Planet Earth (3)
Introductory geology for the nonscience major, designed to give a broad, basic understanding of the planet on which we reside, its age and origin, composition and evolution, interrelationships of Earth's major physical systems, scientific revolutions in Earth science, and the role the physical Earth plays in global politics and economics.
Credit not given for both this course and 01:460:101.
Introductory Geology (4)
Geological concepts,
principles, and processes, chemistry and physics of the Earth. Course consists of two lecture periods
and one laboratory session per week; labs consist of geological experiments and
observations, mineral and rock identification, geological sample analysis,
structural and seismological interpretation. Field trip to be arranged.
Credit not given for both this course and 01:460:100.
Introductory Geology II: Historical (3)
Principles and concepts of plate tectonics and reconstructing past
geography and environments; history of Earth's climate, environments,
biogeochemical cycles, and life through time.
Pre- or corequisite: 01:460:101. Designed for majors and minors. Credit not given for this course and 01:460:212.
Introductory Geology Laboratory (1)
Laboratory component for 01:460:101 for students who have already taken
01:460:100 Planet Earth or 01:460:101 Introductory Geology. Lab times are those scheduled for
01:460:101 labs.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor only.
Honors Introductory Geology Laboratory (2)
Fundamentals of physical geology. Field observations and measurements of geologic processes and outcrops.
Lab. 6 hrs. Pre- or corequisite: 01:460:101.
Sea Change (3)
History of global and regional sea-level changes through
geological time and their impact on the New Jersey coast. Relationships among
carbon dioxide, temperature, and sea-level change. Social, ethical, economic,
and political concerns are explored.
Introduction to Oceanography (3)
Ongoing discoveries and developing knowledge including plate tectonics, the properties and motion of the ocean (waves, tides, and currents), ocean resources (food, energy, minerals), and related marine environmental issues that are changing our understanding of the way our planet works and that impact on our lives.
Credit not given for this course and 01:460:209 or 11:628:120.
Earthquakes and Volcanoes (3)
Plate tectonics and the origin of earthquakes and volcanoes: causes, mechanisms, consequences, and effect on humans.
Environmental Geology (3)
Analyses of issues and case studies related to cleaning up the environment, finding and using resources, predicting and mitigating natural disasters, and understanding global change.
The Water Planet (3)
Characteristics of water: hydrologic cycle; runoff and erosion; river systems; past and present climates. Environmental impact; resources of water; political and economic aspects of water.
Credit not given for both this course and 11:628:204.
Dinosaurs (3)
Survey of dinosaurian evolution and diversity. Discovery and collection; reconstruction of anatomy, behavior, physiology, and habitats; origin, evolutionary radiation, and extinction.
Earth's Resources and the Global Economy (3)
Introduction to the geologic setting and origin of the
Earth's natural resources. Topics
include the exploitation of energy resources (oil and gas) and metallic and
nonmetallic deposits and its impact on society.
The Last 11,000 Years (3)
Geologic events since the last ice age. Sea-level changes, volcanism, earthquakes, climatic change, erosional and depositional effects. Ancient record of events, myths.
Exploration of the Oceans (3)
Geological and geophysical exploration techniques; deep sea drilling; continental shelves; deep ocean basins; plate tectonics; coral reefs; offshore petroleum exploration; marine archaeological discoveries; Monitor; Titanic.
Credit not given for this course and 01:460:120 or 11:628:120.
Earth and Life through Time (3)
Relationship between the development of continents and oceans, changes in sedimentary environments, and the evolution of life through time.
Designed for nonmajors. Credit not given for both this course and 01:460:102.
Mars: The Next Frontier (3)
Cross-disciplinary evidence for the formation and evolution of the planet and its climate system during the past 4.56 billion years. Complex history of the surface revealed by ongoing space missions, and significance of meteorites from Mars. Role of water and potential for life on Mars' surface during its history.
Prerequisite: 01:460:101.
Geology of the Moons and Planets (3)
Origin, composition, and evolution of the solar system, meteorites, comets, asteroids, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto, Saturn and its satellites, Uranus, and Neptune.
Mineralogy (4)
Introduction to crystallography, optics and crystal chemistry, systematics of rock-forming minerals. Laboratory: crystal chemical calculations, minerals in hand specimen and thin section.
Lec. 3 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. Prerequisites: 01:160:161-162. Pre- or corequisite: 01:460:103. Credit not given for both this course and 01:460:331.
Petrology (4)
Description, geological setting, and origin of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Laboratory: hand specimens and thin sections of igneous and metamorphic rocks.
Lec. 3 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. Prerequisite: 01:460:301. Credit not given for both this course and 01:460:331.
Paleontology (4)
Principles of paleontology. Classification, relationships, and evolutionary history of invertebrate fossils. Laboratory study of morphology of invertebrates.
Lec. 3 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. Prerequisite: 01:460:101.
Evolution and Geologic Time (3)
Major events in the evolution of life on Earth; evolutionary pattern and process through geologic time; relationship of macro- and microevolutionary theory.
Prerequisite: 01:460:101.
Structural Geology (4)
Geometry and origin of brittle and ductile structures; strain, stress, and rheology; deformation mechanisms; introduction to tectonics and regional structural geology.
Lec. 3 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. Prerequisites: 01:460:101 and 103. Recommended pre- or corequisite: 01:640:CALC2.
Sedimentary Geology (4)
Interpretation of sedimentary rocks; their relation to depositional environment and processes. Analysis of sedimentary sequences in time and space. Principles of correlation.
Lec. 3 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. Prerequisite: 01:460:101. Credit not given for both this course and 01:460:340 or 341.
Fundamentals of Mineralogy and Petrology (4)
Systematics of rock-forming minerals. Description, geologic setting, and origin of igneous and metamorphic rocks.
