A maximum of 6 credits from outside the journalism and media studies (JMS) program may be counted towards the major.
who wish to have a course they have taken elsewhere at Rutgers or at
another university considered as one of their required or elective
courses in the journalism and media studies major must submit a request
in writing to the program. Courses taken at other New Jersey colleges
and articulated through the NJ Transfer system do not have to be
petitioned if they are recorded on a student's transcript with a JMS
course number; however, such courses do count as transfer courses to
the major.
To request a review of a class from outside the JMS program to be counted toward the major, students must
submit a request that includes a copy of the full syllabus of the
course, a copy of the transcript showing the grade achieved, the JMS
course it will replace, and the reasons for consideration. The courses
are evaluated in terms of their very close match of content and skills
to the JMS course, the level of the course, and the grade achieved, which should typically be a B or better.