Progression Through Curriculum
Progression through the curriculum is based on satisfactory completion of required nursing courses and prerequisite courses. Satisfactory achievement is interpreted by Rutgers School of Nursing as a grade of C+ or better in all nursing courses (including Pathophysiology). A grade of C, D, or F in required nursing courses will not be accepted as meeting the requirements for graduation from the School of Nursing.
For general education requirements, prerequisites, or supporting science courses, satisfactory achievement is interpreted by Rutgers University as a grade of C or better. A grade of D or F in any prerequisite or supporting science courses will not be accepted as meeting the requirements for graduation from the School of Nursing.
Completion of Prerequisite Courses Any course that is a prerequisite for a required nursing course must be satisfactorily completed before the first day of the semester in which the required course is offered. Temporary grades or incompletes are not considered satisfactory completion of a prerequisite.
Repeating Courses A Rutgers University transcript records all courses taken at Rutgers University and the outcome (grade or withdrawal). Students may not repeat for degree credit courses bearing the same or equivalent course numbers if they achieved the required satisfactory passing grade.
If a student elects to repeat a course with a passing grade, the second grade will not be computed into the cumulative grade-point average and the student will receive E credit.
Prerequisite Overrides The School of Nursing determines what course(s) a student must take, prior to, or in conjunction with a specific course.