Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
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About the School of Nursing
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Admission to the School of Nursing
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Academic Policies and Procedures
School of Nursing Student Standards of Conduct
Essential Functions for Nursing
Academic Advising
Grades and Records
Academic/Scholastic Standing
Time Limit for Degrees
Attendance and Examinations
Communicable Disease Policy
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Academic Integrity Policy
University Code of Student Conduct Summary
Peer-to-Peer File Sharing
University Safety and Security
Office for Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance
Services for Students with Disabilities
Adminstrative Procedures for Responding to Disruptions
Policy Prohibiting Discrimination and Harassment
Student Policy Prohibiting Sexual Harassment, Sexual Violence, Stalking, and Related Misconduct
Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Act
Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act Reports
Graduation Rates
Teacher Preparation Program Pass Rates
Student Records and Privacy Rights under FERPA
Student Residency for Tuition Purposes
Research Policy
Patent Policy
Baccalaureate Programs
Master of Science in Nursing Programs
Postbaccalaureate Doctor of Nursing Practice (D.N.P.) Programs
Post-Master's Doctor of Nursing Practice (D.N.P.) Programs
Post-Master's Certificate Programs
Doctoral (Ph.D.) Programs
Clinical Placements and Learning
Student Life and Services
Continuing Education
Administration, Faculty, and Centers
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  School of Nursing 2017-2019 Academic Policies and Procedures Attendance and Examinations Attendance  


In accordance with the University Policy 10.2.7 Course Attendance, attendance at all regularly scheduled meetings of a course is expected. Faculty will define classroom attendance expectations. A student shall be permitted to make up required exercises and examinations missed as a result of absences when these are authenticated. It is the policy of the university and School of Nursing not to cancel classes on religious holidays; students who are absent because of religious observances are excused without penalty and will be allowed to make up work missed because of such absences.

The president of the university or an official appointed by him or her is authorized to cancel classes at the university or any part thereof in the event that weather conditions so dictate.  When classes have been canceled by the university, all School of Nursing classes, including clinical classes are canceled. 

The recognized grounds for absences are:
  • Illness requiring medical attention.
  • Curricular or extracurricular activities approved by the faculty.
  • Personal obligations claimed by the student and recognized as valid.
  • Recognized religious holidays.
  • Severe inclement weather causing dangerous traveling conditions.
Absences from the Classroom
It is expected that all students attend classes. It is the right of individual faculty to set their own classroom expectations.

Student Absence from Clinical
Students are expected to attend every session of a clinical practicum. Should an absence occur, the student must make up the missed time. The specific nature of the makeup assignment is at the discretion of the faculty member or preceptor. Arrangements for making up clinical time are based on availability of the clinical site, faculty, specific learner needs, and student availability. Progression to the next level may be delayed until these accommodations can be made. 

Students must personally notify the clinical faculty/preceptor and/or clinical site in which they are placed if absence from a clinical day is necessary. Specifics of this notification process will be supplied by the clinical faculty. Students who miss more than one clinical day may be required to be evaluated by the program director or associate dean.
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