The Rutgers-Newark/New Jersey Institute of Technology Federated Department of
Biological Sciences offers programs leading to the master of science (M.S.), master of business and science (M.B.S.), and doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) degrees.
M.S. Program
The M.S. in biology is designed to provide students with an opportunity to develop both
depth and breadth of understanding in present-day biological disciplines. The program
requires a minimum of 30 credits and includes a capstone thesis that is the result of
either a laboratory/field or a library research project.
All students are required to successfully complete a core curriculum that consists of at
least one 3-credit course in each of four of the following five core areas: (1) cell
biology/biochemistry, (2) molecular biology, (3) computational biology, (4)
ecology/evolution, (5) plant biology. In addition to the minimal 12-credit core
requirements, students must complete an additional 12-15 credits of elective
coursework, 6 credits of laboratory or 3 credits of library research, and successfully
prepare a written thesis.
During the initial phase of graduate study, the student works with the M.S. program coordinator to select a course of study geared toward his or her career goals and to identify a
prospective thesis adviser. In consultation with his/her thesis adviser, the student will
prepare a plan for completion of the research phase of the program, which serves as the
foundation for writing and defending the thesis.
M.B.S. Program The M.B.S. in urban eco-sustainability is designed to help students identify, analyze, and
better understand connections among social, environmental, technological, and
economic systems. Urban eco-sustainability covers issues of sustainable resources,
carbon sources/sinks, brownfield recovery, and utilization. Students enrolled in the
program have the opportunity to take courses at both the Newark and New Brunswick
campuses of Rutgers. For greater details about the program, please see the catalog link provided at the beginning of this paragraph and visit the program's homepage at http://psm.rutgers.edu/content/sustainability.
Ph.D. Program
The Ph.D. program in biology offers students an opportunity to work in three specific
fields of research in biology namely, cell and molecular biology, ecology and evolution,
and computational neuroscience. Each of the three options requires 36 credits of
coursework, including core courses, and a minimum of 36 credits of research. The
following is a brief summary of major program requirements:
A. Program Core Course Requirements
1. Critical Thinking for Life Sciences (48:120:630 or NJIT:BIOL:630) 2. Quantitative Analysis (48:120:615 or NJIT:MATH:615)
3. Effective College Teaching (26:120:560)
B. Discipline-Specific Core Course Requirements
Cell and Molecular Biology
1. Cell, Molecular, and Developmental Biology (26:120:524)
2. Molecular Biology of Eukaryotes (26:120:515)
3. Biochemistry (26:160:581) Ecology and Evolution
1. Biodiversity (26:120:523)
2. Evolution (48:120:622 or NJIT:BIOL:622)
3. Ecophysiology (26:120:593)
Computational Neuroscience
1. Foundations of Mathematical Biology (48:120:502 or NJIT:MATH:637)
2. Analytical and Computational Neuroscience (NJIT:MATH:635) or Systems Computational
Neuroscience (NJIT:MATH:636)
3. Systems Neuroscience (48:120:641 or NJIT:BIOL:641)
C. Elective Courses
All graduate students have the opportunity to add to their knowledge base by properly
selecting elective courses. In addition to course offerings in the biology graduate program, elective courses may be taken from offerings in other graduate programs at
Rutgers-Newark, NJIT, UMDNJ, Rutgers-New Brunswick, and
D. Laboratory Rotations Laboratory rotations provide opportunities for research and independent study with
graduate faculty members. Students are required to complete a minimum of two
semester-long rotations; it is expected that one of the rotations will be completed in the
laboratory where the student plans to complete his or her thesis work. Students start the
first of two laboratory rotations in the spring semester of their first year and the second in
the summer between first and second years of study.
E. Qualifying Exam
After the fourth semester in the program, each student must successfully complete the
qualifying exam, which is intended to examine a student's preparedness to initiate a
scholarly Ph.D. dissertation project. The qualifying examination will consist of written
and oral components. The written component of the exam requires students to prepare a
research proposal using a format typical of a pre-/postdoctoral grant application
submitted to the National Science Foundation. The oral component of the exam will
consist of a question-and-answer period related to the material in the written proposal as
well as knowledge gained through coursework, seminar participation, and general
participation in program activities. After completing successfully the qualifying
examination, the student is admitted to candidacy for the doctoral degree.
F. Dissertation and Thesis Defense
Once a student has attained candidacy status, he or she chooses an adviser, begins
research for the dissertation, and forms a dissertation committee. The dissertation
committee is composed of the adviser, at least two other members of the graduate
faculty, and one member from outside the program. The dissertation committee is
responsible for reviewing student progress and for conducting the final examination at
the formal thesis defense.
Bridge Courses
Students who hold baccalaureate degrees in an academic discipline that differs
markedly from the programs offered by the Federated Department of Biological Sciences
may be required to take additional courses to remedy any gap in preparation for
graduate work. These courses must be completed before 12 credits of graduate-degree
courses are earned. Bridge courses are not counted as degree credits. They do count,
however, in the graduate GPA calculations if the course is numbered 500 or above.
Departmental Facilities
The department's Analytical Microscopy Facility is second to none in the state of New
Jersey. Facilities include a FEI Tecnai 12 TEM equipped with a Gatan high-resolution
CCD camera, a Zeiss IM35 fluorescence microscope and low-light level CCD cameras,
Perkin-Elmer Ultra View Spinning Disc Confocal Microscope, Bio-Rad MRC 1024 Laser
scanning confocal microscope, Zeiss 510 Meta Confocal Microscope equipped for
multi-photon imaging and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, and multiple image
analysis and processing workstations. In addition, the department has a FACS Calibur
fluorescent cell sorter, an AutoMACS immunomagnetic cell separator, an Applied
Biosystems real-time PCR apparatus, a typhoon scanner, scintillation and gamma
counters, FPLC, an AAALAC approved animal facility, and a greenhouse. Individual
research laboratories house tissue culture facilities. electrophysiological equipment,
fluorescence microscopes, thermal cyclers, and digital plant canopy and root analyzer. A
student also can take advantage of additional facilities that are available at neighboring
institutions. Rutgers Graduate School–Newark maintains affiliations with the University of
Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, New Jersey Institute of Technology, and various
industrial research laboratories.