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  Newark Undergraduate Catalog 2003-2005 College of Nursing Academic Policies and Procedures Grades and Records Other Grade Symbols  

Other Grade Symbols

DF. Disciplinary Failure

NG-Where no grade is assigned on the final grade roster by the faculty member, the registrar shall assign a NG (No Grade Given). The NG has no immediate effect on a student`s GPA; however, if the situation is not resolved within the following term, the NG converts to an F, and the GPA will be recalculated accordingly.

P/NC (Pass/No Credit). A nonnumerical grade of Pass (equivalent to grades of A, B+, B, C+, and C) or No Credit (equivalent to grades of D and F) is assigned to any student who has registered for a course on that basis. No more than one course may be taken on a Pass/No Credit basis. This option may be used for general electives only. A student must request the Pass/No Credit option at the Office of Student Affairs. This request must be made at the time of registration. This option may not be changed once the course officially begins. Degree credit is given for a grade of Pass. Neither Pass nor No Credit grades are included in the grade-point average.

T (Temporary). Grades of TB+, TB, TC+, TC, TD, and TF are used for all incomplete and temporary grades. Temporary grades are given at the discretion of the instructor when course work requirements have not been properly completed, e.g., major assignments or examinations. The letter following the T represents the grade the instructor would assign if the outstanding work were to remain uncompleted. This temporary grade becomes permanent if the work is not completed as required and notice is not received from the instructor to convert the temporary grade to a permanent one. The permanent grade may not be poorer than the assigned letter grade. Fall term T grades must be completed by the first week of the spring term and spring and summer T grades must be completed by the first week of the fall term.

TX-Term`s Work Incomplete and Examination Not Taken. To be used when the circumstances are such that both the T and X are applicable.

TZ-The TZ grade may be assigned only when a student is unable to finish course work due to a verifiable emergency situation. The student and faculty member are urged to endeavor to reach an agreement as soon as possible as to how the course can be completed. The TZ will have no immediate effect on a student`s GPA. However, if the situation is not resolved within the following term, the TZ will convert to an F, and the GPA will be recalculated accordingly.

W-Withdrawal. Assigned in the following cases: (1) when a student officially drops a course between the end of the change-of-registration period and the end of approximately the 10th week of instruction, and (2) when a student withdraws from the college prior to the end of the 10th week, if he or she submits a properly completed withdrawal form, obtained from the Office of Student Affairs, Ackerson Hall 110, Newark, or at 1 Richardson Street, New Brunswick. A College of Nursing undergraduate student may withdraw from the same required College of Nursing course or required natural science course only once.

X-Examination Not Taken. Assigned only when the instructor believes a student might have passed the course had the final examination been taken. The student must arrange with the instructor to take a deferred examination. If the student fails to take a deferred examination within two weeks of the close of the term or the time specified by the instructor in cases of extreme hardship, the X becomes an F. (A TX will become a TF at the end of such deferred examination period.)

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