Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Graduate School–Newark
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Programs, Faculty, and Courses
Course Information
American Studies 050
Behavioral and Neural Sciences 112
Biology 120
Graduate Courses
Business and Science 137
Chemistry 160
Creative Writing 200
Criminal Justice 202
Economics 220
English 350 (Includes American Literature 352)
Environmental Science 375
Environmental Geology 380
Global Affairs 478
History 510
Jazz History and Research 561
Liberal Studies 606
Management 620
Mathematical Sciences 645
Nursing 705
Physics, Applied 755
Political Science 790
Psychology 830
Public Administration 834
Science and Technology Management 885
Spanish and Portuguese Studies 940, 810
Sustainability: Urban Eco-sustainability Track
Urban Environmental Analysis and Management
Urban Systems 977 (Joint Ph.D. Program with NJIT and UMDNJ)
Women's and Gender Studies 988
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  Graduate School–Newark 2010–2012 Programs, Faculty, and Courses Biology 120 Graduate Courses  

Graduate Courses

26:120:501 Neuroanatomy (3) Overview of the neuroanatomical systems of the mammalian nervous system. Equivalent to 26:546:501.
26:120:502 Foundations of Mathematical Biology (3) Introduction to use of mathematical techniques to solve problems in biology. Models discussed fall into three categories: discrete, continuous, and spatially distributed. Biological topics discussed range from subcellular molecular systems and cellular behavior to physiological problems, population biology, and developmental biology. Prerequisite: Linear algebra or permission of instructor.
26:120:503 Plant Morphology (3) Study of the major groups of vascular plants: lycopods, ferns, gymnosperms, and angiosperms. Emphasis on their morphology, anatomy, and reproductive biology, with discussion of evolutionary trends and occurrence in the fossil record. Prerequisite: Undergraduate ecology or botany, or permission of instructor.
26:120:504 Plant Physiology (3) Survey of modern aspects of plant physiology with emphasis on recent literature. Topics include photosynthesis, nitrogen metabolism, transport, development, and physiological genetics. Prerequisites: 26:120:503, organic chemistry, and physics; or permission of instructor.
26:120:507 Computational Ecology (3) This course is designed to be accessible to biology and ecology graduate students. This is not an "equations on chalkboard" course. As well as ecological theory, you will learn how to use a general-purpose computing package--a skill which will likely help you in your own research, whether you use it for design, analysis, or simply processing data. Prerequisite: Basic college calculus.
26:120:509,510 Advanced Problems in Biology (BA,BA) Advanced studies for doctoral student rotations through at least two departmental research laboratories.
26:120:515 Molecular Biology of Eukaryotes (3) First-year graduate course providing an accelerated review of eukaryotic molecular biology. Introduces critical reading and discussion of current journal articles. Nucleic acid biochemistry, molecular technology, transcription, RNA processing, chromosomal structure, molecular anatomy of the genome, genomic rearrangements, gene control signals, DNA-protein binding, carcinogenesis, and oncogenes. Prerequisites: Molecular biology and biochemistry.
26:120:516 Microbial Ecology (3) Lectures and problem sets on interactions between microorganisms and the environment; their role in element cycling in pristine and contaminated terrestrial, freshwater estuarine, and marine habitats. Prerequisite: Microbiology.
26:120:517 Developmental Neurobiology (3) Developmental processes in vertebrate nervous systems, with a critical analysis of current theories. Prerequisite: Developmental biology.
26:120:518 Neuroimmunology (3) Prerequisite: Immunology and Neurobiology.
26:120:520 Analytical and Computational Neuroscience (3) Mathematical and computational introduction to biophysical mechanisms that underlie physiological functions of single neurons and synapses. Topics covered include voltage-dependent channel gating, mechanisms, the Hodgkin-Huxley model for membrane excitability, repetitive and burst firing, nerve impulse propagation in axons and dendrites, single- and multicompartmental modeling, synaptic transmission, calcium-handling dynamics, and calcium-dependent current and processes. Prerequisites: Calculus III, Physics I, and Intro to Computer Science; or permission of instructor.
