Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Undergraduate-New Brunswick
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Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-New Brunswick
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Degree Requirements
Course Listing
Explanation of Three-Part Course Numbers
Accounting 010
Administrative Studies 011
Business Analytics and Information Technology 136
Business Law 140
Entrepreneurship 382
Finance 390
Business Ethics 522
Management and Global Business 620
Marketing 630
Supply Chain Management 799
Real Estate 851
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Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
School of Management and Labor Relations
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New Brunswick Undergraduate Catalog 2017-2019 Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-New Brunswick Course Listing Management and Global Business 620  

Management and Global Business 620

For required courses for the management (620) and leadership and management (605) majors, see the Programs of Study chapter. Additional information about the undergraduate program can be found at
33:620:301 Introduction to Management (3) Focuses on major managerial functions including developing and implementing strategies, designing the organization so diverse employees work collaboratively, enabling ongoing product/business innovation, building an ethical workplace, and engaging with the global competitive environment. Rutgers Business School students and business administration minors only.
33:620:302 Management Skills (3) Focuses on the manager's role in working with and leading others including understanding how people differ; developing proficiencies for working with others through decision making and communication; enhancing emotional intelligence, motivation, and commitment; and building and leading teams.
Rutgers Business School students only.
33:620:320 Cross-Cultural Management (3) Addresses the challenges and opportunities that people experience in international, multicultural environments. Develops understanding and behavioral skills relevant to the interaction of different cultures in business and organizational settings. Utilizes a variety of methods such as experiential learning, case studies, and hands-on activities to develop cross-cultural sensitivity and competence. Prerequisites: 33:620:301. Junior or senior status. 620 and 605 majors only.
33:620:330 Women Leading in Business (3) Provides a foundation to develop the leadership skills and career goals as leaders in business organizations. Introduces the core concepts of leadership and career development with special emphasis on the ways that gender affects leadership capabilities and effectiveness. Prerequisites: 33:620:301. Not open to first-year students.
33:620:340 Networking and Influence in Business (3) Examines the theory and practice of professional and social networking and of building relationships in a job and career; explores the role of power, influence, and legitimacy in organizations. Prerequisites: 33:620:301. Junior or senior status. 620 and 605 majors only.
33:620:350 Negotiations (3) Examines major concepts, theories, and processes of negotiation; analyzes the dynamics of interpersonal and intergroup conflict and its resolution in managerial settings; explores the structural (e.g., parities, position, interests) and process-oriented dynamics that occur during the negotiation process. Prerequisites: 33:620:301. Junior or senior status.
33:620:365 Management of Human Resources (3) Explores traditional issues (e.g., staffing, training, job evaluation, compensation, and benefits administration) and contemporary concerns (e.g., organizational change, employee ownership, and cross-cultural and international considerations) related to the management of human resources; emphasizes government legislation affecting human resource functions and the linkage between human resource management and firm strategy. Prerequisites: 33:620:301. Junior or senior status. 620 and 605 majors only. Credit not given for both 33:620:365 and 37:533:301.
33:620:369 International Business (3) The distinctive circumstances of management arising from the conduct of business in more than one country. Topics include international monetary systems, trade framework, European economic community and regional groups, home and host country policies in international investments, and international agencies. Relevant for the conduct of international business and the management of international corporations. Prerequisites: 33:620:301. Junior or senior status. 620 and 605 majors only
33:620:370 Managing Diversity in Organizations (3) Explores the demographic diversity of the U.S. labor force and the challenge it presents to organization managers; treats diversity from the perspective of cultures and subcultures. Prerequisites: 33:620:301. Junior or senior status. 620 and 605 majors only.
33:620:375 Organizational Design and Change (3) Describes major perspectives on organizational structures, processes, and culture; examines models of organizational change; introduces methodologies that facilitate creativity and change at the individual, group, and organizational levels. Prerequisites: 33:620:301. Junior or senior status. 620 and 605 majors only.
33:620:410 Executive Leadership (3) Analyzes leaders, the leadership role, and the leadership process in organizational settings; examines leadership activities and classical and contemporary theories; investigates interactions among leadership styles, employee predispositions, group makeup, and organizational culture. Prerequisites: 33:620:302. Junior or senior status. 620 and 605 majors only.
33:620:425 Management Consulting (3) Provides the best practice skills that internal and external consultants need to introduce change in organizations. Covers problem assessment, data collection and analysis, and implementation. Prerequisites: 33:620:301. Junior or senior status. 620 and 605 majors only.
33:620:430 Team Building and Group Process (3) Examines the skills needed to successfully manage teams in organizations. Utilizes exercises, role-plays, case analyses, and discussions to establish skills. Skills examined and practiced include team building, conflict management, decision making, and strategic thinking. Prerequisites: 33:620:301. Junior or senior status. 620 and 605 majors only.
33:620:492 Business Policy and Strategy (3) Explores strategic decision making at the business and corporate levels, which determines the competitive advantage of a firm and its short- and long-term performance. Topics include situation analysis, core competence, competitive strategy, mergers/acquisitions, strategic alliances, and corporate restructuring. Prerequisites: 33:390:300/33:390:310, 33:620:301, 33:630:301. Senior status. Rutgers Business School majors only.
33:620:495,496 Honors Project in Management (3,3) Individual research and preparation of a written thesis under direction of a management faculty member. Prerequisites: Open to management or leadership and management seniors in honors program only. Both semesters must be completed to receive credit.
33:620:498,499 Independent Management Projects (3,3) Individual research and reading program under the guidance of a departmental faculty member. Prerequisites: Junior or senior status, 12 credits in management, and permission of department. 620 and 605 majors only.
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