Study of Public Organizations (3)
Topics include organization theory; organizational behavior; decision-making; organizational structure and culture; work attitudes and motivation; networking and collaboration.
Governance and Politics (3)
Topics include bureaucratic politics,
democratic theory, federalism, and public sector
Performance Measurement and Management (3)
Assessment and improvement of organizational performance in the public and nonprofit sectors. Topics include the specification of goals and objectives; the identification of outputs and outcomes; and impact analysis, including unintended consequences of public programs. Emphasis placed on the role of performance information in governance and democratic accountability.
Public Budgeting and Finance (3)
Focuses on theoretical issues in public budgeting and public finance. Covers the central issues and questions in the areas of public budgeting and public finance, and the place of this field of study within the larger context of public administration, thus enabling the student to incorporate public budgeting and finance concepts into their research agenda. Addresses the macro and micro aspects of budgeting and finance from both the normative and descriptive views in the fields of public management, political science, and economics.
Quantitative Methods I (3)
Covers the design, production, and
analysis of quantitative data for research in public affairs and
administration. Reviews quantitative theory and models, measurement,
sampling, and the logic of causal inference. The course will focus
attention in particular on multiple regression as a tool for data
analysis as well as a framework for answering substantive, causal
questions. It will also introduce students to some additional
multivariate methods, such as reliability analysis, factor analysis,
path analysis, and the basics of structural equation modeling. Emphasis
will be on the use of statistical software and the interpretation of
results, with applications to substantive research questions.
Quantitative Methods II (3)
Covers various advanced, multivariate statistical
techniques used in public administration and policy research. Begins
with regression models for limited dependent variables, i.e., models for
nominal outcomes, ordered outcomes, and count outcomes, using maximum
likelihood estimation techniques. The course then covers the basics of
panel data analyses and selection models. Throughout, students will be
given hands-on training in the use of statistical software, the
interpretation of results from real data, and the translation of results
into useful summaries through tables and figures. Students are
encouraged to apply the methods learned to their own datasets, including
data from their ongoing projects or dissertation research.
Prerequisite: 26:834:607.
Qualitative Methods I (3)
Introduces doctoral
students to the philosophy and methods of qualitative research. Examine the similarities and differences between
qualitative and quantitative research design, different approaches to
qualitative research, including grounded theory, analytic induction, and
ethnomethodology, and how these relate to mixed methods design.
Students will be introduced to qualitative methods of data collection
and analysis, including interviews, observation and participant
observation, ethnography, case studies, content analysis, historical and
archival methods, action research, and video methods. The course will
enable students to interpret, evaluate, and present qualitative data,
and to design their own qualitative research proposal.
Experimental and Behavioral Public Administration (3)
Examines the application of behavioral science theory and experimental methods to a range of substantive issues in public administration. Students will design their own experiments to probe research questions of interest.
Citizen Participation (3)
Analyzes various approaches to understanding the role of citizen participation in public administration. Explores factors influencing citizen involvement. Examines potential benefits and dysfunctions of an active citizenry. An important focus is on the role of public administrators in creating structures and networks to encourage citizens to work with officials in policy development and implementation.
Intellectual History of Public Administration (3)
Examines the field of public administration
through historical lenses, focusing on the periods of development from "the
Orthodoxy" to New Public Management and beyond.
Leadership, Equity, and Diversity (3)
Addresses governance from a human resources perspective,
focusing on such topics as leadership and diversity in the public sector.
Mixed Methods (3)
Examines philosophical assumptions
that underlie mixed-methods research and reviews research designs that
use both qualitative and quantitative data. Students will learn how to
competently implement mixed-methods research designs through
application-oriented exercises.
Prerequisite: 26:834:609.
Nonprofit Organizations and Philanthropy (3)
the role of nonprofit organizations and philanthropy in society.
Exposes students to the major issues and multidisciplinary research
literature in the field of nonprofit and philanthropic studies.
Selected Topics in Public Administration (3)
Examines selected issues and problems in public sector administration and management. Students should check with the department to determine the precise curriculum to be offered in a given semester.
Globalization, International Migration, and Contemporary Cities (3)
Addresses the complex relationship between globalization, immigration, and urbanization. Also examines new forms of community and urban governance that have emerged in response.
Independent Study in Public Administration (3)
Independent research on a topic related to public administration under the guidance of an adviser.
Dissertation Research in Public Administration (3)
Matriculation Continued (1)
Graduate Fellowship (BA)
Teaching Assistantship (BA)