Elementary Hebrew (3,3)
A beginner's course planned to lay a broad foundation for reading,
speaking, and writing the language; oral and written exercises.
Prerequisite: For students with little or no previous knowledge of Hebrew. Both semesters must be completed to receive credit.
Intermediate Hebrew (3,3)
Practice in oral and written composition; selected readings in Hebrew prose and poetry.
Prerequisites: For students who have completed 21:500:101-102 or equivalent as determined by placement examination.
The World of the Bible I,II (3,3)
Examination of the data afforded by explorations and excavations of ancient Israelite, Canaanite, Egyptian, and Mesopotamian sites, elucidating (possibly corroborating or else challenging) the details, background, context, and significance of biblical history and the scriptural pages.
Hebrew Literature in English Translation: Biblical (3)
Selections from the narrative, legal, and poetic chapters of Genesis, Exodus, Deuteronomy, the Prophets, Proverbs, Daniel, Esther, and Ecclesiastes.
Hebrew Literature in English Translation: Postbiblical (3)
Representative passages from the Mishnah (with special emphasis on Pirkei Avot) and the Midrashic literature; Aggadaic extracts from the Gemara.
Jewish Civilization I,II (3,3)
History of the Jewish people from their tribal beginnings, migrations, and metamorphoses; their encounters with Egyptian, Canaanite, and Syrian civilizations; period of Judges and the Monarchy; conquests by Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian, and Greek empires; priestly and prophetic phenomena; the Maccabean revolt and the Hasmonean Kingdom; the rise of Pharisaism and early Christianity; the impact of Imperial Rome; the Hadrianic persecutions and the Bar Kochba uprising; the spread of Jews around the Mediterranean and to northwestern Europe; the consequences of triumphant Christianity and late Islam upon Jewry.
Individual Studies (3)
Study in detail of a selected subject in Hebraic studies.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.