Art 081
The following courses serve as classes for the bachelor of arts (B.A.) and the bachelor of fine arts (B.F.A.) curricula.
Visual Arts Practice (1)
Crew assignments each semester in exhibition techniques and studio mechanics.
Required of all B.F.A. visual arts majors. Must be repeated for a total of 4 credits. Required of all B.A. visual arts majors. Must be repeated for a total of 2 credits.
Drawing Fundamentals I-A (4)
Introductory course designed to familiarize the student with the basic principles of drawing. Focusing primarily on fundamental skills such as accuracy in perceptual ability; a sensitivity to line; an understanding of compositional strategies; a working knowledge of one- and two-point perspective; an understanding of different strategies of creating space on a two-dimensional picture plane, as well as mastery of materials such as pencil and charcoal are covered.
Drawing Fundamentals I-B (4)
The second half of a yearlong introductory course designed to familiarize the student with the basic principles of drawing. In Drawing Fundamentals B, students focus primarily on their ability to achieve a wide tonal range within a variety of approaches while continuing to increase their technical and perceptual ability. The use of value, gesture, and mark-making to address composition, the creation of space, the use of perspective, accuracy in "seeing," as well as an introduction to the figure and mastery of materials such as pencil, graphite, charcoal, and pen and ink is covered.
Prerequisite: 07:081:121.
Seminar in Contemporary Art A and B (3,3)
The focus of the seminar is on actual works of art, beginning with Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, and culminating with current exhibitions of contemporary art. Students are required to go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Museum of Modern Art in the first semester, and to familiarize themselves with galleries in New York, particularly in Chelsea and the Lower East Side, during the second semester. Work in all media from painting, drawing, and sculpture to film, photography, and performance will be discussed.
Drawing I-A (4)
Subtitle: Collage and Installation This course will explore the idea of drawing as a contemporary discipline that expands on the traditional notion and definition of drawing. Ideas of fracture, montage, image/object, process, and environment will all be explored as students develop their own vocabulary and studio practice. Historical models, relevant texts, and contemporary artists will be examined. Research/special projects and group and individual critiques are an integral part of the course.
Prerequisites: 07:081:121 and 122.
Drawing I-B (4)
Subtitle:Systems and Mapping This course will examine the nature of drawing as a discipline and process as well as its relationship to other visual arts media. The creation of various systems as a way to generate, organize, compose, pattern, plan, model, design, execute, and possibly destroy artwork will be explored. Examining and understanding other artist's work, reading relevant texts, research/special projects, the personal development of an active studio practice, and group and individual critiques are an integral part of this course.
Prerequisites: 07:081:121 and 122.
Design and Visual Thinking I-A (4)
Subtitle: Black and White An exploration of formalist design principles and basic compositional strategies in two and three dimensions; basic skill sets within a variety of materials and approaches; familiarity with the process of conceptual to visual ideation; and development of a working vocabulary with which to assess their own work and the work of others.
Design and Visual Thinking I-B (4)
Subtitle: Color Basic principles of color that address issues related to its physical properties, scientific principles, practical application, cultural implications, and concepts of color "theory."
Design I-A and I-B (4,4)
Introduction to concept-based design process using both hand methods and computer technologies to develop original design solutions. The ability to use imagery and typography to present information and express ideas is course goals. Type terminology and history as well as the introductory level of digital applications for image manipulation, typography, and page layout are explored.
Video I-A and B (4,4)
Introduction to video as an art medium, its relationship to film, popular culture, and the art world. Course investigates uses of time-based media in modern art, teaching theoretical and critical vocabulary and concepts for appreciating and analyzing media art, for use in the creation of your artwork. By producing both assignment-based and more individually inspired projects, you develop and strengthen skills in image/audio acquisition, including basic lighting, sound recording, and in digital post-production. No previous video experience necessary.
Painting I-A and B (4,4)
Introduces a range of technical and experimental approaches to oils and acrylics, in practices that relate to the history of Modernist painting. Varied approaches to the problems of structure, shape, and color, and to the development of formal coherence and imagery through individual and group critiques. Aspects of representation and abstraction. Selected readings and museum visits required.
Photography I-A and B (4,4)
Foundations of analog photography with an emphasis on technique and aesthetic concerns coupled with an introduction to the history of photography. Photography IA emphasizes mastery of the small format 35mm camera, black-and-white film development, silver gelatin printing, visual literacy, editing, and presentation methods. Photography IB examines large format photography with an emphasis on 4x5 camera technique, lighting, alternative silver processes, and advanced silver gelatin printing.
Print I-A (4)
SILKSCREEN. In-depth exploration of silkscreen including
hand-drawn, computer-generated positives, and production. The course encourages
the combination of other print media and will include a short segment on
print as a 3-D structure. Artistic development concerning composition, content,
and conceptual ideas will be addressed through individual and group critiques.
