Students have access to five computer laboratories in the law
library as well as others strategically located throughout the Newark
campus. Here, the university provides access to word processing,
spreadsheet, and database programs, including those from the Center for
Computer-Aided Legal Instruction, to selected legal databases such as
Lexis and Westlaw, and to selected CD-ROM programs. Classrooms equipped
for computer-aided instruction and distance learning also are
available. All lecture halls and classrooms with fixed seating are
wired for power and data communications, including the Baker Trial
Courtroom, the Robert N. Wilentz Appellate Courtroom, and other
convenient locations, such as library carrels. In addition, wireless
access is available throughout the building.
Students have
access to the Internet, email and news services, and discussion groups
through an account on a university mainframe system that is provided to
all entering students. Certain class materials, research materials, and
the means to develop personal web pages are accessible through the law
school web site,,
and other Rutgers web sites. These resources can be accessed from home
and other remote locations through a modem-equipped computer.