Lec. 3 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. Prerequisite: 01:460:101. Credit not given for both this course and 01:460:301 or 302.
Sedimentology (4)
The origin of sediments and sedimentary rocks, with emphasis on processes in recent sedimentary environments and their ancient analogs.
Lec. 3 hrs., lab. 3 hrs., field trips. Pre- or corequisite: 01:460:101. Credit not given for both this course and 01:460:330.
Stratigraphy (4)
Analysis of sedimentary rocks of Earth's crust; their distribution in time and space; principles of correlation. Interpretation of seismic reflection profiles.
Lec. 3 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. Prerequisite: 01:460:340. Credit not given for both this course and 01:460:330.
Geology Colloquium (1,1)
Current research in geological sciences.
Lec. and discussions 1 hr. For geological sciences majors only.
Microstratigraphic Analysis in Archaeology (3)
Field and laboratory studies of geological context in archaeological sites. Data collection and sampling, sediment analysis, and reporting. Interpretation of depositional and postdepositional features.
Recommended prerequisite: 01:460:340 or 330. Credit not given for both this course and 01:070:394.
Geochronology in Geosciences and Anthropology (3)
Isotopic, astronomical, and paleomagnetic dating techniques in geology and anthropology.
Prerequisite: 01:460:101.
Introduction to Geochemistry (4)
Application of chemical principles and techniques to geologic problems. Geochemical structure of the Earth, element distribution, Eh-ph diagrams, and phase-equilibrium diagrams.
Prerequisite: 01:460:301.
Ore Deposits (3)
Geochemistry, mineralogy, and origin of ore deposits. Physical-chemical, ore-forming processes and their relation to geologic environment.
Prerequisite: 01:460:302.
Geomorphology (3)
Application of Earth system science to understanding the evolution of landforms and landscapes on the Earth's surface.
Lec. 3 hrs. Prerequisite: 01:460:101 or equivalent.
Field Geology (3)
Methodology of field investigations: pace and compass; aerial photo and topographic mapping; construction of geological maps and cross sections; interpretations of seismic profiles; preparation of written reports.
Lec. 1 hr., lab. 6 hrs. Prerequisites: 01:460:307 and 330 or 341 or permission of instructor. Satisfies field requirement.
Geological Field Methods (2)
Introduction to geological mapping and related field investigations; surveying methods; construction of geological maps, stratigraphic sections and cross sections; interpretation of seismic reflection profiles; computer applications; preparation of written reports.
Pre- or corequisites: 01:460:307 and 330 or 341. Course does not satisfy the field requirement.
Geophysics (4)
Principles of seismic exploration, refraction, reflection, deep Earth seismology, gravity, magnetics, electrical surveys, heat flow. Application of geophysical techniques to the study of the subsurface.
Hydrologic Processes (3)
Introduction to physical principles of water cycling through the Earth's atmosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere, with emphasis on water storage, flux, and flow pathways among the various reservoirs near the land surface.
Prerequisites: 01:640:CALC2 Calculus (4) or equivalent, and 01:750:204 General Physics (3) or equivalent, or permission of the instructor.
Environmental Geochemistry (3)
Distribution of elements in the sedimentary environment; behavior of trace metals in sediments and waters.
Pre- or corequisites: 01:160:162, 01:460:101.
Geological Modeling (3)
Computer techniques for collection, processing, interpretation, and presentation of geological and geophysical data. Computer-based modeling exercises in geologic and geophysical exploration and environment assessment.
Pre- or corequisite: 01:460:301 or 303 or 340.
Remote Sensing for Geological Sciences (3)
Hands-on methods for extracting geologic information from aerial and/or satellite imagery. Concepts relevant for environmental, energy, and planetary geology applications.
Prerequisite: 01:460:101. Pre- or corequisite: 01:460:307 or 341 or 330 or by permission of instructor.
Hydrogeology (3)
Introduction to physical and chemical principles of fluid flow and mass transport through geologic media, with emphasis on quantitative characterization of groundwater systems.
Prerequisites: 01:640:CALC2, 01:750:204, and 01:460:101; or permission of instructor.
Tectonics and Regional Structural Geology (3)
Theories of tectonics, regional tectonostratigraphic analysis, development of the Earth's Phanerozoic orogens.
Prerequisite: 01:460:307.
The Quarternary Period (3)
Explores the history of Earth over the last two million years during times of global climate change, sea-level fluctuations, migrations of plant and animal communities, extinctions, and evolution of humans.
Lec. 3 hrs., field trips. Prerequisite: 01:460:101 or equivalent.
Marine Geology (3)
Structure and oceanographic setting, marine sediments, evolution of ocean basins and margins.
Prerequisite: 01:460:341.
Paleoecology (3)
Evolution in an ecological context: analysis of ancient living systems; evolution of marine ecosystems in geologic time.
Prerequisites: 01:460:303 and 341, or permission of instructor.
Micropaleontology (3)
Studies of foraminifera, calcareous nannoplankton, and siliceous microplankton emphasizing stratigraphic, paleoecologic, and paleoceanographic utility.
History of the Earth System (3)
Earth as an evolving physical/biological system, including physical and
biogeochemical processes whose interactions have shaped Earth's
environment over geologic time.
Pre- or corequisites: Any three of 01:119:102, 01:160:162, 01:460:101, 01:750:204, or permission of instructor.
Independent Studies in Geology (1-3,1-3)
Topic of study chosen in consultation with a faculty adviser.
Prerequisites: Minimum 3.0 cumulative and geology grade-point averages. Adviser's approval required for registration. Credits by arrangement.
Honors in Geology (3,3)
Research project chosen in consultation with a faculty adviser.
Both semesters must be completed to receive credit. See section on departmental honors program for registration requirements.