Amy Bahruth; M.S., I.H., CUNY (Hunter College)
Richard W. Beatty; Ph.D., Washington
Organizational behavior
David Bensman; Ph.D., Columbia
Joseph R. Blasi; Ed.D., Harvard
Sociology of organizations
Teresa Boyer; Ed.D., Alabama
Paula Caligiuri; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State
Industrial/organizational psychology
William Castellano, Director of Human Resource Undergraduate
Program; Ph.D., Rutgers
Tracy Chang, Director, LEARN; Ph.D., Iowa
Dorothy Sue Cobble; Ph.D., Stanford
James M. Cooney; J.D., School of Law, Miami
Niki T. Dickerson von Lockette; Ph.D., Michigan
Steven M. Director; Ph.D., Northwestern
Adrienne Eaton, Chair, Labor Studies and Employment Relations
Department; Ph.D., Wisconsin
Industrial relations
Charles H. Fay; Ph.D., Washington
Organizational behavior
David A. Ferio, Director, Master of Human Resource Management
Program; A.B.D., Stevens Institute of Technology
Janice Fine; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Political science
Stanley M. Gully; Ph.D., Michigan State
Industrial/organizational psychology
Charles Hecksche, Director, Center for Workplace Transformation;
Ph.D., Harvard
Mark A. Huselid; Ph.D., SUNY (Buffalo)
Human resource management
Susan E. Jackson; Ph.D., California (Berkeley)
and social psychology
Carla Katz; J.D., Seton Hall
Jeffrey H. Keefe; Ph.D., Cornell
Industrial and labor relations
Rebecca R. Kehoe; Ph.D., Cornell
Douglas Kruse; Ph.D., Harvard
Barbara A. Lee; Ph.D., Ohio State; J.D., Georgetown
Higher education administration
David Lepak, Associate Dean; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State
Mingwei Liu; Ph.D., Cornell
Industrial and labor relations
Anne-Michelle Marsden; M.S., Florida State
Human sciences
Carmen Martino; Codirector, Occupational Training and Education
Joseph McCune, Director, Global Executive Master's in Human
Resource Leadership; Ph.D., Michigan State
Patrick F. McKay; Ph.D., Akron
Claudia G. Meer; Ed.D., Rutgers
Jessica R. Methot; Ph.D., Florida
Jean M. Phillips; Ph.D., Michigan State
Business management and organizational behavior
Saul Rubinstein; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Industrial relations and management
Randall S. Schuler; Ph.D., Michigan State
Organizational strategy and human resource management
Donna Schulman, Director, James Carey Library; M.S., CUNY (Graduate
Center); M.S., Columbia
Library and women and work
Lisa Schur; J.D., Northeastern; Ph.D., California (Berkeley)
Susan J. Schurman, Acting Dean, School of Management and Labor
Relations; Dean, University College Community; Ph.D., Michigan
Mike Slott; Ed.D., Rutgers
Paula B. Voos, Director, Credit Programs in Labor Studies and
Employment Relations; Ph.D., Harvard