The student fee provides financial support for student activities,,
student health services and insurance, and intercollegiate athletics.
In addition, the fee is used to amortize the construction loan for the
local college center and to provide partial support for overhead
operating costs of general facilities that are available to students.
| CN
Full Time
| CN
Part Time
| NCAS/RBS Full Time
| NCAS/RBS Part Time
| UC-N Full Time
| UC-N Part Time
| General university fee
| $12.29
| $8.30
| $13.29
| $7.05
| $13.18
| $6.05
| Student activities
| Regular
| 13.25
| 4.25
| 16.75
| 5.00
| 10.25
| 10.25
| Special
| 11.08
| 5.10
| 11.80
| 5.10
| 11.80
| 5.10
| Student center activity
| 6.50
| 1.00
| 6.50
| 1.00
| 6.50
| 1.00
| Intercollegiate athletics
| 64.50
| 66.00
| 65.61
| Club sports recreation
| 11.00
| 8.00
| 11.00
| 8.00
| 11.00
| 8.00
| Student health service
| 96.66
| 96.66
| 96.66
| Career services
| 10.00
| 11.50
| 17.00
| 15.50
| 17.00
| 14.75
| Student center operations
| 109.25
| 37.00
| 109.25
| 37.00
| 109.25
| 37.00
| Debt service
| Building system student center
| 58.00
| 14.50
| 58.00
| 14.50
| 58.00
| 14.50
| Newark facilities fee
| 6.25
| 3.00
| 6.25
| 3.00
| 6.25
| 3.00
| Student recreation center
| Operations and management
| 37.00
| 12.85
| 37.00
| 12.58
| 37.00
| 13.35
| Cultural and educational fees
| 3.00
| 1.00
| 3.00
| 1.00
| 3.00
| 1.00
| Recreation fee
| 29.00
| 14.00
| 29.00
| 15.00
| 29.00
| 14.00
| Capital improvement fee
| 37.00
| 7.50
| 37.00
| 7.50
| 37.00
| 7.50
| Total
| $505.50
| $128.00
| $518.50
| $132.50
| $511.50
| $135.50