A minimum cumulative grade-point average
of 2.8 is required for a student to register for an independent study/research course in biological sciences. A maximum of 6 credits of
laboratory-based independent study, research, or honors projects may be
used to fulfill the elective credits requirement in biology. The
independent study/research form, available from the advising office of
the Office of Undergraduate Instruction, must be completed and signed
by the professor in whose laboratory the student will study prior to
initiating the research project. A special permission number from the advising office of the Office of Undergraduate Instruction is necessary
for registration. Students may not earn academic credit for laboratory
projects for which they are being paid. Students wishing to apply
research credits from other departments toward the major in biological
sciences must get approval from the advising office of the Office of
Undergraduate Instruction, Division of Life Sciences, prior to
beginning their research project.