Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry offers a course of
study in which traditional and modern biochemistry are integrated with
studies in molecular biology. Students
are required to carry out undergraduate research work, and three
research options in molecular biology and biochemistry are offered to
majors. This course of study prepares students for graduate studies in
molecular biology and biochemistry and related fields, entry into
professional schools in medicine or other health professions, or
employment in industries (e.g., biotechnology, pharmaceuticals) in
which molecular biology and biochemistry skills are in demand. The
same learning goals are also used for nonmajor students taking molecular biology and biochemistry courses.
Learning Goals:
I. Students should demonstrate an understanding of the
knowledge that is needed to begin biomedical research and that is required for
postgraduate exams and studies.
II. Students should demonstrate the ability to find and
evaluate information about specific biological systems or problems.
III. Students should demonstrate the ability to design
experiments and critically analyze data.
IV. Students should demonstrate the ability to communicate their
research and findings orally through seminar and poster presentations and
through written research papers.