Nature of Politics (3)
Crucial issues in politics: individual and community; political obligation and civil disobedience; stability, revolution, and change; legitimacy and justice; freedom and power.
Introduction to International Relations (3)
Explanations of patterns of behavior in international systems. Topics include the state, sovereignty, war, power, nationalism, imperialism, security dilemmas, interdependence, international regimes, and ethical issues.
Comparative Politics (3)
Selected political systems considered in a comparative framework. Cases taken from among both more and less economically developed countries. Focuses on governmental processes and institutions.
American Government
Comprehensive analysis of American political institutions. Issues and problems faced by federal, state, and local governments under the impact of modern conditions. The leading political, economic, and social influences affecting democratic government.
Law and Politics (3)
Inquiry into a role of law and politics in the federal court system. Focus on interaction between Supreme Court, Congress, and President. Assessment of role of courts in the United States.
Inequality (4)
Economic and political explanations for the growth in U.S income inequality since the 1970s; measurement of inequality; comparisons with other countries and with earlier eras in the U.S.; explanatory roles of discrimination, immigration, globalization, superstar and winner-take-all markets, party politics, and differences between rich and poor in voting power, political voice, and political participation; perspectives from other social and behavioral science disciplines. Lower-level elective. Credit not given for both this course and 01:220:120.
Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy (3)
Genesis and development of democracies and dictatorship in advanced industrial societies and in the third world. Role of capitalism; revolutionary, conservative, and liberal movements; contemporary forms of imperialism and dependency.
The Civic Community as Theory and Practice (3)
Critical examination of
issues of civil community, citizenship, democracy, and civic responsibility.
Includes special activities and discussion of community service performed in
conjunction with course. Corequisite: 01:790:400 Independent Study: Civic
Engagement and Service Education Partnerships (CESEP) program Community Service
Placement (1).
Political Economy and Society (3)
Introduction to issues raise by the changing role of government toward business and the economy; survey of major politics; introduction to competing schools and political economic though.
01:790:250, 251, 252, 253
Topics in Political Science (1.5)
Special topics that vary with instructor.
Intro to Research Process: The Literature Review (1.5)
Intensive examination of social science literature with an eye to understanding the structure of published research and writing a literature review. Topics vary by instructor.
Religion and Reproduction: Jewish and Christian Experiences (3)
Exploration of the
intersection of religion and reproduction the United States and Israel in
shaping reproductive practices, norms, and policies. Ethnographic case studies
of reproduction among Jews and Christians with some attention to historical
analyses and philosophical commentaries. Gender and religion will form the two
primary modes of analysis for the study of reproduction. Credit not given for
this course and 01:563:264, 01:840:263, or 01:988:220.
Politics of Disability (3)
Examines the politics
behind the creation and implementation of public policy related to disability
and the allocation of resources to support such policies. Teaches some basics of political activism.
Introduction to Critical Intelligence Studies (3)
Provides an intellectual foundation for the study of intelligence, both as it has been practiced through history and as it is currently practiced by different nationals and other entities today. Offers critical assessment of primary American efforts.
Introduction to Political Science Methods (3)
Logic and techniques of
social science research. Topics may include survey research, experiments,
content analysis, data processing, and elementary statistics. No special
math skills required.
Political Campaigning (3)
Development of campaign strategy, planning campaign activities, campaign organization, financing, public relations and media use, voter contact, polling, campaign ethics, the impact of campaigns on the American system.
American Party Politics (3)
Nature and functioning of the two-party system, its causes and effects, Particular attention devoted to the electoral role of parties, including political leadership and organization, nominations, campaigns, finance, and party programs.
Elections and Participation (3)
Mass political
participation in the United States as reflected in voting, electoral politics,
and other forms of political participation.
Congressional Politics (3)
Functions of legislatures;
their structure, organization, and procedure; the problems and principles of
lawmaking; and the process by which law is created.
Public Policy Formation (3)
Origin and impact of public
policy decisions on society. How specific decisions are made. How these
decisions affect the structure of society. Individual cases analyzed.
American Presidency (3)
Historical and legal
evolution of the office of the presidency. Role of the president as party
leader, chief legislator, executive, and public spokesman.