Alpha Sigma Lambda.
Alpha Sigma Lambda nationally acknowledges the UC part-time, evening adult student for high academic achievement.
Beta Gamma Sigma.
Gamma Sigma is the national scholastic honor society in the field of
administrative studies recognized by the American Assembly of
Collegiate Schools of Business. To be eligible for Beta Gamma Sigma, a
student must rank in the top 5 percent of the junior class or in the
top 10 percent of the senior class. Information may be obtained by
contacting the program advisers in accounting, finance, management, or
Golden Key.
Golden Key is a
nonprofit international academic honors organization that recognizes
the top 15 percent of juniors and seniors in all undergraduate fields.
Phi Beta Kappa.
Phi Beta Kappa Society elects to membership the outstanding scholars of
the senior and junior years from a list of eligible students whose
undergraduate programs have been substantially composed of liberal arts