Leave of Absence. A student may be granted a leave of absence for a period not to exceed one year, if, in the opinion of the dean of students, such a leave seems advisable. Medical leaves are granted upon the recommendation of a physician at a Rutgers health facility. All students who request a leave of absence for either personal or medical reasons must complete a Leave of Absence form and then meet with the dean of students. After a student has been away for more than one semester the department reserves the right to request another talent assessment. A student who is returning to Mason Gross after a medical leave may be required to schedule a "return evaluation" appointment at the Rutgers Health Services before being readmitted.
Withdrawal. Students may withdraw from the school with grades of W through the 12th week of the semester. Students wishing to withdraw must speak with the dean of students, the department chair, and their adviser. They then must submit a withdrawal form to the dean of students.
Readmission. Students who interrupt their registration for whatever reason must reapply. Application for readmission can be found at https://www.ugadmissions.rutgers.edu/reenrollment. The student must consult this website for all relevant deadlines. Students are required to reaudition or resubmit a portfolio along with the application.
For the school's policy on readmission after dismissal for academic reasons, see Scholastic Standing later in this chapter.