26:120:522 Resource Sustainability (3) In this course, students will build upon fundamental principles of ecology such as resource dynamics, population density, and ecological crisis to include the alteration of the ecology on earth through human influence. The interdependency of social, economical, and environmental factors influencing resources, their distribution, and depletion are the focus of this course. Building upon Rutgers-Newark's urban setting, the course will integrate the many facets of urban living, resource availability and consumption, and the sustainability for future generations to live.
26:120:523 Scales of Biodiversity (3) A graduate-level introduction to biogeography, community, and population ecology. The class demonstrates how the diversity of ecological systems is measured and explores how these fields relate to one of the most striking attributes of our earth: biodiversity. The class demonstrates how the richness and diversity of ecological systems can be measured and understood. Prerequisite: Undergraduate-level evolution, plant, or animal ecology or equivalent.
26:120:524 Cell, Molecular, and Developmental Biology (3) Advanced analysis of cellular systems with emphasis on cytoplasmic structure and function. Prerequisites: Undergraduate courses in two of the following: cell biology, molecular biology, or biochemistry. Exceptions by permission of course instructor.
26:120:526 Topics in Cell Biology (3) Detailed study of the structure and function of cells and their organelles; composition, organization, and functioning of various membrane systems; investigative techniques. Prerequisite: 26:120:524 or permission of instructor.  
26:120:530 Biophysical Membrane Physiology (4) Basic biophysical principles as applied to membrane transport in animals, plants, and microbes. Special emphasis on compartmental ion flux analyses, thermodynamics of irreversible processes, and electrophysiology. Prerequisites: Differential and integral calculus and physical chemistry; or permission of instructor.
26:120:532 Evolution (3) Critical examination of theories and mechanisms of evolution of animal groups. Emphasis on gene pool dynamics, models of speciation, and adaptive radiations. Consideration of evolutionary relationships of major invertebrate and vertebrate groups. Prerequisite: Undergraduate genetics.
26:120:534 Biological Invasions (3) Biological invasions by nonnative species have become one of the major environmental problems and an emerging focus of biological research. The course will primarily address the ecological and evolutionary aspects of this ever-growing problem. After describing patterns of invasion and linking them into a scientific framework, applied aspects will be addressed focusing on aspects of societal concern and workable counterstrategies. Prerequisite: Background in ecology or evolution.
26:120:539 Advanced Human Physiology and Pathophysiology I (3) This is the first component in a series of two courses that focuses on the underlying physiological causes of disease states in the acute and critically ill adult client. Using a body systems approach, content addresses the major pathological alterations managed in the acute and critical-care setting for clients who are hemodynamically unstable and technologically dependent. Mastery of course content provides the student with the pathophysiological base required for the diagnostic and therapeutic decision making fundamental to the management of disease states, especially seen in culturally diverse and vulnerable populations. Open to graduate nurses only or by permission of the College of Nursing.
26:120:540 Advanced Human Physiology and Pathophysiology II (3) This is the second component in a series of two courses that continues to focus on the underlying physiological causes of disease states in the acute and critically ill adult client, addressing content not covered in Advanced Human Physiology and Pathophysiology I. Again using a body systems approach, content continues to address the major pathological alterations managed in the acute and critical-care setting for clients who are hemodynamically unstable and technologically dependent. Open to graduate nurses only or by permission of the College of Nursing.
26:120:547 Pathophysiology (3) Examines the pathogenesis of major conditions affecting human beings across the life span, from birth through aging, and their clinical management. Laboratory and diagnostic data, as well as client assessments. Open to graduate nurses only. Prerequisites: Anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry; or permission of instructor.
26:120:548 Biology of Cancer (3) Examination of the mechanisms by which cancer cells arise, develop into tumors, and metastasize. Topics include chemical, biological, and physical risk factors associated with cancer. Prerequisite: Biology background.
26:120:551 Biology of Pollution (3) Survey of major environmental pollutants, their occurrence in the environment, their effect on biota at the cellular and physiological levels, as well as their effects at the population, community, and ecosystem levels. Emphasis on aquatic pollution. Prerequisite: Ecology or permission of instructor.
