Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Graduate School-Newark
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Programs, Faculty, and Courses
Course Information
American Studies 050
Behavioral and Neural Sciences 112
Biology 120
Business and Science 137
Chemistry 160
Creative Writing 200
Criminal Justice 202
Economics 220
English 350 (Includes American Literature 352)
Environmental Science 375
Environmental Geology 380
Global Affairs 478
History 510
Jazz History and Research 561
Management 620
Mathematical Sciences 645
Nursing 705
Peace and Conflict Studies 735
Physics, Applied 755
Political Science 790
Psychology 830
Graduate Courses
Public Administration 834
Urban Environmental Analysis and Management
Global Urban Systems 977 (Joint Ph.D with NJIT)
Women's and Gender Studies 988
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  Graduate School-Newark 2018-2020 Programs, Faculty, and Courses Psychology 830 Graduate Courses  

Graduate Courses

26:830:506 Psychology Proseminar (1) Seminar course offering a general introduction to the psychological sciences and a detailed overview of research currently being conducted in the Department of Psychology.
26:830:511 Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience (3) Relationship between the structure and function of the brain. Comprehensive overview of how neurophysiological activity leads to perception and cognition.  
26:830:512 Advanced Topics in Cognitive Neuroscience (3) Selected topics in state-of-the-art cognitive neuroscience research.
26:830:513 Achievement and Motivation (3) What causes people to act the way they do? Why do some people strive to improve or demonstrate their competence more than others? The motivational control of behavior depends on many things, including goals, beliefs, and experience. In this cross-disciplinary course, students will read, discuss, and write about scholarly literature across subfields of psychology on achievement and motivation. Sample topics include drive theory and incentive learning, cognitive neuroscience of motivation, naive beliefs about intelligence, and motivation in education.
26:830:514 Social and Affective Neuroscience (3) This course will focus on the new field of social and affective neuroscience. We will probe the neural basis underlying basic feelings of positive and negative emotion, how they influence our decisions, and how we cope with such emotions to enhance well-being. Further, we will discuss how these basic emotion processes are expressed in our social world, where consideration for other individuals and the fostering of relationships are critical factors in decision-making. Students will be asked to contribute to class discussions, present original papers from the literature, take a midterm, and complete a final paper.
26:830:515 Neuroimaging: Methods and Theory: From Image to Inference (3) We are now at an unprecedented point in the field of neuroscience. We can watch the human brain in action as it sees, thinks, decides, reads, and remembers. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is the only method that enables us to monitor local neural activity in the normal human brain in a noninvasive fashion and over cognitively relevant time spans with excellent spatial resolution. This course will provide basic methods and theory underlying the proper and efficient use of neuroimaging measures, especially those using magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).
26:830:545 Behavioral Science Research Design (3) How to design controlled experiments in the behavioral sciences.  
26:830:560 Introduction to Neuroendocrinology (3) Relationship of nervous and endocrine systems; function and regulation of hypothalamus-pituitary-endocrine organs, their secretions organs, and their secretions (including adrenal, thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas, gonads, placenta); steroid and peptide hormones and neurotransmitters; and neuroendocrine-immune systems.
26:830:569 History and Systems of Psychology (3)   Selected topics in the history and the social and economic backgrounds of psychology. The relationship of psychology to trends in work, culture, literature, and political theory, with special focus on the history of child psychology, psychoanalysis, and cognitive theory.
26:830:570 Developmental Research Seminar (1) The Developmental Research Seminar is a weekly informal meeting for students in the developmental psychology track for the presentation, sharing, and discussion of research ideas and promotion of professional development.
26:830:571,572 Individual Studies in Psychology (3,3) Guided reading and laboratory research on special topics, individually planned for each student, under the supervision of faculty members.
26:830:575 Seminar: Perception I (3) Survey of the basic problems, theories, and research findings in the study of human perception, especially visual perception. Primary emphasis on the perceptual constancies, including perception of size, distance, depth, motion, form, and surface color.  
26:830:576 Seminar: Perception II (3) Advanced seminar on selected topics in human visual perception.  
26:830:577 Cognitive Development (3) How cognition, thought, and perception change as individuals progress from infancy to adulthood.