Print I-B (4)
RELIEF. In-depth exploration of woodcut, linocut,
reduction print; work will be in both black and white and printing of
multicolored blocks including reduction block printing. The course encourages
the combination of other print media. Artistic development concerning
composition, content, and conceptual ideas will be addressed through individual
and group critiques.
Sculpture I-A and B (4,4)
An introduction to the fundamentals of sculpture. Students will explore traditional and nontraditional methods of making sculpture. Techniques and processes will include learning the application of various hand tools and machines, welding, additive and subtractive modeling techniques, mold making, etc. Demonstrations of selective processes will be given during each class prior to assignments. Slide presentations will be shown and informal discussions held throughout the semester.
Seminar in Video (3)
An examination of the recent history and discourse around art produced with video/new media. Current trends, genres, and conceptual frameworks are explored through screenings, readings, and discussions. Students situate work made in video/new media in the contexts of popular culture, education, and the art world. Open to students in any concentration.
Art Criticism (3)
There are official readings of art and culture, which most graduate students are familiar with. The focus of this seminar is on unofficial readings, on readings that challenge, unravel, and examine the underlying assumptions of both Modernist and Postmodernist theorizing. As Charles Olson said: "There are only/eyes in all heads/to be looked out."
Seminar in Print (3)
This seminar considers the history of print, paper, and
collaboration from Guttenberg to the internet. The course focuses on the
dissemination of printmaking and on the multiple in installation, paper,
photography, sculpture, and book forms. Readings, lectures, slides, and film
presentations familiarize students with current ideas, history, criticism,
practices, and artists who deal with the multiple. The history of the
relationship between the collaborative studio and the artist is explored
through the Brodsky Center for Innovative Editions (BCIE), a working model for
the collaborative shop housed adjacent to the print studios.
Seminar in Design (3)
Exploration of historical and contemporary critical debate in graphic design. Students investigate the ways historical, cultural, political, and economic factors have shaped design through readings, lectures, research, and presentation. Students situate their practice within the design discourse of today through an examination of the development of the discipline.
Seminar in Photography (3)
An examination of historical and contemporary discourse in photography. The course will include detailed discussion of major theoretical approaches to photography. Students encounter aspects of the history of photography and its interaction with other cultural forms through the development of historical, cultural, and political factors and their relationships to the present through key readings, lectures, film, and guest speakers.
Seminar in Sculpture (3)
Study of sculpture from the 60's to current contemporary sculpture through readings, discussions, museums, galleries, and practicing sculptor's studio visits.
Drawing II-A (4)
Subtitle: The Figure Intensive study of the human figure using a variety of techniques to develop skill, accuracy, and expressiveness.
Prerequisites: 07:081:221 and 222.
Drawing II-B (4)
Subtitle: Body as Subject Self-directed work where subjectivity, the abject, and the body in its less-representational formats will be examined through critical texts, presentations, and class discussions.
Prerequisites: 07:081:221 and 222.
Design II-A and B (4,4)
In-depth study of content-based design process. Students explore complex projects with emphasis on text and image; research, experimentation, visual refinement; technical and production skills further developed. Continued study of typographic practice in various contexts. Emphasis on sequences and series as well as concept, development, page composition, sequence, and typographic grid. Familiarity with digital applications for image manipulation, typography, and page layout required in order to take this course.
Prerequisites: 07:081:231-232.
Video II-A and B (4,4)
Focus on refining shooting skills, composing techniques, advanced audio postproduction and color correction. Continued critical and conceptual development in understanding and analyzing genres and media culture.
Prerequisites: 07:081:243-244.
Painting II-A and B (4,4)
Individual growth as a painter in technical skills and conceptual understanding. Emphasis is placed on working in series. Selected readings and visits to exhibitions required.
Prerequisites: 07:081:251-252 or permission of department.
Seminar in Painting (3)
This course is made up of readings, presentations, and studio assignments pertaining to current painting practice and the precedents that created it. Through discussions in museums and galleries in the presence of painting, we practice looking and situating what we see with the help of the texts.
Photography II-A and B (4,4)
An introduction to the practice of electronic capture, storage, manipulation, and retrieval of photographic images. Emphasis will be placed on developing skills and effectively using the digital tool. Photography IIB continues skills development with an emphasis on visual thinking and expressive, formal, and conceptual approaches to image making. Print production in various forms will also be explored.
Prerequisites: 07:081:261-262.
Print II-A (4)
INTAGLIO. In-depth focus on intaglio, including
engraving, drypoint, etching, aquatint, and spit bite. The course encourages
the combination of other print media and will include a segment on photo
polymer plates. Artistic development concerning composition, content, and
conceptual ideas will be addressed through individual and group critiques.
Print II-B (4)
LITHOGRAPHY. In-depth focus on lithography, including
stones, aluminum plates, photo-litho plates, and color lithography. The course
encourages the combination of other print media. Artistic development
concerning composition, content, and conceptual ideas will be addressed through
individual and group critiques.
