Scholastic Review. The Scholastic Standing Committee
of the faculty reviews, monitors, and takes action on the records of
students in academic difficulty each term (fall, spring, and summer).
Based on the committee`s findings, students may be placed on probation
or dismissed from the college. Students receiving a failure in any
prerequisite course for any nursing course shall not progress in the
nursing curriculum until the prerequisite is completed satisfactorily.
Academic Probation. A
student will be placed on academic probation for the subsequent term
for having one of the following academic deficiencies:
1. One failure (D or F) in any upper-division nursing course
2. Two grades of D or any combination of D or F in lower-division nursing and/or supportive science courses
3. A cumulative or term grade-point average less than
1.70 at the end of the second term
1.90 at the end of the third term
1.95 at the end of the fourth term
2.00 at the end of the fifth term until graduation
Transfer students who have a cumulative or term grade-point
average of less than 2.0 after the first term will be placed on
academic probation.
No student may be placed on academic
probation for more than two terms during his or her academic tenure at
the College of Nursing.
Students placed on academic probation
are notified by letter and are required to make an appointment to meet
with their faculty adviser to develop a course of action to improve
their academic standing.
Academic Dismissal. The following academic deficiencies define the criteria that result in academic dismissal:
1. A cumulative or term grade-point average of less than 2.0 at
the end of the second term of academic probation (terms need not be
2. A second grade of D or F in the same required pre- requisite course or an upper-division nursing course
3. Two grades of D or F or a combination of these grades in any two upper-division nursing courses in one term
4. Two grades of D or F or a combination of these grades in any
two upper-division nursing courses, regardless of whether one course
was successfully repeated
5. A second withdrawal in the same science and/or 705 nursing course
No student is dismissed for academic reasons at the end of their first term.
The Scholastic Standing Committee is charged with interpreting and
applying the criteria for dismissal in the cases of individual
students; their decision constitutes the final authority in these
Appeal of Dismissal. Students
dismissed from the College of Nursing by the Scholastic Standing
Committee may request in writing an opportunity to appeal the
dismissal. Requests for an appeal may be initiated based on technical
error, changes in temporary grades, and/or additional information not
previously available to the committee. Further, students may appeal the
terms of the dismissal as it relates to possible reentry into the
College of Nursing. Students will be notified in writing within three
weeks of the initiation of their request for appeal.
Appeal of dismissal is to proceed as follows:
1. The student makes arrangements to discuss the dismissal with his or her faculty adviser.
2. The student prepares a letter that details the basis for the
appeal and includes evidence of the meeting held with the faculty
adviser. The letter of appeal is sent to the Scholastic Standing
Committee, c/o Administrative Assistant-Office of Student Affairs,
College of Nursing, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 180
University Avenue, Newark, NJ 07102.
3. Other supportive material that may be relevant to the appeal process may be submitted with the letter.
An error of omission on the part of the College of Nursing is not
sufficient grounds for readmitting a student on appeal if satisfactory
progress toward the degree has not been made.