composition on a wide range of subjects. Special emphasis on unusual points of grammar and syntax.
Prerequisites: 21&62:420:203, 204.
Black Writers in French from Africa and the West Indies (3)
Study of the major writers of French-speaking Africa and the West Indies, with emphasis on the poets of "négritude," especially Césaire, Senghor, and Damas.
Prerequisites: 21&62:420:203, 204 or 205,206.
French Literature in English Translation (3,3)
In-depth reading of major works in French literature; content varies
each semester. When the theme of "Sexual Politics in the Novel and Drama"
is taught, 3 credits toward the women's studies major and minor are
granted. Other themes include "The Novel as Social Document" and "The
Many Faces of Love in Various Genres."
Open to all students except French majors and minors. Prerequisite: 21&62:350:102.
French Civilization (3)
The development of French political, social, cultural, and artistic institutions and traditions from pre-Roman Gaul to the 20th century. Required for prospective teachers of French.
Individual Study in French (3,3)
Individual study for students interested in specialized topics and research in French language or literature.
Prerequisite: Permission of department chair or instructor.
Moliere (3)
Major and selected minor plays; lectures, class discussions, and reports.
Prerequisites: 21&62:420:205,206.
Voltaire (3)
Historical works, drama, poetry, satire, and fiction; lecture, class discussion, papers.
Prerequisites 21&62:420:205,206; or permission of instructor.
Medieval French Literature (3)
Deals principally with the Chansons de Geste, the Arthurian romances, the Tristan story, the theater, and lyric poetry.
French Literature of the Renaissance (3)
Deals principally with Rabelais and Montaigne and the development of lyric poetry from Marot to La Ceppède.
The French Theater since 1700 (3)
Major works and critical theories of the last three centuries; close reading of selected plays.
French Poetry (3)
An exploration of poetry--forms, language, and themes--in works by Ronsard, Christine de Pisan, Lamartine, Baudelaire, La Fontaine, Anna de Noailles, and others.
French Literature of the Golden Age (3,3)
Readings of 17th-century masterpieces, with a background of critical theory and literary history; the Baroque and préciosité--examples of late Renaissance style; analysis of French classicism; emphasis on the theater of Corneille, Racine, and Molière; and various works by La Fontaine.
Seminar in French Literature (3,3)
Exploration of ideas and concepts as they are reflected in diverse genres of French literature throughout the eight centuries of its history; content varies each semester.
Prerequisites: 21&62:420:205,206 or permission of instructor.
Eighteenth-Century French Literature (3,3)
The major writers and genres of the century; first semester: Voltaire and the Age of Reason; second semester: Rousseau and the Age of Sentiment.
Nineteenth-Century French Literature (3)
The innovative movements of romanticism and realism in prose fiction, criticism, verse, and drama; thematic and structural study of major texts by Lamartine, Musset, Hugo, Vigny, Madame de Staël, Constant, Chateaubriand, Balzac, Stendhal, and others.
Nineteenth-Century French Literature (3)
The development of the romantic movement through realism, naturalism, Parnasse, and symbolism; thematic and structural analysis of works of Flaubert, Gautier, Heredia, Leconte de Lisle, Zola, Baudelaire, Verlaine, and Rimbaud.
Twentieth-Century French Literature (3,3)
First semester: in-depth reading and analysis of the major novelists and playwrights of this century: Proust, Mauriac, Colette, Cocteau, Anouilh, and the surrealist poets. Second semester: existentialism, the theater of the absurd, and the new novel, with special attention to Malraux, Sartre, de Beauvoir, Camus, Beckett, Ionesco, Genet, and Rochefort.
The French Novel (3,3)
French novelists from Madame de Lafayette to Robbe-Grillet and other authors of the nouveau roman.