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  School of Nursing 2017-2019 Academic Policies and Procedures Attendance and Examinations Examinations  


Examinations administered at Rutgers School of Nursing comply with the university policy on examinations.

Regularly scheduled examinations generally are announced at the beginning of the semester. Unannounced examinations may be given at irregular intervals at the discretion of the faculty member. The administration of missed examinations, regardless of whether they are excused or unexcused, is left to the discretion of the faculty.

A student who misses an examination for a valid reason may ask the faculty member for a deferred examination. If the student is denied permission to take a deferred examination, this decision may be appealed to the course leader, the program director, and finally, to the appropriate associate dean

Deferred examinations from the fall semester must be taken within two weeks before the beginning of the spring semester. Deferred examinations from the spring semester must be taken within two weeks after the close of the spring semester. In case of extreme hardship, the time may be extended through the summer but must be completed no later than two weeks before the beginning of the fall semester.

Final Examinations
The following rules shall govern the construction of the final examination schedule and the handling of examination conflicts.
  • All final exams must be scheduled during the official final examination period, on each respective campus, as stated in the academic calendar, except those upper-division nursing courses approved by the associate dean or courses offered on the Blackwood campus.
  • Exam periods will be three hours in length and will be scheduled according the final exam schedule at Rutgers University-Newark or Rutgers University-New Brunswick.
  • A student shall be said to have an exam conflict if that student has:
    • more than two exams on one calendar day
    • more than two exams scheduled in consecutive periods (e.g., 4-7 p.m., 8-11  p.m., 8-11 a.m. next day)
    • two exams scheduled for the same exam period
  • If the course faculty desires verification of the absence from an examination, the student must provide it. Course faculty should accept printouts of the university final exam schedule that show a conflict in accordance with the above definitions.
  • Exams during the last two weeks of classes: During the 13th and 14th weeks of the semester tests of more than 30 minutes duration may not be given except where a course gives more than one hour test and a final. If there is no final examination in a course, the last hour test must be given earlier than the 13th week or at the hour scheduled for the final examination. This rule means that a second or third or fourth hourly exam can be given during the last two weeks, as long as there is a final exam in addition in the scheduled exam time, but no other exams of longer than 30 minutes can be given during that period.
  • A final exam cannot be disguised as an hourly exam and administered into the last two weeks of classes.
  • Reading days: No exam, classes, or presentations may be scheduled during the reading period.
Guidelines for Handling Official Exam Conflicts
Students have the right to a nonpunitive conflict exam at a different time in place of one of the original exams. In general, there are no rules about which exam must provide the alternate time period, and it is up to the student to discuss with each course faculty. If the course faculty are unwilling to provide an alternate time, the program director or academic dean will attempt to resolve the exam conflict. If the conflict is the result of the School of Nursing or course faculty having rescheduled an exam outside of the ordinary time period given by the rules for scheduling final exams, then it is the responsibility of the school and/or course faculty to provide the alternate exam period.
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