Honors Seminar/Tutorial (1)
Current topics with special interest to outstanding second-year pharmacy students presented in seminar form.
Sem. 1 hr. monthly. By invitation only.
Honors Independent Research (3,3)
Individual work for third-year honors students under the guidance of selected professor-mentor, including problem identification, library research, preparation of a written research proposal, and initiation of research.
By invitation only.
Kong and staff.
Honors Independent Research (3,3)
Independent research for fourth-year honors students under the guidance of a professor-mentor. Continuation of research begun in prerequisite courses.
Prerequisites: 30:720:391,392. By invitation only.
Kong and staff.
Honors Thesis Preparation (0)
Preparation of a written thesis by fifth-year honors students with guidance of a professor-mentor, based upon information and data collected in Honors Independent Research courses.
Prerequisite: 30:720:491 or 492. By invitation only.
Kong and staff.
Honors Thesis Presentation (0)
Baccalaureate thesis defended before faculty and presentation to Honors Program students.
Prerequisite: 30:720:493. By invitation only.
Kong and staff.