26:830:578 Seminar: Human Memory and Learning (3) Basic processes in human learning and retention, including single item and associative learning, factors influencing learning, and forgetting. One theme is the relationship between the basic processes of learning and retention and the more complex areas of meaning, concept formation, problem solving, thinking, and language.
26:830:580 Developmental Psychology (3) This graduate-level course will provide graduate students with a portion of the breadth required to graduate with a Ph.D. in psychology at Rutgers. Development is related to every part of psychology, including perception, cognition, social, emotion, and neuroscience. All of these areas will be covered from a developmental perspective.
26:830:581 Emotion (3) In this course, students will learn about various emotion theories, the development and measurement of emotion, and the socialization of emotion over the life span.
26:830:585 Psycholinguistics (3) Discussion of the issues, philosophical and methodological, involved in studying language as a formal computational system, as a biological system, and as a psychological system.
26:830:595 Multivariate Methods for the Cognitive, Social, and Neurosciences (3) Topics include clustering methods, projection methods (PCA, ICA); model-based covariance (Factor Analysis, MDS); discriminant analysis; neural networks; Path Analysis/Structural Equation Modeling; and neuroimaging methods (GLM, Classifier based methods).
26:830:596 Research Methods in Psychology: Cognitive Neurosciences Methods (3) Engages deeply and broadly with key methods used in cognitive neurosciences, including statistical models, experimental design, and data analysis. Prior knowledge of computer programming is not strictly required, but developing this skill will be a key aspect of the course.
26:830:610 Special Topics in Developmental Psychology (3) Examination of methodological and theoretical issues in developmental research.
26:830:612 Seminar in Social Psychology (3) Examination of the history and current state of social research.
26:830:613 Conflict and Resolution (3) Focus on psychological approaches to the mediation of social conflict at the interpersonal, organizational, and international levels. Topics include theories of conflict; cognitive, behavioral, and institutional obstacles to the constructive management of conflict; strategies and tactics of intervention; and theoretical and empirical issues in the study of the mediation process.  
26:830:621 Research Seminar in Psychology (3) Individual research apprenticeship in psychology with a member of the faculty.
26:830:644 Social Cognition (3) This course presents a comprehensive overview of seminal findings, theoretical developments, emerging themes, current and new directions, applications, and unresolved issues of social cognition research. The main query is how cognitive processes such as attention, encoding, mental representations, attributions, and heuristics shape social thoughts, affect, and behavioral actions. It reviews measurement procedures and experimental research designs, and examines their application to intergroup biases, the self-concept, health, organizations, and other real-world contexts.
26:830:645 Attachment Theory (3) Developmental, evolutionary, social psychological, psycho-dynamic, and ethological foundations of Attachment Theory are reviewed. Current controversies and future directions are discussed.
26:830:667 Cognitive Processes (3) How the environment comes to be apprehended; perception, memory, and thinking.
26:830:668 Selected Topics in Cognition (3) Examination of current developments in cognitive science.
26:830:674 Seminar: Selected Topics in Human Learning (3) Examination of current developments in the learning and memory areas; special emphasis given to work that is critical of current theoretical assumptions and to work that attempts to relate learning and memory to more complex cognitive functions.
26:830:675 Research Seminar (1) Direction in the development of an independent research program and training in the synthesis and presentation of empirical research.
26:830:677 Computational Modeling (3) In this course, students will be introduced to the computational modeling perspective. Topics will touch on neural network models, but will predominately focus on probabilistic models of learning and development, including: causal learning, language learning, hierarchical models, model selection, information processing models, rational models, models of active learning, and using modeling to characterize developmental changes.
26:830:681,682 Seminar in Psychobiology (3,3) Weekly presentation of current research in psychobiology by leading outside scientists, members of the faculty, and pre- and postdoctoral fellows.
26:830:685 Psychobiology of Behavioral Development (3) Current research on a variety of topics in behavioral development among birds and mammals. Topics include prenatal development, early sensorimotor patterns, suckling and feeding, learning and motivation, social development.
26:830:700 Research in Psychology (BA) Nondissertation research done in conjunction with a faculty member.
26:830:701,702 Research in Psychology (BA,BA) Dissertation research done under the supervision of a faculty member. Prerequisite: Successful completion of qualifying exam.
26:830:800 Matriculation Continued (E1) Only open to students not attending any classes or actively doing research on campus.
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