Sculpture II-A and B (4,4)
In this course students explore a selection of diverse concepts, materials, and processes associated with making sculpture. Emphasis will be on exploring alternative methods of art production, expanding conceptual development as well as furthering students' technical skills. The course will address the development in transforming ideas into form.
Prerequisites: 07:081:281-282.
Independent Study (B.F.A.,BA)
Internships (B.F.A.,BA)
Art and Society (3)
Artists Writings (3)
Drawing III-A, III-B (4,4)
Through practice, experimentation, research, and use of a variety of media and methodologies students will explore more complex approaches to their drawing practice. These may include: the use of image and text; time, sequence, and narrative in drawing; and drawing as a performance practice, among others. Self-directed work in the studio and research and reading of critical texts are required.
Prerequisites: 01:081:321 and 07:081:322.
Design III-A and B (4,4)
Increased emphasis on research, interpretation, and authorship in graphic design. Introduction to techniques of print production and professional studio practices. Production of a professional portfolio.
Prerequisites: 07:081:331-332.
Advanced Design A and B (4,4)
Production of thesis-level work. Open-ended mentored projects. The course consists of studio work, lectures, readings, class discussions, and critiques.
Pre- or corequisites: 07:081:431-432.
Video III-A and B (4,4)
In the production of thesis-level work, the course includes studio work, lectures, readings, class discussions, and critques. More emphasis placed on cross-disciplinary theory and practice. Long and short-term project development, open-ended mentored projects, presentational strategies, and portfolio development.
Prerequisites: 07:081:343-344.
Advanced Video A and B (4,4)
Thesis-level production and postproduction. More individualized, complex projects. Preparation for application to graduate school and professional work in the field.
Pre-or corequisites: 07:081:441-442.
Painting III-A and B (4,4)
Concentration on individual practice. Development of personal style and content meaning. Selected readings and visits to selected exhibitions required.
Prerequisites: 07:081:351-352. Primarily for students who have concentrated in this area.
Advanced Painting A and B (4,4)
Mentored individual work in painting toward thesis.
Pre- or corequisites: 07:081:451-452.
Advanced Drawing A and B (4,4)
Exploration of advanced projects in drawing.
Prerequisites: 07:081:321 and 322. Note: Drawing 3A or B are not required.
Photography III-A and B (4,4)
A concentration on individual development by which students can develop a basic awareness and understanding of experimental and creative approaches to conceptual projects within the framework of contemporary photographic art practice. Photography IIIB continues further experimentation and analysis where students are encouraged to develop a more informed and individual approach to their photographic practice within the context of contemporary art. Advanced theoretical studies and individual practical investigations are used to support an emerging independent work process culminating in a final body work.
Prerequisites: 07:081:361-362.
Advanced Photography A and B (4,4)
A special topics class where projects concentrate on the approach to specialized development in photography areas such as non-silver processes, artists books, multimedia approaches, performance, installation, and photography based public art. Individual and group work includes research and short- and long-term project development.
Prerequisites: 07:081:461-462.
Print III-A (4)
LETTERPRESS. In-depth focus on letterpress including hand
typesetting and polymer plates on the Vandercook press. The course will cover
broadsides, artists' books, and chap books.Artistic development concerning composition, content, and conceptual
ideas will be addressed through individual and group critiques.
Print III-B (4)
PAPERMAKING. In-depth focus on papermaking including Western style formation, working with Japanese fibers, three-dimensional pulp
casting, coloring of pulps, stencils, watermarking, sizing, pressing, and
drying. Artistic development concerning composition, content, and conceptual
ideas will be addressed through individual and group critiques.
Advanced Print A (4)
MASS MEDIA PRINT. In-depth focus on the digital print in
mass printed culture including zines, books on demand, the poster as an art
form, and installation. Artistic development concerning composition, content, and
conceptual ideas will be addressed through individual and group critiques.
Advanced Print B (4)
ARTISTS' BOOKS. In-depth focus on handmade artists'
books including Japanese stab binding, accordion structures, single and
multiple signatures, Coptic, and alternative books. Artistic development
concerning composition, content, and conceptual ideas will be addressed through
individual and group critiques.
Sculpture III-A and B (4,4)
This class will set an environment that will encourage students to explore, define, and develop their artistic voice. Students will be working independently on their own projects. The object is to learn about one's own work through criticism, dialogue, and interaction with peers.
Prerequisites: 07:081:381-382.
Advanced Sculpture A and B (4,4)
Independently conceived sculpture project developed in consultation with the instructor.
Pre- or corequisites: 07:081:481-482.
Independent Study (B.F.A.,BA)
Internships (B.F.A.,BA)
Thesis and Exhibition A and B (3,3)
Summary work for art majors combining individual creative work with the planning and production of a senior exhibition and the writing of a senior thesis.
Open only to B.F.A. seniors.