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  School of Nursing 2017-2019 Academic Policies and Procedures Academic/Scholastic Standing Unsatisfactory Academic Performance  

Unsatisfactory Academic Performance

This policy describes the academic conditions which are considered unsatisfactory and jeopardize a student's scholastic standing at Rutgers School of Nursing. Unsatisfactory academic performance may result in probation or dismissal.

Baccalaureate Program (Generic, Second-Degree, R.N. to B.S. in Nursing, School Nurse Certificate Programs)

Midsemester Warning
At course midsemester, students in jeopardy of unsatisfactory performance in a nursing course will receive a written or electronic notification from the course faculty or course leader/coordinator.

A midsemester academic warning is assigned to any student for reasons including, but not limited to, an average nursing course grade lower than C+; unsatisfactory, unsafe, unethical clinical performance; and/or, poor attendance. Following a midsemester academic warning, it is the responsibility of the student to contact the faculty who issued the warning and develop an action plan. In the event the warning is for unsatisfactory clinical performance, the course leader/coordinator will be notified and review the action plan. Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) students must also contact their EOF adviser.

Absence of a midsemester warning does not guarantee a student will pass the clinical and/or didactic portion of a course.

Students are responsible for monitoring their own progress in the course to ensure they are performing at a satisfactory level.

Academic Probation
A student will be placed on academic probation for the subsequent semester (fall, spring, summer) for having one of the following academic deficiencies:

Generic Program First-year and Sophomore Students
  • One grade lower than a C+ in any nursing course (including Pathophysiology).
  • One grade lower than a C in any of the following courses: Anatomy and Physiology and Anatomy and Physiology Lab, Sociology, Statistics, Chemistry and Chemistry Lab, Nutrition, Microbiology and Microbiology Lab.
  • Two course grades lower than a C in any prerequisite course or supporting science course during a first year student's initial semester.
  • A semester or cumulative GPA less than a C.
  • Two withdrawals or a withdrawal and a grade lower than a C in the same prerequisite course or supporting science course.
  • Two withdrawals or a withdrawal and a grade lower than a C+ in any nursing course.
  • Students on academic probation must raise their semester or cumulative GPA to a 2.0 (C) within one semester.
Generic Program Junior and Senior, all Second-Degree Program, and all R.N. to B.S. in Nursing Program Students
  • One grade lower than a C+ in any nursing course.
  • Two withdrawals or a withdrawal and a grade lower than a C+ in any nursing course.
  • Students on academic probation must raise their semester or cumulative GPA to a 2.0 (C) within one semester.
  • Courses may only be repeated ONCE.
  • Students may not be placed on academic probation for more than two semesters for the generic program and R.N. to B.S. students, and for not more than one semester for second-degree program students during their academic tenures at the School of Nursing.
  • Students placed on academic probation are notified by email and letter and are required to make an appointment to meet with their course faculty to develop a plan of action to improve their academic standing. EOF students must also contact their EOF adviser.
Academic Suspension
Violation of school or university policies, such as the Academic Integrity Policy, the University Code of Student Conduct, or the School of Nursing Standards of Conduct (violations are specified in the policies) may result in suspension.

Baccalaureate students will be dismissed from the School of Nursing due to:

Generic Program First-year and Sophomore Students
  • Two course grades lower than a C+ in any nursing course at any time during matriculation into the nursing program.
  • Two course grades lower than a C in any prerequisite course or supporting science course at any time during matriculation into the nursing program, except during a first year student's initial semester.
  • Two semesters with a semester and/or cumulative GPA less than a 2.0.
  • A third withdrawal from any nursing course at any time during matriculation into the nursing program.
  • Violation of school or university policies, such as the Academic Integrity Policy, the University Code of Student Conduct, or the School of Nursing Standards of Conduct (violations are specified in the policies) may result in dismissal.
Generic Program Junior and Senior, all Second-Degree Program, and all R.N. to B.S. in Nursing Program Students
  • Two course grades lower than a C+ in any nursing course at any time during matriculation into the nursing program.
  • Two course grades lower than a C in any prerequisite course or supporting science course at any time during matriculation into the nursing program.
  • A third withdrawal from any nursing course at any time during matriculation into the nursing program.
  • Two semesters with a semester and/or cumulative GPA lower than 2.0 for generic program students and lower than 2.5 for second-degree program students.
  • Violation of school or university policies, such as the Academic Integrity Policy, the University Code of Student Conduct, or the School of Nursing Standards of Conduct (violations are specified in the policies) may result in dismissal.

Graduate Program (Master's, Post-Master's, and D.N.P. Programs)

Midsemester Warning
At or about the midpoint in a course, faculty may provide a midsemester warning of less than satisfactory performance which may include a grade less than B, poor attendance, and/or poor participation. Students receiving midsemester warnings are urged to immediately consult the faculty member issuing the warning and their academic adviser to discuss an appropriate course of action. Absence of a midsemester warning does not guarantee that a student will pass a course.

Academic Probation
Students meeting any of the following conditions will be placed on academic probation and will receive written notice of their status:
  • Earning one grade of C+.
  • Earning one grade of C. In this case the course in which the C grade was earned must be repeated and a grade of B or higher must be earned to progress. Students may only repeat a course once. Repeating a course does not expunge the original grade, which remains on the student record as one grade below B.
Academic Suspension
Violation of school or university policies, such as the Academic Integrity Policy, the University Code of Student Conduct, or the School of Nursing Standards of Conduct (violations are specified in the policies) may result in suspension.

Academic Dismissal
Students meeting any of the following conditions will be subject to academic dismissal and will receive written notice of their status:
  • Earning any two or more grades below B (79.5 percent).
  • Earning a D or below (69.5 percent).
  • Unsatisfactory, unsafe, or unethical clinical practice.
  • Failure to complete degree requirements within allowable time limits.
  • Violation of school or university policies, such as the Academic Integrity Policy, the University Code of Student Conduct, or the School of Nursing Standards of Conduct (violations are specified in the policies) may result in dismissal.

Ph.D. Program

Ph.D. students must follow the Graduate School-Newark.
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