Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Graduate School-Newark
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Programs, Faculty, and Courses
Course Information
American Studies 050
Behavioral and Neural Sciences 112
Graduate Courses
Biology 120
Business and Science 137
Chemistry 160
Creative Writing 200
Criminal Justice 202
Economics 220
English 350 (Includes American Literature 352)
Environmental Science 375
Environmental Geology 380
Global Affairs 478
History 510
Jazz History and Research 561
Management 620
Mathematical Sciences 645
Nursing 705
Peace and Conflict Studies 735
Physics, Applied 755
Political Science 790
Psychology 830
Public Administration 834
Urban Environmental Analysis and Management
Global Urban Systems 977 (Joint Ph.D with NJIT)
Women's and Gender Studies 988
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  Graduate School-Newark 2018-2020 Programs, Faculty, and Courses Behavioral and Neural Sciences 112 Graduate Courses  

Graduate Courses

26:112:501 Neuroanatomy (3) Mammalian neuroanatomy, covering the gross anatomy of the brain, the ascending sensory systems, descending motor systems, cranial nerves, the higher motor systems, the thalamus, hypothalamus, and cerebral cortex. Includes dissection and slide viewing. Morrell
26:112:509,510 Statistics in Neuroscience (3,3) Introduction to statistics and data analysis. Fundamental statistical methods necessary for conducting research; analysis and interpretation of data using statistical computer software. Topics include hypothesis testing, correlation and regression, validity and reliability, research design, report writing, MANOVA, factor analysis, and meta-analysis. BNS faculty
26:112:511,512 Research in Neuroscience (BA,BA) Research rotation for course credits. BNS faculty
26:112:532 Cellular Neurophysiology (3) Advanced topics in cellular neurophysiology. Topics include membrane biophysics, synaptic transmission, and an overview of systems neurophysiology. Tepper. Prerequisites: 26:112:565,566; or permission of instructor.
26:112:565,566,567 Foundations of Neuroscience I,II,III (4,4,4) Broad overview of basic tenets, philosophy, history, techniques, and research advances in behavioral and neural sciences. Over three semesters. BNS faculty
26:112:589 Introduction to Neuropharmacology (3)   Basic neurochemistry and neuropharmacology relating to synaptic transmission. Chemistry and pharmacology of neurotransmitters. Experimental approaches. Abercrombie
26:112:607 Windows on the Brain (3) What you see is not always what you get. The brain is easily tricked into perceiving something that isn't real. Sensory illusions are a timeless source of entertainment but a nuisance when accurate perception is required. However, rather than being a failing of the sensory systems, illusions are often peculiar side effects of desirable neural computations. As such, illusions offer neuroscientists a unique window on the brain. This course  investigates a range of illusions from this perspective. Each session will use published scientific data to describe the behavioral phenomenology, the neural mechanisms that are purported to underlie the illusion, and the computational analysis that has been used to link the two. Some illusions that will be discussed are: rotating snakes, waterfall illusion, Hermann grid, Thatcher illusion, and glash-lag effect. Krekelberg
26:112:610 Neural Bases of Cognitive Development (3) Broad overview of the emerging field of developmental cognitive neuroscience. Behavioral and biological approaches to study of relations between early brain development and developing language and cognition. Major focus on neural bases of cognition in children (i.e., links between brain development and cognitive development). Research in cellular and animal literatures used to provide framework for understanding links between biological processes occurring during central nervous system (CNS) development and behavioral capacities in the mature organism. Weighs the contributions of processes intrinsic to CNS development against influences from such external sources as behavioral experience, trauma, nutrition, and hormonal states. Topics include historical and theoretical backgrounds for studying the developing brain, embryonic and fetal brain development, perceptual development, language and cognitive development, brain plasticity, and brain-based disorders of language and cognition. Benasich
26:112:611 Matlab (3) Matlab has become one of the main tools for the analysis of scientific data. This course will introduce the student to scientific computing, data analysis, and statistics in Matlab. While general programming techniques will be taught, specific examples will be drawn from the field of neuroscience; including the analysis of behavioral data, functional imaging, and spike and local field recordings. Krekelberg
26:112:618 Neurobiology of Emotions (3) Reviews research and concepts on the nature, functions, and neural basis of emotions. Evolutionary, psychological, and neurological approaches to the study of emotions will also be considered. Paré
26:112:623 Neural Networks and Complexity Neuroscience (3) Advanced topics from mathematics, statistics, and computer science with applications in neuroscience. Special emphasis is given to applications in human brain imaging, but most approaches will apply to all branches of neuroscience. Specific topics include: network centrality, emergence of complexity from simple deterministic systems, neural network modeling, and multivariate pattern analysis. Cole
26:112:625 Basal Forebrain: An Anatomy to Function (3) Lectures on current ideas about the anatomy of the basal forebrain cholinergic system, as well as its involvement in different functions, such as sensory processing, attention, and learning and memory. Role of the basal forebrain in certain neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. Zaborszky
26:112:627,628 Colloquium in Neuroscience (1,1) Neuroscience topics of current interest discussed by a series of invited experts in the field. Students will meet with the speaker for lunch after the colloquium. Prior to the colloquium, a precolloquium will be arranged where more senior students present one or two papers by the speaker in order to educate the audience about the speaker's research. The student presenter(s) will have the opportunity to go to dinner with the speaker.
BNS faculty
26:112:629 Human Neuroanatomy (3) Human brain and spinal cord covered in detail. Development of the nervous system and brain dissection. Sensory and motor systems, including motor disorders. Overview of complex functions and special systems, including the basal forebrain cholinergic systems, and the anatomical basis of neuroendocrine and central autonomic regulations. Anatomical organization of motivation, emotion, learning, and memory. Central nervous system vasculature and cerebrovascular diseases. Brain imaging techniques and the comparison of such images with brain sections. Zaborszky
26:112:631 Neural Plasticity (3) Lectures on cellular and systems level neuronal mechanisms underlying learning and memory and recovery of function following neuronal injury. BNS faculty
26:112:632 Cerebral Cortex (3) Role of the cerebral cortex on sensory processing, motor execution, and action planning, as well as higher-order cognitive processes such as working memory, long-term memory, and attention. An emphasis is given to the functional organization of cerebral networks and to the neuronal activities underpinning cortical functions. Polack
26:112:633 Learning and Memory (3) Cognitive neuroscience approaches to the study of human learning and memory. Major focus on the role of the hippocampal region in learning and memory, including discussion of human global amnesia, animal models of amnesia, stimulus representation, hippocampal function in specific learning tasks, and computational models of the hippocampus. Gluck. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
26:112:651 Critical Thinking in Neuroscience (2)   The ability to read and analyze research papers and seminars is critical to the development of a researcher in neuroscience. This course provides training in these skills, with specific focus on classical papers as well as more recent "breakthrough papers." The role of technical as well as conceptual developments discussed. Part of the course entails attendance and discussion of seminars presented by experts in various disciplines of neuroscience. BNS faculty
26:112:705 Neuroscience Methods (2) Cutting-edge cellular, neurophysiological, and morphological methods applied to neuroscience problems in mammals. Segovia
26:112:706,707 Independent Research (BA, BA) Thesis research.
BNS faculty
26:112:709,710 Individual Study in Neuroscience (BA) Individualized tutorial course based on the critical reading and presentation of research articles focused on specialized scholarship areas of individual faculty. BNS Faculty
26:112:800 Matriculation Continued (E1) Prerequisites: 30 course credits and 30 research credits completed and by permission of graduate program director only.
26:112:866 Graduate Assistantship (BA) BNS faculty
26:112:877 Teaching Assistantship (BA) BNS faculty
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