The Pharm.D. Honors Research Program is designed to provide exceptional students in the School of Pharmacy with in-depth research training and experience in a specialized area of interest. The program is flexible, to maximize opportunities and meet student needs; students may enter at any time from the spring semester of the second preprofessional year through the fall semester of the second professional year, though they are encouraged to enter the program as early as feasible. The admission requirements include a cumulative GPA of 3.3 or better, a letter of recommendation from an Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy faculty member who agrees to serve as the student's Honors Research mentor, and an application form with essay and resume. Students interested in the program should contact faculty members to inquire about availability to perform honors research. Students who successfully complete the Honors Research Program will be identified at graduation with special commendation, which will also be noted on their transcripts. The full program description is available at: Research Program -8-3-10.pdf