26:120:552 Paleobotany (3) Survey of evolutionary trends in the plant kingdom; comparative study of the morphology, anatomy, and reproduction of fossil plants and their survivors, with emphasis on the vascular plants. Prerequisite: Plant biology or permission of instructor.
26:120:560 Effective College Teaching (3)
26:120:561 Quantitative and Analytical Light Microscopy (4) Laboratory intensive course with lectures and discussion covering the physical principles governing eukaryotic cell function. Emphasis placed on electrical properties of excitable cells and model membrane systems. Introduction to the principles underlying light and electron microscopy. Prerequisites: Cell biology and physics.
26:120:563 Developmental Plant Physiology (3) Analysis of physiological and environmental factors controlling growth and differentiation in vascular plants, with emphasis on recent advances in the biochemistry of plant growth regulators. Prerequisite: 26:120:504 or permission of instructor.
26:120:571 Biochemistry (3) Examination of the structures, properties, and functions of proteins; quantitative application of kinetic and thermodynamic principles to understanding biological interactions, structures, and functions; pathways and integration of carbohydrate and nitrogen metabolism. Prerequisite: One year of organic chemistry.
26:120:572 Concepts in Pharmaceutical Drug Development (3) A synopsis of the principles and concepts that drive research in the pharmaceutical industry; decision making and assessment paradigms are presented, including disease areas, biological targets, models, and screens for new drug therapies. Human clinical trials and principles of drug development, including how both pharmaceutical companies and the FDA make decisions on drug approval and marketing, are described. Covers treatment(s) for drug abuse and diseases, such as depression, schizophrenia, and stroke, as well as some health care plans and legislation affecting patients in the United States. This course is encouraged for students preparing for a career in one of the pharmaceutical, medical, or dental health sciences. Prerequisite: Introductory courses in biology and chemistry.
26:120:573 Pharmacology (3) This course is an integration of chemistry, physiology, and pathology that will enable the student to understand why, when, and how drugs work and are used to treat mental disorders and other diseases. Students will learn the mechanisms of the actions of drugs in use today and the practical applications of pharmacology and its current integration into our daily lives. This course is encouraged for students preparing for a career in one of the pharmaceutical, medical, or dental health sciences. Prerequisite: Introductory courses in biology and chemistry.
26:120:580 Topics in Marine Ecology (3) A focus on selected topics, including nutrients, trophic interactions, invasive species, salt marsh ecology, and the fishery crisis. Format includes lectures, analysis of recent journal articles, and student presentations. Prerequisites: Courses in ecology or marine science.
26:120:588 Topics in Advanced Ecology (3) Discussion of selected topics in advanced ecology. Current literature and newly developing approaches and theories stressed. Prerequisite: Graduate course(s) in ecology.
26:120:590 Introduction to Environmental Biophysics (3) In this course, fundamental fluid mechanics in terrestrial ecosystems will be taught. Fluid encompasses all gaseous and liquid media, and their mechanics are transport phenomena, conductivity of surfaces, and their physical properties. Through mechanistic models, data handling, and simulation, students will quantitatively and qualitatively assess transport processes such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) in the atmosphere, biosphere, and in soil in terrestrial ecosystems such as forests, wetlands, and urban areas.
26:120:593 Ecophysiology (3) In this course, fundamental principles of how plants interact with their environment and what mechanisms are underlying these responses are taught. Through field experiments and subsequent data analysis, empirical models and simulation will enable you to apply the principles conveyed and assess processes such photosynthesis, water transport in plants, and nutrient cycling between the atmosphere, biosphere, and in soil in terrestrial ecosystems such as forests and urban areas. Through understanding and quantitatively assessing these phenomena, students will be able to make inferences to human health and environment.
26:120:594 Systematics (3) Present theory of the nature of the Mendelian species: theories of species origin, polytypic species concept; isolating mechanisms; the reduction of interspecific competition; and mechanisms of evolution above the species level. Prerequisites: Genetics, vertebrate or invertebrate zoology, and permission of instructor.
26:120:616 Topics in Biology (BA) Discussion of advanced topics in the biological sciences. Current literature and newly developing approaches and theories stressed.
26:120:640 Topics in Immunology (3) Discussion of selected, up-to-date topics in immunology. Current literature, student discussions, and presentations stressed. Prerequisite: 21:120:443 or permission of instructor.
26:120:651,652 Biology Colloquium (1,1) Various biological topics of current interest discussed by a series of experts in the field. Open to all graduate students in good standing in the biology graduate program and by permission to students in other graduate programs. All Ph.D. students must participate.
26:120:701,702 Research in Biology (BA,BA) Research for M.S. thesis or Ph.D. dissertation.
26:120:800 Matriculation Continued (E1)
48:120:601 (NJIT) Computational Biology I (3-0-3) This course will describe mathematical and simulation techniques used in modeling a variety of biological systems. Students will learn stability analysis, phase space analysis, basic bifurcation theory, and numerical simulation techniques with examples from neuroscience, cell and molecular biology, as well as ecology and evolution. Prerequisites: Students enrolling in this course are expected to have basic knowledge of calculus, linear algebra, and some programming abilities.
48:120:612 (NJIT) Comparative Animal Physiology (3) Explores how animals, from invertebrates to vertebrates, function from the cellular to the organism level. The study of the structure and function of the various organs provides insight into how animals survive extreme environments and how they respond to changes in their environment. The comparative approach shows that the underlying physiological principles that govern life are common to all animals, and yet animals have evolved unique and sometimes startling physiological solutions to problems posed by their particular environments.
48:120:622 (NJIT) Evolution (3) Provides a comprehensive overview of research in the field of evolutionary biology. Topics will include: the development of evolutionary theory, the history of the evolution of life on earth, the genetic bases of variation and heredity, natural selection, evolution and development, and speciation. The format will be brief lectures to review topics covered in text, followed by class discussions of relevant primary literature. Students will write two papers on the topic of their choice and will be required to lead a minimum of one class discussion.
48:120:628 (NJIT) Cell Biology of Disease (3) This course will briefly review normal physiological function of humans and will then extensively explore the basis of many human diseases at the cellular level. The goal is to understand how alterations in normal cell functions affect human physiology by reviewing current research in the field of cell biology.
48:120:630 (NJIT) Critical Thinking for Life Sciences (3) Researchers in the biological sciences must understand and be able to effectively apply the scientific method, and they must also be able to clearly communicate their ideas and results. This course will involve heavy student participation and discuss the scientific method, analyze and discuss data gathering and organizing, and analyze existing grant proposals with the goal of enabling graduate students to write a clear and convincing grant proposal.
48:120:638 (NJIT) Computational Ecology (3-0-3) An overview of computational approaches to the study of mathematical models in ecology. Topics include one-, two-, and multispecies models, life history analysis, spatial dynamics, epidemiology. The course is taught as a hands-on computer lab in which students explore models, perform simulation, and solve problems.
48:120:641 (NJIT) Systems Neuroscience (3) Examines neurophysical phenomena from a systems perspective. The course will review basic concepts of cellular neuroscience, such as excitability, impulse conduction, and integration of activity at the cellular level, before focusing on network-level physiology of the nervous system and its role in the generation of behavior. The goal is to provide students with the basic knowledge to understand neurobiological processes at all levels of complexity.
48:120:698 (NJIT) Selected Topics in Biology (3-0-3) Survey of recent research topics in biology at the master's level.
48:120:699 (NJIT) Selected Topics in Biology (3-0-3) Survey of recent research topics in biology at the master's level.
48:120:788 (NJIT) Selected Topics in Biology (3-0-3) Survey of recent research topics in biology at the doctoral level.
48:120:789 (NJIT) Selected Topics in Biology (3-0-3) Survey of recent research topics in biology at the doctoral level.
48:120:791 (NJIT) Biology Seminar (0) This seminar includes student and faculty presentations on current papers, student presentations related to their research, and occasional outside speakers. It will acquaint students with possible topics for dissertation search and provide an opportunity to present and receive feedback on current work.
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